(This is long and probably not the best but I hope you enjoy)
It's a nice day so I decided to sit under a tree at the front of the school and read. I'm half way through a chapter when.. "You, look at me." I look up from my book. "Uh, yes?" I say confused. "Excuse me?!"
'Oh shit, it's Carlos and his goons. I've heard about him.'
"Uh, sorry, how may I help you Carlos?" I close my book.
"Hmm, well apparently I'm mean? And unapproachable? So I have to spend time with someone new and make friends with them. Mrs. Roland gave me a list and you seemed the most quiet and submissive. So, hi new friend, what are you doing?" He ask while sitting down next to me and waving his goons away.
"W-well I'm just reading and enjoying the sun." I hold up my book. "Yeah, not anymore. I have some "appointments" to get to." he looks at his watch. "And I wouldn't want them to wait. So, get up and follow me." He says as he gets up and starts walking. I grab my bag and jog to catch up with him.
Carlos turns a corner sharply and stop abruptly causing me to almost crash into his back. He looks around, opens his bag and hands a kid a box. The kid hands him some cash but Carlos grabs his hand. "It's double next time." he lest go, the kid nods and runs away. I go to open my mouth but he looks at me sternly and I look at the floor.
After our last class of the day Mrs. Roland stops us and turns to me. "Ah Y/N, I see you're helping mr martinelli here with his friend problem. You wouldn't mind spending more time after school with him? Maybe show him what you do for fun."
"Uh, yeah sure, I can do that." I say with a polite smile. "Ugh, great nerd stuff!" I quietly laugh and turn to Carlos. "Don't worry we're not gonna do anything boring. Now YOU follow me." I wave goodbye to Mrs. Roland and walk out of the school.
"Don't think you can bosy me around just because a teacher said so. We're not at school anymore." he says.
"Exactly I don't have to be shy and nice to you anymore. But if you don't do what I want I'll tell Mrs. Roland and get you in trouble. I still have that power. Now you be nice to me and I'll do the same." I smirk.
"Welcome to my hang out spot." I say walking through the automatic double doors, into the air-conditioned building. "The Arcade?" It was his turn to be confused.
"Yep, it's also my work place. I get paid to play and make sure the machines work, also cleaning and stocking the prizes but mostly working on the machines. Today is my day off though so we can play as regular people." I say walking in, walk to the main desk and grab my maintenance card.
"So do you have an arcade card?" "Uh, no I'm normally too busy to play games." "Ok, well it's easy to get one, just click here and put some money in. $5 should be fine for a few games." I say tapping the machine screen and turning to Carlos waiting for him to put some money in.
"Urgh, ok here, $5." He waves the bill in my face then puts it in the machine. Out pops a card I pick it up and hand it to him.
We walk over to the games, I look at him. "So what do you want to play?" He shrugs. "Ok, what about.. oh wacky gators, it would be great for your anger." "Excuse me?!" "Uh, I-i mean it's one of my favourites." I fake cough. "Uh just swipe your card and wack the gators."
(It's like wack a mole. The gators slide out and you hit them. I personally own one of these.)
He looks at me then swipes the card and starts playing. "Hey, this is actually fun, uh, oh it's getting faster!"
A coworker walks past and I nod at them and turn to the finished game. "Oh good score 38, bet I could beat you though."
"Oh yeah? Go on then." he says while stepping aside. I swipe my card and get into position, hitting each gator multiple times as they slide out, with the final score of 73. "Ha! An easy win."
"Stop showing of Y/N." A coworker says as they walk by. "But that would be no fun!" They laugh and walk off.
"Ok, well I bet I could beat you at something else." Carlos says cocky. "Oh, yeah? Ok, your choice. Basketball, skee ball, Oh maybe you want to race?" I say and point at the car and motorcycle race games.
He turns and points. "Air hockey!" I nod, we walk to the air hockey table, I swipe my card and we stand on opposite sides of the table. Let's just say air hockey isn't my strongest skill.
"Let's actually bet on this. I win we do what I want, you win I'll buy you something." He says looking me in the eyes.
"Uh, nah. It's fine let's just play." I look down at the table, trying to get into a good position.
"Are you scared because you know you'll lose?" He asks in a baby voice.
"Humph, fine what about we don't bet on this but on are next competition, skee ball?" I look up at him.
"Fine, Let's play." We start the game, I actually do well but I end up losing.
"Oh Y/N, you on a date?" Yet another coworker asks. "What no!!! Also it's my day off will you guys leave me alone?" I say as I blush. "Ahaha ok, ok. Enjoy your date!" They say winking and walking away.
"Urgh, sorry about them, they love to annoy me." I say as I lean on the table. "Ha, they think I'd date you, now come on I want to win this bet." He says a bit annoyed.
"Why, do you not like the arcade?" I ask confused. "No, I do, it's just we're here because you want to. Now let's go."
We walk to the skee ball, each swiping at a machine. "Highest score wins, go!" he says and we start rolling the ball up to the holes. "Ha! 15000 beat that." he says crossing his arms.
"I did 22500, I win!" I say with a big smile. He sighs "Ok what do you want me to buy you?" "Hmm, oh I know follow me." I say and walk out of the arcade.
He jogs to catch up and looks up when we reach our destination. "Frozen yogurt?" "Yep, you said you'd buy me something and I want yogurt."
We order and he pays. As we sit down outside, I take a breath of fresh air. "So did I choose nerd stuff or was this fine for you?" "Well it wasn't what I expected." "uh-huh, see I told you it wouldn't be boring." I say and eat my yogurt.
We sit in silence and eat as Carlos seems to be in thought. I watch some birds play in a puddle and finish my yogurt.
"Hey if your done, we can go back to the arcade and try and win more tickets." I say standing up "Tickets?" He looks at me.
"Yeah, most of the games give you tickets. They're stored on the cards and then you can cash them in for prizes." I explain. "Oh yeah, sure, let's go." we throw our bowls in the bin and start to walk back.
Carlos walks a bit slower for a bit but jogs up to me. He looks like he has something on his mind.
"Hey um, so I enjoyed our time together, it was nice. Today felt weirdly right, I actually loved it and I hate love. Do you want to go out again?" He says looking down playing with his hands.
"Yeah sure, I'd love too." I smile.
Ok so this was a long one but I tend to do that. I know it's not that good and I tend to over explain things but I really wanted to write a story about Carlos Martinelli.
In case you don't know, Carlos Martinelli is kinda the bully/bad boy in how to be indie. He bosses everybody around and humiliates them while recording it and posts it to the internet.
He also is kinda a dealer but not for drug more like he knows a guy that knows a guy that knows where to get party supplies, rash ointment and fix copiers, ect.
He's one of Atticus earliest characters, he played Carlos when he was 15, still had a squeaky voice and looked like this in season 1
The pic I used for the top of the chapter is also Carlos but from season 2.
Thanks for reading, if you see anything wrong, grammar, spelling, misinformation, please correct me nicely.
This took me 3 hours to write because I'm bad at writing.
Ok, bye people
Drew X
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