The "new" kid

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I walk into Whitechapel high school, for my last year of school, keeping my head down. I'm hoping to be treated like Y/N, the new student, not Y/N, the person you never thought you'd see again. 'I really hope no one remembers me.'

I walk down the hall to the office, collecting my schedule and map before hurrying toward my first class. I stand outside the door, watching the students walk past.

I see an annoyed guy walk down the hall talking to his overly excited friend, who is side skipping? And looking at his annoyed friend.

As they passed me the excited guy trips over his feet falling to the ground with a thud. I stifle a laugh, looking at my shoes. The guy looks up at me before standing up. He sighs before walking deflated to catch up with his friend, who didn't stop but slowed his walking.

I look up to see him stop and turn back to me with a confused look on his face before shaking his head and walking with his friend. 'Oh did he recognize me?' I walk into class and sit down. Thankfully the teacher didn't make me introduce myself. I do my work before slowly letting my mind drift.

It didn't take long for me to realize the guy who fell in the hall was none other than Benny Weir, the clutz himself.

'That fluffy brown hair, the gorgeous green eyes, his cute little nose... Wait, what? No, I'm definitely over him. That was like 5 years ago. He doesn't even remember me.' I think.


I stand up and walk out of the room, trying to find somewhere to sit for the first break. I sit in a window off a hall full of lockers. "I'm telling you, dude, it was them. You have to believe me, Rory." I hear Benny say.

I peek around the corner and see him talking to a blond guy. "Look, I believe you think you saw them but even Ethan doesn't believe you and he was next to you the whole time." Rory says closing his locker.

Benny groans before turning around and starts walking toward me. I hurry back pushing my back against the windowsill and opening a book to cover my face with. Benny and Rory meet up with Ethan, and Benny tries to convince them I'm actually here.

I peek over the book. They all look so different. 'Benny's definitely taller, Ethan looks more confident and Rory isn't wearing his glasses. Benny seems to fill out his shirt, maybe he works out. Ha, Benny exercising, that I'd want to see. Actually, I would like...'

I see two pretty girls walk up to their group. "Sup nerds, what are we talking about?" The blonde asks. 'Oh no here comes the bullying.'

"Benny won't shut up about someone who doesn't even live here anymore." Ethan responds casually. 'Wait, what?'

"I know I saw them. They're back, they laughed at me when I fell over." Benny retorts. "Wait, you're fawning over someone who laughed at you?" The darker-skinned girl asks.

"Yes, Sarah. He use to have a crush on them before they left. We were all friends. But guess what? They're not back. Why would they be? Their parents dragged them out of town because they were bullied. They're never coming back." Ethan explains. I blush slightly.

Benny grumbles before storming away. The bell rings again before Benny grumbles again turning back and walking to class following slowly behind his friends. I look down at my schedule realizing I have to follow them too.

I walk behind Benny watching them walk into a classroom. I look at the room number. 'Oh of course I have a class with them.' I put my head down hurrying past them to take a seat in the back.

The class goes by smoothly before the bell rings once more. The room empties as I pack up slowly on purpose. The teacher asks Benny to grab something from the back of the room. He walks towards me. I lean over and pretend to put some stuff in my bag.

On the way back he bumps a book off my table. "Oh sorry, here you go." he says picking it up. "Ah, thank you." I say slowly looking up. "Oh my gosh. I knew it was you Y/N." He says loudly.

I bolt up placing a hand on his mouth. "Shh, please don't say that loudly." I take my hand off. "I'm not that Y/N, I'm new. No one knows me. I definitely didn't have to leave and tell everyone I was never coming back. Just.... hi I'm Y/N." I say putting my hand out to shake.

"You're here, like actually here. Ah. OK wait." He says before turning around and handing the teacher whatever it was he got. I pack up the rest of my stuff before Benny comes back and grabs my hand. I blush slightly as he guides me along to the lunch area.

"Were you even listening? You don't know me.... hello... Benny?" I say. He drags me to a table before slamming his hand down. "Y/N!" He says motioning to me. I stand there awkwardly, lightly tugging on my hand. Everyone looks up at me, Rory and Ethan confused.

I laugh awkwardly. "Um, why did he just drag me here? Can I leave?" I ask. "Wait so you are back?" Rory asks. "Back? Do I know you? I've never been to this town." I say still trying to get free from Benny's grip.

"Y/N stop pretending. We're not gonna hurt you, you know. We're your friends." Benny says turning me towards him. "Benny let go of my hand." I plead. "Ha, see. I didn't introduce myself, I never told you my name." He points out. "The teacher said it when she asked you to get something." I explain.

"No Benny's right. You are the same Y/N. Benny let go of them." Ethan says grabbing mine and Benny's wrists going to pull us apart before pausing and staring into space. Benny let's go, just as Ethan zones back in.

"Y-you're a, uh, fairy?" He asks quietly. I stare at him harshly pulling my wrist from his grasp. "I'm sorry, what? How could you possibly know that." I ask. "Ah well you see, he's a seer. And I'm a wizard." Benny says excitedly as he sits down. "Actually you'd be classed as a spell caster, wizards aren't real, or at least it's not an official name." I say sighing and sitting down.

"Ok, I don't know what's going on anymore but can you guys stop collecting freaks? Thanks." The blonde girl asks. "Erica! First of all, that's mean and secondly, you're a freak too." Sarah says. "Exactly, we don't need anymore." Erica says. I look at them confused

"Vampires, all three of them." Benny explains. "Rory too?" I whisper, Benny nods. I sigh. "Ok fine, yes it's me Y/N, your childhood friend, Also yes I'm a fairy, I have wings too. I really just didn't want anyone to recognize me and question why I'm back or why I left." I explain.

"Great so now we know Benny's partner, can we move on?" Erica says as I blush. "There's this party on the weekend, and I think it will be cool but like still lame enough for you nerds to be allowed to come."

I tune her out, I turn my head as I feel Benny's hand grab mine once more. He still looks ahead talking with his friends. I slowly turn my hand and intertwine my fingers in his. 'Ok, maybe I'm not over him, just yet.'


Yo, I don't know what this was. It felt aggressive somehow. I was going for cute. I guess that's what you get when you're in pain and it's past 1 in the morning.

After a couple of days of stalling to proofread and edit this, I don't think it's as bad as I remembered.

So um yeah, if you see anything wrong, or think you may be able to help this train wreck, let me know.


Drew X

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