Quick heads up, this is different to what I normally write, especially for this book. There is no love interest and minimal mentions of the other characters. Also, while I have written genderfluid characters (being GF myself) and characters who have canonically crossdressed, this was different to write. I use interchanging pronouns for Benny, so if you get confused I'm sorry.
Years after the Lucifractor is set off, weakening every supernatural creature that uses dark energy inside of the town of Whitechapel, a being stands in their dark apartment.
They'd been busy lately, completely ignoring everything that wasn't school or work. But now they're finished with college and have taken some personal time off of work, it's time to relax. And the first thing to come to mind was their days back in Whitechapel High School.
But no, not their friends or the fact they regularly used to fight supernatural beings. Instead, the idea of them infiltrating the cheer team to investigate the head cheerleader sprang to mind. Which would be a sweet memory if they hadn't spent their entire life as a guy.
Benny found himself in front of his closet looking at his clothes, many of which he's had since before that memory was created. He blushes when he looks at a shirt and comments on how non-feminine it is.
He was looking for something to wear to a club, and he had decided it would be a good thing to help him unwind, but now he feels like none of his clothes are gonna work. He wants to run out and buy a whole new wardrobe, which is weird because he's never really cared about what he wears.
It was still early in the night, and it was a Friday, so stores would still be open. He quickly grabs his keys and heads off to a department store.
Passing a mannequin, he finds himself stopping and looking at it... Her? She was wearing a pink bandana halter crop top, small light blue denim short shorts and a pair of sunglasses atop her head. She looked... Summer-y?
'I could probably pull the look off, the shirt isn't much different to the cheer top.' He thinks shrugging before shaking his head. 'Why would I even think that? I'm a dude.' He sighs walking off into the men's department.
He spends far too long looking at all the lack luster men's clothes. None of them spoke to him, they probably wouldn't even if he wasn't thinking about that outfit. He sighs again, giving up in this section, grabbing the most party-ish look he could find.
Before paying he decides to look at the women's clothes because why not? He finds himself smiling as he feels the fabric on a shirt. Looking over his shoulder he finds the exact shirt from the mannequin behind him in multiple colours.
He jokingly looks through the sizes and holds a black one up to his chest. His mind drifts to the dance floor, him wearing this shirt his hips swaying. 'Hips! I can't wear that outfit, I'm a dude. People would totally know, especially in those shorts. I have no way to hide... that.'
He moves the shirt away and looks down at it sadly. He really did like it. Maybe he could try it on, just to see what it would look like. Of course, he'd have to find something other than the shorts to pair with it, you know, to get the full look.
He looks around and sees a wall of skirts and shorts. He looks around and finds a black skirt. 'This might work.' He thinks grabbing it, guessing his size, hoping he hasn't added much to his bottom half in the past six years.
He hides the pieces between his "guy" clothes and walks towards the dressing room but not before impulsively grabbing the shorts that he thought would give him away but in black. He walks up to the lady at the desk. She didn't even question why he had just come out of the women's section before lazily handing him the tag and pointing to an empty room.
He hangs up his items before stripping and turns away from the mirror. His body was in only underwear before he slipped on the skirt, which was actually a skort, much to his surprise and pleasure. He quickly puts on the shirt tying it up behind his neck and back.
He slowly turns around, eyes closed before peaking at himself. He looked... Nice. His frame was still slim, with slight curves at his waist and hips. The same frame that helped him pass last time, that attracted Rory... 'Rory?' He blushes at the memory. He smiles at himself. 'What if Rory saw me now? He'd probably be drooling.' He laughs.
He looks himself over again and pauses at the skort. It was nice, but it kinda threw off the look. He was going for the same summer vibe as the mannequin but this was more skater girl. 'If I had thigh highs it could work.' He sighs.
He pulls off the skort and briefly looks at the shorts. He grabs them, puts them on and looks over himself. He looked good. The outfit definitely worked better with the shorts. He spins slowly looking at himself from every angle his head would allow. The shorts showed off his hips and butt, but surprisingly, since they were dark, they hid his most, uh, manly part.
