"Seb where are we going?"
"To a fun place!"
The two have walked for who knows how long and y/n was getting tired of just seeing tree after tree and still more trees till they came up to something familiar
"Um...y/n we should leave right now"
"What why...don't tell me is it...the rocks?"
Once she heard nothing from him she knew she was right and before they could leave a golf ball fell next to them then scrooge came hrough some bushed mumbling to himself about something
"What in the blazes y/n,Sebastian what are ye doing here?"
"We were just walking,what are you doing here?"
"Golf with flinty and teaching dewey but-"
Before scrooge could finish huey and launchpad could be heard screaming then getting stuck between two stones then louie and glomgold appearing from bushes
*gasp*"y/n was is a beauty like you doing here with scroogey when you could be with me?"
Glomgold took sebastian's hand about to place a kiss when he spoke
"Why thanks glomgold but I'm not my sister"
"What the-?!"
Glomgold look embarrassed so he told scrooge to take the ball so they could go back to the course
"A Scotsman plays it where it lands"
"Scrooge wait-"
Scrooge walked to the ball as a blue illuminated the stone and circle around scrooge who took a swing and a blue beam appeared sending them somewhere
"Heavenly hollyhock..."
"Mythical glowing stones...mysterious teleportation circles do you know what that means..."
"Yeah no more golf!"
Huey then told everyone to look for something to tell them where they are
"There are those two orbs"
"Hmm interesting..."
"It looks like they'd fit in that hole over there"
"Hm okay..."
"Ahh!,cannae touch the blasted thing!"
Glomgold yelled as he touched the orb again with this club while scrooge looked at the writing on the stone
"No,no,no not again...seb what if they want us to finish like last time?"
"That won't happen...probably, scrooge use those clubs there"
Scrooge then grabbed the clubs seb was referring to and his the ball making a hole in one
"It's golf,it's still golf that's in I'm going home!...where did home go?!"
Huey continued his commentary explaining where they are
"For more,we go to two tiny horses"
"What are you...ah!"
"Greetings!,we're briar and bramble the keepers of this realm"
"Talking animals with clothes!?"
"Oh no did we die are we in webby heaven?"
Briar and bramble looked at the twins then realizing who they were they smiled
"So you have returned care to continue the game?"
"Just hop in our back and we'll you a tour"
"Ohh!,wait why are your manes wet...you're kelpies aren't you?"
"They trick people onto their backs then drown them at sea"
Bramble repeated no and tried to explain that they got out the shower but no one was believing them
"Come on bramble if their sooo smart they should know about the treasure at the end of the course"
"Yes,Mr l/n was one to finish but never took the treasure,the druid's cup proving they are the best golfer in every plane of reality"
"Uh ok well any one think we should ignore the murder ponies and go home?"
"We will be sent home once we finish the course louie"
"That is if you finish the course...did we nemtion custom engraving,ooh"
"Dewey this is your calling!"
Scrooge took the club out of Dewey's hand and told him there is to much at stake for taking them home again
"Well you better start playing it can awfully hard to play when thoses mists roll in"
"Come on were waisting time!"
"Caddie my clubs!,caddie?"
Glomgold looked to louie who held his hand out and glomgold placed a dollar then louie picked up the bag and walked with the rest while the two ponies tried to get them on there backs
"You are the least fun victims ever"
"So how do the murder ponies know you?"
"We came here with our father when we were young and found these two"
"Who are annoying by the way"
They came up to the first course which was next to a water fall,glomgold went first after shoving scrooge
"Give it back you over grown puddle!,Ah caddie help!"
Glomgold called to louie who wanted money but got a coin giving a look at glomgold who then gave in giving him a dollar but he gave him a different club instead of the wood club
"Old golf tip:let flinty spring that trap the rest is just patience"
Scrooge stood in his spot then hit the ball only for it to get sent back by a water tentacle once then twice
"Come on ya blasted tentacle!"
The tentacle hit the ball only to have it hit scrooge in the forehead
"And besides you cannae just sub in it's against the rules"
"It's okay druid golf allows for twosomes!"
"Waters great by the way!"
Y/n didn't like that answer so she glared at the two making them sink into the water leaving them be,scrooge then gave the club to dewey how hit the ball only twice before getting it in the hole
"Good shot lad,very proud of you..."
Huey then explained he does this to keep himself calm and collect while launchpad did it cause it made everything sound important,they went to the other courses dewey winning most of them with scrooge while glomgold tried to copy them but failed next was the second to last course
"Aaand nice job"
"Not nice enough glomgold's gonna pass us!"
