19; meme spam

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( 01:47 )
( atlanticocean has posted one new photo to their close friends tap to view.. )

( daph.grass has replied to
your story tap to view.. )

daph <3

you good bby?

yeah ig

( stel.prewett has replied to
your story tap to view.. )


i'm coming to your room :(

dw i'm fine

too bad i'm coming anyways

( hannah.abbot has sent your story
to a group chat tap to view.. )

- contact names -
daphne greengrass- daph <3
padma patil- padsss
parvati patil- loml
lavender brown- lav brown
astoria greengrass- future milf
susan bones- suzy bones
hannah abbot- hannah banana
virgo prewett- old lady odette
atlanta prewett- you

the gays and theys only

hannah banana: lanta what's wrong :(

lav brown: yeah please talk to us 🥺

you: nothin it's fine

future milf: at least tell us what the paragraph says

you: ugh i cant remember what i said but like
i'm just really worried about
mine and harry's friendship cause
we haven't talked in over four days
and i can learn to push my feelings aside
if it means we can go back to the way we were

also school is really fucking stressing
me out cause my literal dumbass
cannot do fucking school, i'm literally
gonna fail and then i'll be in my
little sisters year and then she
will get a better mark than
me and then i'll be the dumb sister
who can only do sports and
nothing else 😋🤘
so yeah

loml: fuck what happened with you and harry? also what feelings


you: um maybe but like it's all awkward now and yeah

padsss: why's it awkward now tho?

you: um cause we almost maybe kissed but then we got interrupted by cho
and now it's a whole fucking mess cause it's awkward and shii

old lady odette: but so why can't y'all pretend nothin happened

you: um cause he's all awkward about it not me
and the i didn't know how to respond to his messages so i kinda just left it

suzy: talk to him atlanta

yeah maybe it's just he's kinda being a dick and saying that i shouldn't bring cho into this and shït

loml: oh fuck not a cho stan😐

future milf: i bet you she's like the nicest person ever but now you technically
have to hate her guts cause she's trying to steal your manz🙂

you: 😃✌️

hannah banana: lanta ik how to cheer u up😋🤟

and how is that may i ask

hannah banana: meme spam ofc😫

hannah banana:

future milf:



daph <3:

lav brown:




daph <3:



you: ily bitches😫🤝

future milf: we love you🤎
this message was liked by you and five others

suzy: 🤎🤍
this message was liked by you
seen by you and four others


i deadass didn't know that wattpad had a limit on how many photos you can use until today 🙂

but look me at posting 3 chapters in the space of two and a half days🤝

happy reading x

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