He puts his hands on his hips and juts one out. He looked like a girl, even with his short curly hair and bare face. Sure, his face is slimmer now, more angled, but he could still pass, and he's only going to wear it to a dark club; no one would be any wiser. Plus, he passed back in high school in broad daylight.
He pauses after looking himself up and down once more. When had he decided that he was going to wear this to the club? Did he want to wear this?
He thought about it for a moment. He would rather wear this than the men's outfit he had almost completely forgotten about. In that moment he was determined to wear it.
He checks himself out again trying to figure out what was missing. Obviously, he'd have to wear makeup, but that was no problem; he had some at home in his cosplay kit, probably only needing to buy lipstick. But that wasn't it. He had some Converse at home, which would work, so not that. Then he looks at his arms. "Ah, a jacket!" He whispers.
He changes, leaves the changing room, and hangs up the guy's clothes, not even bothering to talk to the lady who doesn't look up from her magazine. He heads straight back to the women's section and looks at their jackets. They're all thin, but he finds a denim one, the same shade as the shorts and heads to the makeup section.
He grabs a red lipstick, some blush and a mascara just in case before checking out. The lady at the counter smiles at him as he grabs a pair of heart sunglasses off the impulse purchase display and she comments about how he's a good boyfriend getting his girlfriend a new outfit. He just awkwardly smiles and pays.
When he gets home he showers, shaving everything that would be visible and looks at the items he had just brought. He hadn't noticed, but he accidentally brought the skort, too. All well, he liked it a lot anyway.
He changes, doing his makeup in a bold but light style. He had somehow become a master at contour, and he used it to soften his features. Doing up his shoes and slipping on the jacket he smiles, or should I say she smiles into the mirror.
That's Betty, she's back and she's looking straight into Benny's eyes. She grabs her sunglasses and sits them on top of her curly mop of hair. She looks hot. She feels hotter than she did last time; maybe it's the freedom of her clothing or the makeup, or perhaps it's because she's not using a horribly cheap wig.
She grabs her phone and takes a mirror picture, her hand on her hip with a slight smirk. She thought about posting it but she didn't even know why she was doing this or why she was referring to herself as a she. And didn't want people to question it.
She looks at the picture for a moment before checking the time. Was seven-thirty too early to leave for the club? Would people be drunk enough to believe she was a girl? Would it matter?
She decides to walk, one, to waste some time and two, because it was close enough to her apartment. She could always order a ride home later. The breeze is cool as the sun begins to set; it feels nice against her freshly shaven legs.
As she rounds the corner twenty minutes later, she can hear the music pumping loudly. She looks at the line and notices someone checking IDs. 'Shit! I didn't think about that.' He panics getting into line.
He fiddles with his fingers. Why had he gone back to being Benny? Maybe because Benny was socially awkward and a little panicky while Betty was carefree and confident.
The line slowly moves, but suddenly, he's at the front. "Go through darling." The bouncer says in a soft country twang. Benny looks around before turning back to the bouncer who soft laughs. "Yes, you. Unless you want me to check your ID? Would you like that?" He flirts.
Benny gasps slightly before blushing. Betty comes through and shakes her head with a smirk. "I just want to party." She says, voice slightly higher than normal. He waves her through and she looks around.
She hadn't been to... Well, anything social in a while. Technically SHE had never been to anything except school and that one sleepover.
She walks down onto the floor slowly making her way over to the bar. She leans onto the bar and waits for a bartender to notice her. Unfortunately, she gets noticed by someone else.
"Hey, baby. Don't you look pretty tonight?" A guy flirts leaning next to her. "Do you want to get out of here?"
She giggles politely. "But I only just got here."
"Aw, come on. I know a much cooler, more intimate place we could go to get to know each other." He says running a finger down her arm.
"I don't think you'd want me." She smiles before adding. "I'm no fun until I'm a few drinks in, haven't even had one yet. You should try another girl."
"Are you just embarrassed about being so flat? Don't worry, I don't mind. Pancakes are just as delicious as actual cakes." He says light-heartedly.
