Chapter 10 🌸 [2/2]

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Beomgyu's POV
I finished dinner first ad left the dinning room to escape from all of the awkwardness . When I suddenly remember y/n choking , what was she thinking about. "Did she remember my ab-- Aishh what the am I talking about !"
Until there was a knock at the door "Sir , may I come in ?"

"The door is already open ."

Y/n :*clears throat , "So umm where "

Beomgyu:"Ummm , you sleep over here , I'm gonna with Hyung "

Soobin:"Pffft , With me ??" He said walking in .

Beomgyu :" Yeah , obliviously I can't sleep with Yeonjun ."

Soobin:"If you are gonna sleep in my room , then I'll come over with y/n !"

Y/n,Beomgyu:"What ???"

Beomgyu :"Michesseyo ??"I asked as y/n is left frozen in place .

Soobin:"Yah , it's not like that . Well watch tv and eat ."

Beomgyu : " Eat??? , is that why you don't want me to come over ,😮 wait have been stealing Ppang !!! , woah I'm telling Ahjumma ."

Soobin:"Shhhhhhh , Michesseyo ?"

Y/n:"I would like to know what's going on ?" I asked while both of them looks at me.

Beomgyu:"Noting , go sleep you have to work tomorrow."

Soobin:"Y/n , we should do something fun and let Beomgyu sleep ."


Soobin:"Mwo , it's not like you like y/n-ah " he said as Beomgyu pushed him out of the room .

He locked the door and yelled at Soobin from inside "Go Enjoy Your ppang"

He Locked the door walking towards me with his blanket and pillow in his hand , isn't he going over to Soobin , Do I have to sleep with him?

Beomgyu:"Please scoot over , I need to sleep ."

"But sir I don't think it's a go-"

Beomgyu:"Can't you hear properly , Scoot over ."

We lay their in awkward with our backs facing each other .
And I couldn't sleep.

[beomgyu's mind ]
She couldn't have slept with Soobin , she's going to be my wife soon . I wonder how she'll react to that , Will she keep bickering about it. And then soobin's word flash "it's not like you like her " . Do I like her ?

[ Y/n's Mind ]
This is so awkward . It must be awkward for him too . But he could've gone with Soobin . One minute he's all nice and then he's cold . He's a really caring person , why does he hide it , I mean All the small thing he've been doing In between I've noticed it , I wasn't even that deep in my sleep with he took off my heels in the plane he even tuck-- "Ah y/n it's late stop thinking"

As both of turned at the same time with your eyes meeting each other's . Both of you were thinking . Both of you couldn't sleep. As you continued to stare at him as he closed his eyes . 

(It's like the only screenshot of him sleeping Lololololol )

You woke up to the smell of "Ppang " as you open your eyes to see Soobin sitting next to eating .

Soobin:"Ahhh , finally you got up its 9:00am "

Y/n:"What?? 9 what ???? Where is Sir ?? , I'm gonna die omg please save me ."

Soobin:" Don't worry he said to let you sleep but whatever you do make sure to be to be done at 10:00am as he's sending Mr.Kim to pick you up .

Y/n:"Mr.Kim is here too ? , why didn't you wake me up !!"

Soobin:" One should not be disturbed  While sleeping .

Y/n:"What ??? , your brother is gonna kill me with work I said grabbing my stuff "

Soobin :"there's a reason he's like that but he's a really caring person y/n and you can fight me on that because  he covered you with that same blanket this morning "he said pointing at the blanket .

Y/n:" I really can't keep up with all of this" I said rushing to the washroom to get ready .

After getting ready I went outside and it's 10:00am. Why is always this late . He's so lucky Beomgyu-ssi doesn't  get mad at him. Did I just say "Beomgyu-ssi" Omo y/n-ah get on your feet . You couldn't have waited on so you've decided to call him for the address , You can take the bus because this isn't your first time in Daegu .

You had a good time walking down the streets looking at the small kids playing , And how busy everybody was .
The bus ride was also made you happy , it has been a long time since you came back here . You love the aroma but not all good thing lasts forever because as soon as you stepped out of the bus it started raining .

The building was just a few minutes away and you had his files in your bag. And he would be mad if you aren't there on time so you decided to keep walking . The tiny droplets of the rain hit your cheeks making their was to the tip of jaw , You didn't even realized you could've gotten sick but you cling on to your bag covering it from the rain .

After being soaking wet , you arrived infront of the building still covering your bag and you notice people exiting the building so you walked up to guard "Excuse me Sir is the meeting over ?" You asked as the man was staring at you .

While waiting for an answer you felt someone pulled you close to their chest hugging you so tight that you felt extreme warmness taking over your body .

[ I'm trying to leave a good set of chapters before I go hiatus]

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