"You bet your ballast I am,I'll take y/n away from you and prove once and for all I'm the best golfer in this or any other- Ah caddie!"
Glomgold hanging on the edge of a cliff wanted louie to help him up but louie took the money and gave him the club
"I pretty sure I can get it in the hole with one swing,let me go"
"And risk dumping it down into the water absolutely not"
"Aw give him a chance if he hits it in the water we can jump on the kelpies to get it,I'm the small girl duck you can trust me"
Briar stopped voicing as webby and looked innocent with bramble but no one was buying it so they jumping into the water
"Come on I can do this!"
"What hit the ball blindly?"
"Into the hole yes,like I've been doing all day don't you trust me to make this?"
"Kid you don't have the experience like others and I thi-"
Before sebastian could finish dewey took the club out scrooge's hand and hit the ball into the hole,his celebration was shorten by scrooge's growling
"I'm sorry I just knew I could so I-"
"You pull a club out of a Scotsman's hand you'd best be prepared to knock him out with it!"
"I make the shot"
"You disobeyed me and risked the entire game with your snowboarding!"
"I'm snowboarding?!,this whole thing has been about how great you are-"
"Enough you two we need to finish the course before the mists roll in!"
"Fine I'm over this dumb sport anyway,finish the course so we can go home"
Dewey walked off and scrooge tried to explain but webby followed soon and glomgold went to to win the match
"You should clean things with him before you two drift apart"
Scrooge held y/n's hand while sebastian faked gagged at their couple-ness
"The last hole"
"Looks like some sort of hall of fame well your uncle scrooge will be joining it soon enough,eh?"
"Let's get this over with"
Dewey walked away after scrooge tried lighting up the mood by failed so he went to hit the ball as the mists rolled in getting the ball ontop a pillar
"Nice work,how are you going to get up there?"
Dewey said as a smug remake while glomgold got ready to hit only to savored away about beating scrooge while scrooge tried to warn him but he didn't listen
"Caddie savor with me... caddie?...oh I see curse you McDuck and l/n,curse you and my love for moment savoring!"
Glomgold turned to stone while everyone stood away completing the puzzle with the statues and the mists as bramble and briar came out with sinister laughter then midway explained the mists turning people to stone
"Beter to let us drown you instead let's go!"
"You people are no fun..."
Sebastian looked for the last hole and pointed it to scrooge who tried climbing the wall only to fall
"We need to support scrooge"
"Why he hasn't supported me all day..."
"No we need to support scrooge not everything is a life lesson"
Everyone stood ontop one another with launchpad being at the bottom then seb then y/n with the triplets and webby holding scrooge who dropped the club louie catching it
"Louie give scrooge the club!"
Louie held his hand out but quickly changed his mind while huey continued his commentary as they started to turn to stone one by one
"Dewey,scrooge talk to one another before it's to la-"
"What are you waiting for take the stupid shot already?!"
"Not me I cannae even make the shot but you can"
Scrooge supported dewey up before thinking back to what y/n told him
"I know you can do it..."
Dewey saw scrooge turn to stone so he followed the instructions he was given in the beginning and whacked the ball ricocheting on the sides and into the hole just as he turned to stone sending them back home
The way there were standing holding dewdy up caused them to fall but before y/n hit the ground she felt someone catch her and it was scrooge
"Not we are even eh?"
"Hush you"
Seb looked at them weird while scrooge placed y/n down just to hear glomgold firing louie while scrooge congratulated dewey with the ponies coming with the druid's trophy
"Go on you earned it"
"Scroge and douise?"
"Sorry it was a rush job we didn't expect you to make it"
"Now who's up for a victory swim?"
Briar and bramble ran away jumping off a cliff into water while glomgold payed louie to free his stone half while scrooge talked with dewey about a friendly game once in awhile
After the whole murder ponies the family and glomgold decided to go back home with glomgold's failed attempts on asking y/n on a date which she declined
"Y/n our rides almost here"
Y/n looked at her necklace and opened in looking at a picture before closing it and walking towards scrooge
"So...how are the boys doing at the mansion?"
"There doing great especially donald,so..um how have you been?"
"I've been well minus we haven't talked in years and I know it's weird since we're technically together as in married but it should be, right?"
Scrooge looked at y/n before placing his hand on the side of her face leaning down while she moved closer about to kiss....then a loud honking sound interrupted causing them to move apart,red faced
"I'll see you soon bye!"
"Yes same bye!"
The two hurried away to their cars and drove away in different directions with seb teasing y/n while the boys asked question after question teasing their uncle in the process
{Could that really be our aunt cause scrooge and her seem close,all I could hear was 'together' but could she?}
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