This causes Betty to actually laugh. "Trust me the only cake I've got are these." She says lightly smacking her butt.
"Hmm, they do look pretty good." He says reaching out. She snacks his hand away.
"I don't think I'm really your type. But maybe you could find someone else." She smiles.
He's about to respond when a female bartender leans over. "Hi, what can I get you?" She says, smiling at Betty before glaring at the man; he huffs and walks away.
Betty sighs in relief. "Thanks for that."
The bartender smiles. "No problem, I guess you haven't been out in a while."
"You could say that. Also, I've had a bit of an upgrade recently. I'm not used to being hit on."
"Well, when you look like that, you're gonna turn some heads. Now, what can I get you love?" She smiles.
Betty thinks for a moment. She normally would be too worried to get a fruity drink, but she's a girl right now; no one would judge her. "I'll have a... A Midori illusion please."
"Coming right up." The bartender starts mixing it up. "You know I'd probably try to find a group to hang out with if you don't have one. Drunk guys like to pray on solo girls. We have some regulars that would help you. The girls down on the dancefloor should be wearing rainbows and glitter. They're very... Accepting if you know what I mean." She says winking.
Betty, no Benny freezes. "You... You can tell I'm not... A girl?"
"What? Oh! No honey, I just thought maybe you were, you know leaning my way. Don't worry you pass amazingly. You're so pretty. Is that what you meant by an upgrade?" She says softly, handing the drink over.
Betty nods. "Still kinda new at..." Her words trail off.
The bartender smiles and moves around the bar. "It's still pretty empty; why don't I introduce you to my girls? You can tell them if you like, they'd probably try to protect you even more. Otherwise, you're just a girl and we girls gotta stick together." She smiles. "I'm Ange by the way."
Betty nods again. "I'm... Uh, Betty."
"Betty, huh? It suits you." She says wrapping her arm around Betty's.
Betty grabs her drink and they walk down to the outskirts of the dance floor. There's a small table surrounded by girls. Ange was right they were all wearing rainbows in one way or another. Some had full rainbow outfits while others accessorised with rainbow pins or hair clips.
"Hey, girls." Ange says, leaning closer to them. They all look over at the two newcomers. "I want to introduce my new friend, Betty. She was being harassed by some dude. Think you could look after her and show her a good time?" She asks them.
They look at each other before smiling. One of them steps forward. "Of course, welcome Betty. I'm Lily and we're always looking for new members. As long as you're fine with most of us being non-cishet." She says sweetly.
Betty smiles. 'That's why they're wearing rainbows!' "Yeah, I think that will be fine. I'm not exactly either." She laughs stepping closer.
"Ooh, yes girl, come here!" Another more drunk girl says holding her arms open. "You are so cute."
Betty giggles and blushes under the attention. She steps closer and rests her drink on the table.
Ange puts her hand on Betty's shoulder and leans in. "You think you'll be okay with them?" She asks softly. Betty turns to her and smiles with a nod. She nods back before leaving to get back to work.
A taller girl leans over the table. "So Betty, what's your story? Why are you here tonight?"
Betty thinks for a moment taking a sip. "I just passed my college course and decided to start my holiday off with some clubbing since I haven't been in a while."
"Oh, congrats." A younger girl that was next to her says. Betty nods a thanks.
"Right, but like... You looking for a man? Woman? Or just like a good time?" Lily asks.
Betty laughs. "I don't know. Neither I guess. I don't flirt with either often and especially don't get hit on much." She shrugs.
They all gasp. "No way. But you're like so pretty. Didn't Ange say you were getting harassed?" The younger girl says.
"Yeah... I don't normally look... This good. The attention is weird. Not bad... Okay, maybe a little bad with that guy at the bar, but..." The group notice how she circles around certain facts.
"Well, then, we better get you out there shaking your thing." The drunker girl says.
Betty blushes. "I've been told I'm not very good at dancing." Her voice was starting to slip back to a more comfortable pitch, but if the girls noticed, they weren't saying anything.
