The King's Pet (mlm)

The King's Pet (mlm)

10,766 548 51

When we first met, we took to each other like past life lovers. The connection between us was undeniable and nothing like either of us had ever had before. From complete opposite sides of life, a king and a jester, we were brought into each other's lives by mere chance. This is our story.---DO NOT REPOST WITHOUT MY PERMISSION…

Don't Touch What's His (mlm)

Don't Touch What's His (mlm)

963,792 35,441 43

I had never been so in love. He was the definition of perfect. I wanted him to live like a prince. I wanted him to belong to me. I needed his love and attention. My heart yearned for him since our first meeting. The seemingly innocent boy...I wanted his body, I wanted his heart. Just by smiling he turned me into a beggar, something I strived long and hard not to become. But for him, I'd become anyone and anything to have and keep him.I cared deeply for him and anyone who wished any harm upon even a single hair on his body was to die by my hands. That was not a threat, but a promise.WARNINGREAD AT YOUR OWN DISCRETION! This book may contain content that may disturb, disgust and/or offend you. Please read at your own risk. Thanks.***IMPORTANT NOTE 10/04/2022: I wrote this book in the manxboy era of corny wattpad stories and even though Toby is well over 18 (he's 24) the language I used when writing this story is very predatory. I will work on changing this when I find the time to edit this book and other older ones which also feature this icky, predatory tone and language. For now please replace "boy" with "guy" or "man" and know that when I describe Toby as being a "boy" it came from a blueprint of how other stories were written and not because I was glorifying predatory relationships. I am very sorry for the predatory language.…

Bad Boys Love Good Boys||BoyxBoy

Bad Boys Love Good Boys||BoyxBoy

189,930 5,815 15

Disclaimer: this book ended up being more fluffy than smutty coz I lost inspo...I'm sorry 🥺👉🏾👈🏾MORE IMPORTANT DISCLAIMER: this book is a mess, honestly don't read it lol. I lost interest and threw in random things.----"I'll lick you up and down before giving you countless hickeys. I'll pump you until you reach your climax and swallow every last drop of your nut. I'll pop your pink flushed dick into my mouth for a second round before letting you come in my mouth. Then will the fun begin. I'll start by thrusting into your tight ass nice and hard for the first few minutes. I'll pump you again as I stir up your insides and mix you up. I'll make it messy and squishy inside. I'll make it so wet that the next time I won't need any lube. I'll let you ride me like a cowboy would a bull and when you're ready... I'll send my cum shooting so far up your ass you'll taste it. I won't stop there either. I'll like your hardened nipples as I slowly thrust in and out. I'll kiss you and suck you neck. I'll make you love me. And when you think you've had enough, I'll cum again and so will you. You'll scream my name and I'll whisper cute 'I love you's' in your ear. You'll whisper them back. And I'll kiss you until we climax again. I'll pull out of you and let you breath into my mouth. I'll kiss you once more before finally letting you rest."~~~~Cover by: Ayahs_Graphics~~~~…

Paper Kisses||BoyxBoy

Paper Kisses||BoyxBoy

8,176 477 25

Disclaimer: Read books; His To Play, My Baby Boy and Till Death Do Us Part (in the order given) if you want to understand this story. The story WILL NOT make any sense if you do not read the books listed above. Thank you.~~~~Starting over on something you've worked so hard on for so long is not easy. Not for Axel and not for Riley. They both had to start over. And all because of one big secret. This could've been the end of their relationship but their love for one another could not be broken because of any secret, no matter how big. The love they share will always bring them back together for their hearts yearn to be together, their bodies ache for each other's touch and their skin longs for each other's light kisses...for each other's Paper Kisses.…

To Die For. (BoyxBoy)

To Die For. (BoyxBoy)

59,846 2,906 21

Disclaimer: this is the third instalment of a three part book series. Therefore to get the full story you should read the first two instalments, namely: Don't Touch What's His and Mine.~~~~Turning a human into an immortal poses serious threats to the life of that human. There's a greater chance of them dying during the transition than surviving. Then there's the risk of eternal suffering and not to mention the grief that comes with watching loved ones die and having to leave behind much of what you once new. However with Tobias' logic running at an all time low, he struggles to see through his ever-growing love for Lathaniel. He wants to stay with Lathan forever, regardless of risks or suffering. He doesn't want to leave Lathaniel with the pain of not having the love of his life around, he doesn't want that for his husband. Now Lathaniel is faced with a dilemma. Turn Tobias and run the risk of losing him early or him being desensitised to love because of grief or don't turn him and watch him slowly and painfully fade away. It seems clear what he should do, but it's a tougher decision to actually make than say.…

MINE (boyxboy)

MINE (boyxboy)

147,199 5,884 22

Disclaimer: this is the sequel to "Don't Touch What's His" so you won't really understand this book much if you don't read that book. So go do that and come back here when you're done. Happy Reading.•••• "Kitten, I'd do anything for you."I'd do anything, anything at all, just to make him mine. I'd crawl through the depths of hell and heaven just to hear him say yes. I'd walk over hot and sharp nails just to see him wear this ring. I'd give myself to Jesus just to see him walk down that isle right toward me. I'd posses his family...all to make him Mine.…

My Baby Boy. (BoyxBoy)

My Baby Boy. (BoyxBoy)

42,565 429 6

DisclaimerIf you want to understand this story go and read the first book; His To Play, if you do all of this will make sense. ~~~~I remember the day. The day it happened. The day that ruined me. The day that Axel died.I haven't seen him ever since then, they won't let me, they won't tell me why and it pisses me off. I miss Axel, all I want is him to be back with me. I want my boyfriend back. I've been going for therapy, but what does that do. Talking about Axel makes it worse, I don't like therapy.I'm on a bunch of pills now too. I take them accordingly, overdosing doesn't seem right. Every time I try do it something stops me, something in the back of my head. They told me he died, I refused to believe them, but with each passing day I feel like it's true. I want Axel back...I'm weak without him...I'm nothing.…

Fuck, I Fell For The Bad Boy (BoyxBoy)

Fuck, I Fell For The Bad Boy (BoyxBoy)

242,567 3,545 7

Brady Jacobs is new to Newton Lake high but has heard how undeniably, heart wrenchingly, stomach twistingly and death defyingly cliché everything is. So it was no surprise that the bad boy of the school Royce Tracy fell for him. He'd always had a thing about liking "pretty boys" and did his best to stay clear of them but there was no avoiding Royce. With the help of Brady's best friend Melissa, Royce is able to find out Brady's interests to impress him. But how long can Brady resist the charm of the bad boy?Disclaimer: THIS IS A PREVIEW…

Till Death Do Us Part. (BoyxBoy)

Till Death Do Us Part. (BoyxBoy)

22,262 1,131 38

Disclaimer.This is the third book of a series I guess. Go read His To Play then My Baby Boy then you can come back here. If you choose not to read the books listed this will make no sense whatsoever.~~~~Newly married couple Axel and Riley are now facing more problems and fight more than ever. At the end of the day they're always there for each other. For them being married is a bigger risk because of the shady characters who obsess over them individually. Whilst some problems may go away new ones take their place and people they thought to trust turn out not to be who they say they are. But as long as they're together, everything will be fine.…