reign of duality

reign of duality

72 4 4

"breaking news, three notorious villains have been apprehended outside of their hotel after an attack on the white house".It'll never be the same... Everyone knows."Corruption under heroes, a rare occurrence or the newest trend?"A war will reign. Con-artist gamblers, hero pyromaniacs and Antisocial creators will they be our downfall or our savior?That is for them to decide.…

 equal {karlnapity}

equal {karlnapity}

46,821 1,921 16

a world where you are one of two things getting beaten up because you have powers or getting beaten up cause you don't have them the hero system is absurd and toxic but that's just my opinionyou might be asking who am I? Well thank you for asking my name is Karl Jacobs I am actually quit famous here in town but uh you probably recognize me better when you hear the name Perrywinkle the name heroes have given me because wellI am in no place to be called a herocover art: ✨me✨ (can you tell that I'm proud of it?)…



1,781 65 13

This is the story of Sapnap, a beginner wizard that was send out on an impossible task. He must break a curse so powerful that only the feathers of a nearly extinct species can break.Back in their prime time, gold feathered humanoids or goldies for short, they ruled the world. Their feathers holding enough magical power they could break any curse, they were hunted for sport and for praise to the point where only few were left in hiding. And Sapnap is tasked with: finding one, capturing one, and taking a feather.While he can't even do the simplest of spells…

the attic {Karlnapity}

the attic {Karlnapity}

2,730 132 13

"My apologies your highnesses... there is no one left". The ghoul spoke with his head pointed to the floor in shame, the royal sighed and spread his wings slightly "Well then... if you can't get it done, it seems that we'll need to do it ourselves" He said looking at his newlywed, he didn't speak, he only gave a silent nod.The house was well known, no ghoul could scare the inhabitants, all of them quitting, after a short amount of time.So, the two most powerful monsters take the task upon themself.…

Skate {Karlnapity}

Skate {Karlnapity}

11,751 255 16

karl Jacobs, wasn't a drug addict, neither was he a prostitute on roller skates. But people did call him those things, and surely enough, he's about to find out he is atleast one of those.A story were Karl Jacobs and Sapnap are at the wrong party at the wrong time and they get put under the watch of a probation officer that is dealing with his own troubles.Love…

And life said : Mwah!

And life said : Mwah!

225 7 9

-"So what do you mean by the lyrics 'and life said mwah?"×"Exactly what it says, life gave us a loving kiss of goodluck"-"So the lyrics isn't a reference to the band Kiss?"×"If I answer that question truthfully do I get plagiarized?"It's quite simple actually, a bunch teachers are actually in a world famous rock band. It starts by going viral... obviously. And then you get famous and need to hide your true identity, and at some point you also fall inlove?! God being famous is hard-☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆If the songs aren't linked in the chapter then they are completely original and written by me. Yes I wrote entire songs 4 this book, I'm not insane I swear.…

Down to wonderland

Down to wonderland

124 8 5

Based on the 1865 by Lewis Carroll Alice's adventures into wonderland or better known as Alice in wonderland tells the story of a young girl that ventures down a rabbit hole and ends up in a world of anthropomorphic creatures.But what if Alice wasn't a young girl with a big imagination but an established man with a sanity that couldn't be fooled, he might just get on the good side of the madhatter and in the meantime he might get a particularly close friendship with the white rabbit.And ofcourse, it's gay it's dream sml and as you know me: it's karlnapity.☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆Copyright: the book was written by Lewis Carroll whome died in 1898 and are world wide public domain…

tavern L'manburg

tavern L'manburg

213 29 16

"as the winter wind wailed outside and the fire place cracked I could feel myself drift off to sleep, but somewhere on the edge of our known world the night was only beginning for one" "In a fantasy where everyone is part animal, the only thing you can say is this world is divided rich from poor and poor from rich here you follow many point of views from kings that have everything to poor souls that lost it all." "Can a small tavern and a single page of poetry change the lives of these people?""well hi! My name is Wilbur Soot and I have the answer to all your questions right here ready for you"{cover by: ✨me✨}…

the wall between us

the wall between us

247 9 14

It's the year 1945, the war with Germany had just been won the great depression was long forgotten and many traumatized soldiers returned home from fighting abroad amongst the many soldiers was Dream, a pilot with major psychological issues and trauma to take care off.Then there is George due to being color blind and an immigrant he couldn't fight in the war so he stayed home and moved in with a 'friend' of his but that relationship soon turned bitter, with a brand new start and a brand new apartment George is left to take care of his problems by himself...Or maybe the army veteran neighbor will help him, while both struggling with their own issues these dumbasses get tangled up with someone else's... come find out what 'trauma haver 1' and 'trauma haver 2' get themselves into ⚠️I wanna give a TW for smoking⚠️ smoking is brought up in almost every chapter of this book, separate TWs will be put above the chapters{this book was based on a now-deleted book I had published I just didn't like it so I re-wrote it into this pls don't come at me Wattpad and I do hope you enjoy}…

updates and notes

updates and notes

86 7 8

so I don't know why but to me it seemed a little "unprofessional" to put random updates under my stories so I'll be putting them here!here I'll post updates questions and funfacts about myself every once in a while if you want to know tiny details silly funfacts about stories characters etc. make sure to check up on this book once every while maybe I'll post funny little details about people or headcanons that don't really make scence to the scriptbut hey it's something!…

alive, phantom, and a dead man

alive, phantom, and a dead man

1,025 58 13

Sapnap would call himself a skeptic, he doesn't believe in all that ghost shit. Two years ago he still had someone to argue about the truth with, but when his best friend passed away in a drunk driving accident he didn't have anyone. Well, that was until he met Karl, a store owner that didn't have all the screws in the right spots, a deranged scientist, a fifteen-year-old Native American, and a bisexual that died in the witch hunt may be the reasons ghosts keep on existing, how can Karl become one of the most powerful ghosts in history? Of course falling in love in the meantime, because what is more powerful as love anyway?…



602 22 13

this is a spin-off to equal but don't worry you don't have to read it to follow along with the story,One feared man isn't worth muchis what he heard, being born in a world with powers can be a blessing but also a curse, Corpse's life to the outside world was a wreck, the one thing after another, that all got turned upside down when at sixteen he finally got his power... more of a curse then a blessing you might say, his power is uncontrollable, in a way it's unmanageable.Then there is Sykkuno, never had a single trouble in his life, but one faithful night that's all turned upside downtheir both struck with the reality of their very utopic world,their left unmanageable{I'm not going to ship them, you can but I won't be }…

nether boy

nether boy

587 24 8

In a world where mobs and the nether are just myths traveler, George feels like there is just something more to them. So he sets out to find the last remaining Nether portal, all he wanted was an adventure but when he meets a mysterious traveler that introduces himself as Dream things take a turn.What exactly of a place is the Nether?Will they make it back out alive?And is Dream really who George believes him to be?- cover credits: yokcos700…