I always wondered what the true reason behind the creation of humanity was. Why would the Gods ever fancy the concept of such lowly weak creatures with basic intelligence...let them litter the world that belonged to us.
They're such insignificant beings and yet...as time went on I grew attached...especially to my people.
As someone who always questioned Makoto's towards mortals, I eventually followed her path and swore to protect the people of my home...Inazuma. Raiden Makoto may not have been the fighter in our rule but she believed I better fit that duty between the two of us...but we both shared the same love for our people...
And that's why she left for Kaenr'iah without telling me...
I needn't remind myself of it all again...I was only brutally made aware of what it takes to rule, the burden of time will forever haunt a leader. As this bane of time flowed, I lost more of the ones I loved....and more of myself.
I am an Archon...and yet my heart feels weaker than those of children I see running around the streets of my land. I was losing my belief in being able to rule on my own...Makoto was a leader, I was a warrior....I feared that 'time' will eventually come for me...take me and leave my people defenseless...
I felt so alone, so isolated...so wrong. Am I really alone? I still have Miko who's always still there to keep me from succumbing to a dense wall of nothing but work and worrywart ways. But why does it not feel complete...? The loss of Makoto must have left a hole in me that can never be filled...but that feeling is always fluctuating... it's as if my heart is tugging at something that could finally save me...is it my resolve for eternity..? Or is it-
"Your Excellency."
I swiftly turn.
I see him.
That duty bound yet bright and brimming face.
He stood there with no sense of fear or overdramatic respect in his actions, just a firm salutation and a smile.
"Reporting in already, Hadeki?"
It was an unnatural mystery, why my lips curl on their own whenever I see him.
"Or were you just speeding along work just to get here quicker?"
"Haha! You've caught me again..."
Oh how I wish to hear him laugh again...it brings me ease even if I know it wouldn't help any situation...
"But I assure you, I haven't left anything undone nor do I have anything dire to report to worry you."
"You never do, General..." I sigh out an accidental sad tone.
"Come, I don't wish to discuss much out in the open like this." I ask him to follow me.
"Inside....the Tenshukakku...? Is this not enclosed enough?" He tilted his head.
"Hmhmhm~ Just follow me."
It was today that I showed you a prototype of my plain of eternity...a chamber that will preserve me and keep me from eroding...
It was at this point that I thought to trust you with.... everything, knowing you'd stay by my side in the most dire of times...never leave or shake your head away from mine.
Then why?
Why did you have to deny my path? Why couldn't you see this forsaken world as I saw it?
You were the only one out of the entire race of humanity...whom I thought would be different...past the state of ignorance and see the truth.
Why did you have to ruin what we had, Hadeki?! It was a factual plan! It works!
Why did you have to plunge me into this cycle of despair when I was finally ready to embrace eternity!?
As a general -- as my FRIEND, it was your one and only duty to stay by my side and yet you...betrayed me...
You're just like the rest of them in the end, another lost lamb for me to guide in the coming storm...
And if that won't swade you, then I'm sorry...
Lighting will strike...
I jolt up from my bed, gasping for air while in the moistness of my own cold sweat.
The sound of thunder rumbling outside the window did not help in calming my panic.
"Master Hadeki?!" Loud banging at the room door followed a yelling voice. "Is something wrong?!"
"I'm fine Teppei, I just...feel off the bed." I rub my eyes and quickly call back.
I didn't want him barging in at this time...what is the time anyway? I properly sit up on my bed and stare out the window, the strike of thunder was so loud yet so far away, Watatsumi rarely has any storms within it's boundaries.
I rub my face with both hands aggressively, still trying to process my position and what had caused such a violent outburst from me.
What was that dream...? How ruptured is my sanity to have dreams of following the life of Raiden Ei? ...I could hear her thoughts...her torment- it...none of this can be real can it? The unknown of dream scapes can't be that far off with magical beings such as Gods but...there can't be any possible reason for anything I witnessed to be real...can it?
I'm not one to dig deep into conspiracy but I'll likely have to bring this up to the shrine maidens, perhaps find better answers than whatever Yae Miko would throw at me through bits of riddles.
I shake my head and finally rise from my bed, it may be morning by now but it's a bit too early still...I won't be going back to sleep anytime soon so I'd best make use of this time.
Tuning my arm and making sure Cloud Retainer's seal was still there, wearing my proper uniform given to me by the resistance and finally slipping on my boots, I finally step outside of my room and soon out of the house.
I noticed that Teppei wasn't here anymore, he likely left early as well....Such a hard working young man.
I've been on Watatsumi Island for over 2 weeks now. My time here has been well spent with training other soldiers and fighting hard ridden battles against the Shogunate, although I bore no witness to Kujou in any of the fights thus far...
When I step outside, I'm still met with the warmth of a new day, regardless of the rain over my head.
The villagers greet me whole heartedly and the children try using my arms and legs as their playground whenever I walk by.
"Captain Obiyash!" Two foot soldiers stabbed their polearms into the ground and saluted my arrival.
