Alaska | Adam Banks

Alaska | Adam Banks

9,251 241 23

Augustine Rose Jensen, born August 13, 1981, in Iceland, was born to play hockey. Ever since she was a little girl, people would always find her on the ice. When she was six, she and her parents moved to Alaska, finding it right to start over after the loss of her grandmother, who had a great impact on Augustine's first few years. She grew up with her life surrounded by hockey, playing on a club team that would go across the nation to compete, having her of course as the star player and captain. Her team had a great reputation, and she became very well known as the greatest female hockey player in the nation. So when Augustine gets the invite to play for Team USA in the Junior Good Will Games, there's no way she could turn down the opportunity. With Team USA, or the Ducks, she finds friends, fun and a whole bunch of memories she will hold forever. She came to play hockey, but the Icelandic girl couldn't help but catch the eye of Adam Banks, star duckie and cake-eater, and a hockey filled trip will expand into finding young love in the places nobody expected. {Adam Banks x OC}{Highest Rankings}#1 in charlieconway#1 in conniemoreau[I do not own the Mighty Ducks series, I only own Augustine, her family, her backstory, and maybe a character or two I may slide into the story.]…

Ireland | Charlie Conway

Ireland | Charlie Conway

213 6 5

Ireland Adelaide Schularick. Incredibly smart and sister of the one and only Rick Riley, Ireland is loved by all. The sweet, kind-hearted strawberry blonde always appears to be the innocent and pure sister of the hockey star. No one really knows the real her, she's only known as "Rick's sister". That is, until she runs into Charlie Conway, captain of the Ducks and the new JV team. After, Ireland can't seem to catch a break. Everywhere she goes, she sees Charlie. Maybe it's on purpose, maybe not, but there's something binding the two young high schoolers together and Ireland won't rest until she finds out why. {The Mighty Ducks 3}{Charlie Conway x OC}…