Thanos walked back in the apartment after just ten minutes, still holding the small bag and sighed, slumping on the couch Namgyu was.
"Whats wrong, man?"
"Dude. Namsu-"
"Gyu. Namgyu."
"Right. Namgyu. Bro, you know how I told you I was gonna give those cookies to Se-na?"
Namgyu scoffed quietly.
"Yeah? What about her?"
"Dude. When I got to her house, her door was unlocked, right? So I just went inside, and fuckin heard moaning."
Namgyu held back a laugh, attempting to stay serious.
"It was from the literal bedroom. I genuinel11y didn't know if she was watching porn or um, fucking someone so my dumbass checked."
"From how short you took to come back, I'm guessing she was actually having sex"
"Yes, dude! I was like, what the fuck? I broke up with her right there and left immediately. "
I have a chance again. Namgyu thought.
"Anyway. Um, want a cookie? Since, that."
"Oh hell yeah, man."
Thanos smiled, taking one of the cookies and handing it over to Namgyu.
Namgyu took it, smiling a little and taking a bite.
"How much did you make?"
"Just six. I have um three since your eating one, then ate one before I left, and I ate one while driving .."
Namgyu chuckled.
"Well- do you want the rest?"
Thanos asked as Namgyu's eyes lit up.
"Hell yeah, dude."
"Here you go."
Thanos handed the small bag over, and Namgyu immediately took it.
"I'll be in my studio, trying to come up with shit."
Namgyu nodded as Thanos walked away to enter his studio.
And Namgyu simply ate all the cookies.
When he finished, he saw a small note in the bag. He pulled it out and read it.
"I love you, Se-na ! ♡"
Namgyu scoffed, tearing the paper into bits .
"Whore. Cheating on someone so fucking wonderful."
Namgyu muttered to himself, tossing the paper bits into the trashcan. He flinched as he heard loud ass music coming from Thanos' studio. Why did he even get scared at this point? It was never a shock. Ah whatever.
Thanos was looking for inspiration for songs. Mostly rap music, rock music, but also some soft music.
10 minutes passed, and he didn't get an idea.
Thanos jerked to the direction of the ringing, and realized it was his phone. He hesitated, but when he realized it was Semi, he picked up.
"Hey Semi, what's up?"
"Nothin'. I wanted to invite you and Namgyu to a party on Saturday, that's all man."
"I'm down."
"Great. See you, at my place."
"Um. I was wondering if you can give me a topic to sing.. It's just- I saw Sena cheating on me and like, I just wanna do something to get it off my mind. I thought maybe making a song would work and shit, so um- Any ideas?."
Thanos was desperate.
Semi paused.
"I don't know. A like- song about the breakup, take out your old feelings on it."
"You know what. I'll try, thanks Senorita."
"I've told you a billion times to not call me that."
"Okay, sorry. Thanks, see you Semi."
"See you."
And he hung up.
He came up with lyrics first as usual, and was actually able to come up with lyrics within twenty minutes.
Namgyu had headphones on. No, he did like Thanos' music. But it was WAY too loud. The headphones kind of helped, but it was still a little loud.
Then there was silence.
Finally, he took a break. Namgyu thought.
"Hey, Namsu."
Namgyu's head perked up.
"Gyu. NamGYU."
"My bad. Anyway, um. Semi invited us to a party that's tomorrow- You wanna go?"
"Sure man, I'm down."
"Alright. Just asking, I'm gonna go.. Do something. I have no clue." Thanos muttered the last part, walking out of Namgyu's room. Namgyu chuckled to himself quietly.
Authors Note
since I don't know what else to add, here's the end for this chap:3 the next will be getting ready for the party and then going .
(all) 675 words
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