My own Angel

My own Angel

5,297 194 49

Updates nearly every single day. The chapters will be short, but since the updates come quickly I think it evens out.I hope you guys enjoy my 420th Olikase fanfiction!So here in this story Oliver is an angel. more specifically, an angel guardian. At first he gets assigned a young girl around his age named Rin. He then later complains about her being too easy to watch over, so when Rin gets replaced a very difficult human, he and his friend Flower ,who gets assigned a young boy named Piko, don't think he can help the newly assigned troubled teen.He soon realises that this particular patient had a very sad backstory, and feels pitiful.That pity soon transforms into immense attachment to the boy.and that attachment reveals itself to be something else, something stronger...If you're curious and/or concerned about the ages of the characters, Fuka is 17 and Ollie is 15.The artwork on the cover is made by me, but @TheLavenderNarwhal made the rest of the art that I credited them for! It's really amazing!Thanx for stopping by!Cover is drawn by me!~ Also who else likes Flower's version of world is mine more than Mikus?-SEEEKAAAIIIII DEEEEE ICHIBAN - sorry I won't act like that π•π…

Floko/Olikase oneshots ???

Floko/Olikase oneshots ???

1,481 44 5

oneshots. floko. olikase. my 3 favourite things to write.sucks that at school you can't whip up a fanfic and not expect ppl to judge you.…