Lily laughs. "Like that matters. No one's looking for competition-level dancing, just shake your booty and have fun. Come on." She says slamming the last of her drink.
The other girls follow suit. Betty looks down at her drink. She was halfway done with it already. She didn't want to leave it because she knew the risks and decides that being a little buzzed is better than drugged. She slams her drink down her throat before following them, her throat burning.
They all cheer as she meets them in the middle of the dance floor. The music is somehow louder here and she can feel the beat under her feet. They all dance, none of them look professional, but they seem to be having fun. She decides to just let go and have fun too.
They dance to the pumped songs playing. Admittedly, Betty didn't recognise most of them, but that didn't stop her from enjoying herself. The night flies by, dancing, drinks, girls... Guys. Betty had been accepted into the group, met their "friends", and...
Benny sits up grabbing his head in pain. Looking around he realises he's at home. When did he get home? How? He looks down at himself, herself. He was still dressed as Betty.
Sighing she stands up grabbing her phone. Dead. She sighs and plugs it in before heading to the bathroom to wash off her face.
She looks at herself in the mirror. "Bye Betty. It was nice being you again. I'm going to miss you." She, he, uh... They say sadly reaching up to pull out the rainbow hairclip one of the girls had given her. "God I'm so weird. Normal guys don't like dressing as a girl so much."
He grabs a face cloth, wets it, and washes off his face, washes off Betty. He walks into his kitchen, gets a glass of water, taking some painkillers before heading back to his bedroom. He flops onto his bed after placing his water on his bedside table and picks up his phone, turning it on to check if he has any messages.
His phone starts blowing up, message after message. A few from his grandma, a lot from Ethan and Sarah, some from people he's never even talked to.
And one from Rory. Only one, single word. "Betty?"
He felt a pang in his heart. 'Right, I never told him... Wait, how did they know?' He opens up Rory's message and sees it's linked to an Instagram post, one that Benny doesn't remember posting.
"Betty got to let her hair down tonight. Made some lovely friends. Truly girls, girls. Even to girls like me! ❤️🥰❤️🥰❤️" The caption reads.
He flicks through the photos and sees multiple photos of Betty and her new friends partying. One of them cheers-ing, another, one of them had taken of Betty happily surrounded by two very drunk men. The final photo is the picture from before she left for the club, shining confidently. Each photo is tagged with her new friends.
It was so unlike him. He didn't remember taking the photos nor posting them, and he definitely didn't normally tag people, not that he posts on Instagram much. However, he does remember not wanting to post any photos of Betty.
He debates deleting them but decides against it, everyone's already seen them. He clicks through his messages, cringing at and ignoring the ones from random ex-classmates.
His grandma was apparently just happy she had a good time. And well Sarah and Ethan were just confused.
"Is she back?" Ethan had asked. Benny wasn't sure if it was a genuine question or a teasing one.
He quickly messages back. "Just for last night. Probably. She makes me so much more confident."
Suddenly another message pops up. "Hey, nerd. You're not allowed to actually be hot." It was from Erica.
He sighs. "Haha very funny." He writes back sarcastically.
"Nah, not joking. Why are you a hot girl? Magic?"
He pauses. Why didn't he just use his magic? "Nope, just clothes and makeup." He gets left on read.
He sighs, stands up, and looks at himself in the mirror once more. "I am pretty hot, huh? Betty's got it." He smirks turning to look at his butt. "Maybe I could be her again. But like only one more time." His smile drops sadly. 'Why do I want to be her more?'
Do I know where I was going with this? No, I just thought Benny enjoyed being Betty a lot and maybe is genderfluid or at least genderqueer but doesn't know it. Do I know how to finish it? Also no.
This felt weird not giving him a love interest. I kinda hinted at Rory being the love interest, but since I aged Benny up, it might be weird since Rory is perpetually what? 14?
Should I write another chapter and give him an OC Girl/Boyfriend? Should it be Ange? Or some guy he meets at the club next time he goes. Or maybe someone from his college course.
Anyway, thank you for reading this, especially this chapter, because it's very different to what I normally post.
Love you
Drew X
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