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✦✦✦✦ The New Death Star ✦✦✦✦

BB-8 nudges his way between Poe and Sar'ika, the pair barley paying any attention as they go back to staring at the map.

The droid beeps loudly and Poe grins, "Hey, buddy."

BB-8 ignores him and continues to stare at Sar'ika who has zoned out into her memories.


"I'm trying."

"Try harder."

The eleven year old sighed, eyes closing and posture going straight again, "Reach out, feel it."

"Fell what, Uncle Luke?"

"The Force, the lightness, the darkness, the energy that ties them together, feel the earth, the air, the water, the fire, feel it all."

Sar'ika closed her eyes tighter and scrunched her face in concertation. The small pebbles around her began to float and the wind picked up wiping her dark hair into her face.

"You're doing it, Sar'ika, now, open your eyes."

Listening to her Master she opened her eyes to reveal a glowing figure standing before her. The man looked young, auburn hair and shining green eyes, eyes that matched her own.

"Hi, I'm Sar'ika." The little girl grinned.

The man chuckled, a sound that made her smile widen as he knelt before her, "Hello, little one, my name is Obi-Wan Kenobi."

"Kenobi? That's one of my names!"

Obi-Wan chuckled again, "I'm your grandfather, Sar'ika."

Luke stood back, watching the interaction with a smile of his own, "You are?"

"Yes, I am, and I'll always be with you, remember that."

"Djarin! Hoth to Djarin."


"You okay?"

She clears her throat and nods, "Yeah, what's up?"

Poe nods his head to BB-8 who then rolls away, sighing she follows after him to find R2-D2 turned off in the corner, "He's been like that for years, Bumble, let's leave him be."

BB-8 hits into her leg again and she sighs crouching before him and fixing his antenna, a nervous habit for the both of them, "I have a lot to do right now, okay? Go bother Dameron, or Threepio and I'll talk to you later?"

BB-8 did what sounds like a sigh and lowers his head as he rolls towards the golden droid.

Sar'ika returns to her place beside Poe, arms crossing and one hand playing with her necklace. "The scan data from Snap's reconnaissance flight confirms Finn's report."

"They've somehow created a hyper-light speed weapon built within the planet itself." Snap says leaning against the hologram table.

"A laser cannon?"

"We're not sure how to describe a weapon of this scale."

"It's another Death Star."

Snap shakes his head, "I wish that were the case, Major," Poe speaks up, he taps Sar'ika making her move to the side as he pulls up another image, "This was the Death Star."

Sar'ika sighs, tapping Poe right back as she clicks another button, the new base showing up right beside it, "And this is the Star killer Base."

The group all exclaim staring at the very large difference, Poe opens his mouth trying to speak over them but gets drowned out every time, "Ne'johaa! /Shut up!"

They all look over at Sar'ika's outburst, she stands with her arms crossed but her eyes staring right at the base, "I'm trying to think." She mutters.

"So, it's big?" Han asks shrugging lightly.

"How is it possible to power a weapon of that size?"

Finn steps up beside Snap, "It uses the power of the sun. As the weapon is charged the sun is drained until it disappears."

A resistance member passes Leia a note and she sighs, "The First Order, they're charging the weapon again now. Our system is the next target."

"Oh my," C3-PO exclaims, "Without the Republic fleet, we're doomed."

"Way to think positive, Beskar'ad./Droid."

C3-PO looks to Sar'ika and nods, "I am a droid, Commander Djarin. That was-"

"I don't care what it was," She sighs pinching the bridge of her nose,

"Can someone turn his voice box off?" Kit calls in annoyance.

Han sighs, "How do we blow it up? There's always a way to do that."

"Han's right." Han does a double take as he looks at Leia.

"In order for that amount of power to be contained that base has to have some kind of thermal oscillator."

Finn nods, rounding the corner to step between Sar'ika and Poe, "Precinct 47. Here." He points it out and the pair beside him follow his finger, highlighting it on the map.

"If we can destroy that Oscillator. It might destabilize the core and cripple the weapon."

"Maybe the planet?"

"We'll go there," Poe offers looking to a few members of his team, "We'll hit that oscillator with everything we've got."

"And if it's not enough?" Sar'ika asks turning her head to look at him.

Poe sighs, "Do you always have to be so negative?"


Kit looks between her daughter and the Commander and quickly interrupts, "They have defence shields that our ships can't penetrate."

"We disable the shields," Han says looking across to Finn, "Kid, you worked there. What do you got?"

"I can do it." Finn nods.

Han smiles pointing to Finn, "I like this guy."

"I can disable the shields, but I have to be there. On the planet."

Han and Chewie share a look before facing Finn again and nodding, "We'll get you there."

"Han, how?"

"If I told you, you wouldn't like it."

"I'm coming." Sar'ika speaks to them across the table.

Han raises his brows, "No you aren't."

"You can't tell me what to do, I rank higher than you here."

"I'm still your Uncle, I can to tell you wat to do, Kit, back me up."

Kit holds her hands up in defence and shakes her head, "Let her go, Han." Leia says.

Han looks over at her and Leia shrugs and Sar'ika grins triumphantly.

Poe tries his best not to say anything and goes back to the plan, "So, we disable the shields, we take out the oscillator and we blow up their big gun. All right, let's go."

Sar'ika pushes herself off of the table but Poe catches her elbow to stop her, a few of his team members roll their eyes knowing what's coming, a very long argument that will have Poe in a mood and Sar'ika stomping around.

"What, Dameron? I don't have time for this, right now."

"I know, just... be careful."

Jess quickly hits Snap to see if he was looking, Sar'ika seems to have had the same reaction as she does a double take, "Thanks, you too."

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