Hello readers hope you been doing well thank you for 1.94k views π π π this is been a wonderful journey and I hope we continue it as the story slowly comes to a close not now of course but soon. -author
*As the two wake up spartans wake up and the sun shines through the curtains kat nuzzles her head into six*
"Ready for today since we have the the second game of the sparring" *kat says her voice is kinda muffled from her face pressing against six's chest muscles*
"Yeah we can win just that jun gonna have to sit this one out since we need him to be our sniper in the armored gunfight."
"Naughty boy~ hehehehe" *kat says as she leans into six squeeze*
*Later they eat breakfast and the general calls them*
"Hey you two meet up in the same place for the boxing matches let's see who you have as a opponent"
*The general says as he looks through his papers on his clipboard*
"So it's gonna be team 1 v team 2 then team 3 v team 4, team 5 v team 6, team 7 v noble team"
"Each game will have 4 rounds 3 needed to win in a match" and depending on what game mode you want it could be team v team brawl or one to one fighting" *the general says as he continues to look for more details* "do you plan on bringing jun into this" *the general says as he looks up"
"No we are not gonna let him be in this sparring we are saving him for the armored gunfight"
*Six says through the phone*
"Oh I see okay also ready up because the game soon starts". *The general says as he he hangs up on the phone*
-hours later-
Announcer: "Ladies and gentlemen welcome for the second part of the annually spartan sparring be ready for the boxing"
*Jun stands to the side of the entrance of the and watches*
"Team 1 and team 2 agree for a team brawl so now brawl"
*After a half a hour of a fight team two won*
"Congratulations on team 2 for winning now on the other teams." *The announcer says*.
-After a few rounds it's the noble team vs team 7-
"You ready" *six's says as he holds Kat metal hand and gripping it hard enough but not to hard to hurt his own fingers*
"Yeah am ready lets go show them what we can do" *both run onto the platform and put on boxing gear*
Announcer: "team brawl or 1 to 1"
"Team brawl" *team 7 Says and noble team agrees*
*Team 7 steps up to the platform and in the team it's two of the assholes spartan 4's that tried flirting with kat and six is not having it and clenches his fist*
Announcer: "Remember no dirty hits and no pushing to far now begin"
*Six and kat go back to back to cover both of their blindspots and ready as team 7 attacks*
*Team 7 has two Spartan 4's women that wants six to be theirs and a 2 guys wanting six dead and wanting kat*
*Six fights the two male Spartans 4's while kat fights the two Spartan 4's women*
"Six your dead and we are gonna take that girl of yours if you like it or not" *one of the raging spartan 4's males says as they continue attack*
"If you want to go for my legs aim low if you want to go for my head aim high but if you wanna go for her am gonna make you touch the sky before you do" *six announces he punches one them in the gut and makes the guy spit*
-meanwhile with kat-
"He doesn't want you ugly bitch he wants a someone who is fully human not missing a arm bitch" *one of the women says as they continue their attack*
"He's gonna be ours by the end of this and we will rub it in your face." *Kat getting a little annoyed starts using her metal arm to block as earlier she was told she can't use her metal arm to attack but to deflect or block yes she can.*
"He's mine and mine only and you bitches are getting on my nerves" *kat says as she has a look of possessiveness.*
*After a few minutes six and kat beat both of their own enemies and move on*
"Team 2 vs team 3 and after that is team 5 vs noble team" *the announcer says and everybody cheered and screaming enjoying the fights.*
*After half a hour* "Team 3 wins and goes to the finals" *the announcer says and then goes and starts the next match.*
*After another half a hour "Noble team wins and they go to the finals" *the announcer saying and after drinks some water as how much his throat is drying up from all this speaking.*
"Ladies and gentlemen welcome to the finals matches of part 2 of the Spartan sparring and as we watch the match begins let's see how they are now" *the announcer says and noble team and team 3 are on the platform ready to begin.*
"Noble team, noble team" *cheers of noble team are heard from almost every body in at the benches.*
*The general with his wife and his wife holding him by the ear watch from the sidelines* "please honey you have to understand I had to make owwww oww stoop" *the general says as his wife tugs his ear.* "shush you" *his wife says*
*Sixs looks at kat and says*
"Ready" *kat says as she ready herself*
*The fight was a amazing fight but in the end six and kat won and celebrate*
*Everybody cheers and many single women blurt out* "I LOVE YOU SIX PLEASE BE MINE" *A lot of them says and kat gets mad and drags six home and calls the general on puts him on speaker*
"When the armored gunfight" *kat says as she drags six by the collar to the house* "not until next week why do you ask" *the general says through the phone* "that's all I needed to know" *kat says and six a little confused gets dragged into the house and kat closes the door behind them and takes him to the bedroom and close that door behind them and pins him to the door and pulls on his shirt and kiss him.*
*Six kiss back and kat moans as six tongue enters her mouth and swirls around*
*Kat gets more hungry for more and starts kissing more fevor and throws six onto the bed and sits on his lap and starts grinding against his crotch and kisses him more*
*Six kisses back and starts grabbing and squeezing Kats plum butt and kat pulls away and speaks up* "your mine husband and only mine no other girls got it" *kat says with authority*
"Yes my love" *six says"
"Now let's have some fun~" *kat says as she pulls six zipper down and pulls his pants down showing off six hard big monster*
"I need you and I want you to break me handsome~" *kat says as she runs her tongue down six dick and nips at his balls*
"Oh I will" *six says as he flips kst around in a 69 position and pulls her pants and panties down and begins eating as Kat starts sucking him off letting out moans of pleasure from six's licking*
Welp hope you enjoy this chapter and see you on the next one which should be next weekend and guess what i got good grades from school am proud of myself
Chapter 20: Annual Spartan sparring pt.3
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