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You were going back home exhausted because of the meetings you have to attend in your office. You were stressed out and the only thing that could help was your daughter and your husband who was waiting for their mom to come back.

Your daughter Luna was your ray of sunshine, the moment you see her and the bright smile she gives you can cure any disease, the smile she got from her father.

Your husband Seonghwa was free from his work as he recently came from the world tour. And he got some off days to spend some time with his family.

But here you were and your luck. You got busy with your work and couldn't spend time with him.

But one good thing about him was that he was understanding and very good with household work and is a good father, husband and a better cook than you.

He was always supportive of whatever you do and would drop everything for you if something urgent comes and you have to work extra hours. Even being tired of practice he never said no to you and let you enjoy your career. You got the dream guy that you always wanted.

You finally reached home and there was your daughter who came running to you. You held her and gave her a tight hug.

"I love this." You say hugging her.

"I missed you!" She says.

"Oh, baby I missed you so much!" You kissed her forehead.

"What about me? I want a hug and a forehead kiss or maybe on my lips." Seonghwa pouts.

"No kisses for big babies," Luna says and you laugh.

"Are you my daughter or my enemy?" Seonghwa gives an attitude to her.

"Friend," Luna says.

"Did I just get friend-zoned by my own daughter??" He says in disbelief.

"And that's what you get." You tease him.

"Looks like someone deserves some punishment?" He pulls you closer.

"Hwa we are in front of Luna." You tried to make an excuse.

"I don't care." He kissed your forehead.

"Yuck," Luna says.

"You little-" She runs away and Seonghwa follows her.

After you freshen up you all decided to go to the terrace and enjoy the view. And Luna loves stars and the fact  Hwa's name meant stars, excites her the most and thinking about how her name was chosen Luna to match with her father. Star and Moon shine together.

"How was work?" Hwa asked you.

"It was fine. I just feel bad that even on your off days I have to work instead of spending time with you." You replied.

"Come on don't be like that. Didn't you always want to work under XYZ company and love this is your dream job and you working on it? Don't ever feel guilty about other things. Have your full focus on your career. I am here to look after Seol and trust me she is very proud of you and you have my full support." Seonghwa holds your hand.

"I don't know how I got so lucky." you hugged him.

"Did I miss this?" Seonghwa laughs saying this.

"Group hug." Luna interrupts.

"You come here." You held her in your arms.

You three decided to sit on a mat that was on the ground. Luna was on your lap and you were putting your weight on Seonghwa.

He covered you all with his huge-ass sweater as the breeze was cold.

After a while, luna fell asleep in your lap and Hwa decided to whisper and enjoy the time.

"Before you overthink I just want to tell you that you are doing great as a worker, mother, daughter and wife. If you ever need any kind of help please do come to me,"  he whispers in your ear.

The things he said to your matter and meant a lot to you. The support you got from your husband and the love. That's what you all wanted. He knew you were exhausted but you were the type of person who didn't like to show or express her emotions because you were scared to burden someone else as they might be through something too. So you kept things to yourself and bottle them up.

He definitely knew how to reassure you. His words were enough to cheer you up.

"Hwa thank you." You kissed his hand.

" Y/n you are enough, and I am so glad to have you in my life. Thanks for choosing me as your life partner." he smiles.

And staring at the stars you three enjoy, mostly two as luna was peacefully sleeping in your lap.

Just a note to the reader:
Please use your words carefully. Sometimes we don't know what a person is going through. They must seem happy from the outside but they might be going through some kind of illness.

And sometimes we might just need someone to tell you that you are great and you are enough. Also they are always ways to get better but don't you worry even if no one saying that to you let me let you. I am really really proud of you! And i believe in you!

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