Yes, despite my many rejections of becoming a commanding force in the masses of the resistance, the Priestess appointed me as captain of a platoon of my own. Sword Fish II, a team that acted as first line of defense and borderline intelligence.
It was our job to protect the island and warn of oncoming attacks, find their nature and investigate certain matters that require military interest. If I had one thing to say, it would be that I truly am astonished by the strategical intellect the priestess has, despite her occupation. Such a soft spoken and kind soul being battle hardened and knowledgeable of how her enemies work.
"At ease. What's the situation today?" I question as the two men step aside and allow me passage up the mountain side.
"Her Excellency has a specific mission for you that she'd like to discuss privately, aside that we've been tasked to investigate missing ration crates that were to be supplied to the villagers. We believe it to be the work of treasure horders..." One explained.
"The people are barely living through this war and we have to deal with the likes of them?" I groan.
"We are tracking them down as we speak."
"If you find anything, always report to me first. I want to deal with this personally until our next encounter with the Shogunate."
"Yes sir!"
"Her Excellency is already waiting for you at the Shrine."
"Alright, head to training."
I parted ways with them and head up to the shrine where there were more mixes of people in uniform, shrine maidens near the building and soldiers littering the boundaries.
Finally reaching the main courtyard of the shrine, I once again let the warmth and peace of the area around me sink in. This island was by far the most beautiful out of all the lands Inazuma housed...and I had never been to it before.
Near the wide staircase was the Priestess, speaking with Gorou who already nodded off and walked away as I approached her.
She greeted me with a welcoming smile.
"Captain of Serpentine I. Good morning master Obiyash." She said sweetly.
"Please, dear priestess. The last thing I want is someone like you referring to me as master." I wave my hand dismissively. "You've proven worthy of my respect as much as I have you."
"How are you doing today? I was informed by Teppei that you were... screaming in your sleep." Her kind and bright face of hope was ruined by a sense of worry. "Have you been having....trouble when trying to rest?"
I pinch my nose chuckled through my annoyed sigh.
I wanted to brush it off. Tell her that this is nothing to fret over, but deep down, I felt that I needed to discuss this.
"Under the influence of old stories of Yokai and the pressure of magic all around, superstition becomes a weird anxiety. I've dreamt many times before but...never a nightmare that felt so...real."
"So, you're worrying that this nightmare may have alternate meanings...but to what? I believe only you know." Kokomi dipped her head in thought. "Can you tell me what happened in this dream?"
"Well...I was experiencing the perspective of The Raiden Shogun and...now that I think about it, I don't even know if it'd be appropriate to call this a nightmare anymore."
"Why so?"
"Because the things I saw from her point of view were...real events. Events from past wars and...moments shared with me, all of those happened." I explained with Kokomi's expressions growing more baffled. "I could...hear her thoughts, her pain...her resentment."
But was it really hate? In the beginning it felt as if she...no.
"Could it be that...she shares a connection with you?" Kokomi declared an answer. "Possibly that she once cared for you and now in some tangible way it-"
"No. It's everything but that."
"I've been betrayed of my trust once before, it will not happen again. I thought she cared about me, I thought I was worthy enough to be someone close to her, and now here I am. There is NOTHING to discuss about this."
I cannot say I regret rasing my voice like that, the level of absurdity in the thought of what Raiden and I had is a bygone memory and I would never want to recall it.
Kokomi waved off her worried look and took a deep breath.
"I understand." She makes attempts to lift my spirits by beaming another smile at me, but due to my own rough behavior, it holds less impact than it did a few moments ago.
"For now, I believe it's best to let your mind stray from this issue...but maybe the news I have to rely might not help either..."
"I'm one with your forces, Priestess. Whatever it is, it'll be my duty to see it through."
"And I'm wholely grateful to have our founder be apart of us all the way, but this matter is something that I believe requires me to come with you."
She nods then quietly moves past me, heading down the courtyard and nearing the stairs.
"Walk with me."
Who am I to deny a kind request?
As I walk down the coral and sandy paths with the sophisticated scribe of a war leader, I once again gaze upon the morning beauty of the island as we venture into the deeper ends of the island.
Areas like these are considered the unpopulated slums, where small creatures and enemies lie. Hilichurls and slimes scower the land which is why worried the question...
"Should you be wandering about such a place? So far from the shrine. You didn't even call for any guards."
The high priestess giggles beside me.
"I have you don't I? Neither am I a fraile little girl. I may not be the most battle hardened in the lands but I can fend for myself when the time calls."
I raise my hands in agreement and defeat.
"I'm merely looking out for you. The last thing we want is for any harm to befall you."
"For someone so powerful, you do worry alot." She laughed again.
"Power can be reckless, abused and less admirable when used to have your way."
I again turn my attention to my arm. I've had many discussions regarding it with Sangonomiya and some soldiers before...
"What is it that you wanted to discuss?" I ask.
She sighed and stopped in the middle of a rocky trench that had small water falls in the distance.
"Recently I've been noticing some of the soldiers acting...strangely." She faced me but her gaze felt as though it was looking through me.
"They're hiding something. I once took notice to how...more efficiently they've been handling attacks from the Shogunate. I wouldn't dare say that the resistance is weak in any way but an advancement this drastic is rather suspicious."
"You're concerned that they're getting help from someone or something else and it's not good due to them trying to hide it for you."
She nods. But what she said after was something I was not prepared for.
"Yes....have you ever heard of a group called The Fatui?"
My eyes widen and I immediately catch on what she's trying to get at.
"Don't tell me..."
"I'm afraid that there's been some secretive collaboration between them and my soldiers."
"How did you find out about this?"
She held her chin in thought while I did my best to remain calm and not enrage myself at the thought of the Fatui.
"I made my own deduction. A few months ago, the Fatui had come to he directly, offering me their aid this battle so as long as we provide them with the funds for their supplies and keep their collaboration a secret. Of course, I declined this immediately but it was already impossible for me to accept such deeds because of...what they were offering."
She looks up at me and then down at my arm, dense with thought and suspicions.
"How does your arm function?" She asked suddenly.
"It contains a seal given to me by an Adeptus that can allow my electro vision to use the arm itself as a weapon. It exerts and resonates with the element of electro with ease."
"Hm...well, the Fatui offered us...an alternative to Visions. Manmade devices that can allow the user to manipulate the elements just like a regular Vision, except it can be stronger."
I couldn't wrap my head around what I was hearing. These Shneznayan muks have managed to cheat their way to harness blessings?
"But I dared not to accept this....for I had learned that the more you use this 'Delusion', it takes away and deteriorates part of your soul...you lose strength, age faster and eventually....you die."
"And your men are willingly taking this sort of risk?!"
"I don't know what they're doing, keep in mind that I've never had any official interrogation with them but all of this is the most logical speculation I could come up with...when I rejected the Fatui's offer back then, my soldiers were hesitant on this decision of mine, when I explained to them on why I did so, they didn't seem like they believed me."
I stand there, clenching my head in unfiltered confusion and anger. The Shogunate is enough of a problem, I couldn't possibly let this happen...
"What do you propose we do?"
"I have strict laws regarding who leaves this island. It would be too risky for my men to try and leave the island to form dealings with the Fatui and an even bigger hassle to transport supplies...so my best guess would be that they have some sort of hideout on Watatsumi Island. But how we would find it is still up to us."
"Nothing a bit of talking and gaining trust won't fix. I could ask around and pretend to be someone interested in this supplying and find out for ourselves."
"Are you sure you'd want to go through with such a plan? Risking your trust towards them?" She questioned.
"For the sake of their well being and thwarting the Fatui? I must."
"Very well then, but do keep me updated as best you can. I'm serious when I say that this situation requires my direct involvement."
The following day...
I've never been one for secrecy but I'm doing quite well in blending in. The training encampment has been my first target of inspection and I believe my suspicions were spot on.
Places like these have alot of gossip in between training and rumors afloat. Surely one or two whispers may possibly guide me to what I'm looking for.
Teppei is usually there as well and although I don't want to target my suspicions on a kind soul such as his, I would be lying if I didn't think that he's very easily influenced if it regards the safety of Watatsumi and the resistance.
Among the archery range trainees, there were some who began gossiping about how well they'd be fending off the Shogunate if they were vision bearers themselves.
I had merged into the crowd but my supposed popularity made it hard for me to truly blend in with anyone.
"I was once the guardian of my village against the treasure horders...my pyro vision was the one thing that protected us, made a name for me amongst my community...but it was humiliatingly snatched from my hands by the Shogunate."
"At least you had one at some point, you knew what it felt like. I for one never even owned one prayed days and days on end to The Raiden Shogun for it, I barely got by in my life on the streets, one by one all those I cared for died around me and I fell into complete despair, and now ever since this Hunt Decree began it's only ever been worse...and to think I begged her for one."
"Alright alright, we shouldn't turn this into a 'who's had it worse' competition, hear me out....you need power? Then you need to know that there's been some dealers on the island that are handing out crafted visions."
"Crafted...? So are they fake or something?"
"No no! These are the real deal, but better! Didn't you notice all those new vision bearers in our squadrons? They're not really vision users and yet they've been pushing back assaults as good as Master Hadeki. Granted, these things do come at a price of mora..."
"How are we supposed to believe these things work? Who even are these-"
"They work..." The man reached his hand out to reveal a strange patterned glove that flashed with geo energy. "15 Shogunate Warriors, wiped out in last week's attack, just like that. You guys saw it at least, right?"
He turned to two other men lifting weights behind them, they nodded.
"So...listen to me carefully, if you're willing to risk your lives to fight for this land and our rights, then you shouldn't find it hard to try and look for extra help..."
The 3 to 4 men infront of him lowered their bows and looked at each other, the hesitance was prominent but they agreed anyway.
"Alright, now listen...meet me back here at night-"
"And so far that's what I had gathered."
I told Kokomi as the two of us run through the shrubbery and past the trees. Quietly following our targets.
"To think my own men would be swaying
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