4 | The Serpent Hand

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"Lady Yae, we have more visitors for the shrine." A maiden alerted with a light bow.

"Inform them that the shrine is currently closed."

"I-I beg your pardon?" She sounded distraught. "Is something the matter?"

"Don't fret so quickly little one. I just have a few concerns that I'd like to handle here at the shrine with utmost silence and privacy. The matter is urgent~" The woman with long pink hair, who spoke with unfiltered elegance, turned with a smile.

"I...I understand Lady Guuyji. I shall inform the rest of the shrine maidens as well."

"Thank you, dear."

As the maiden left, the sophisticated figure returned her gaze to the large tree infront of her, her big ears flapped at every sound made. She was making sure that all those she had ordered to leave had done so.

The fox lady then smiled her relief when the silence of loneliness greeted her. But well, she wasn't truly alone



"Now that the distractions are out of the way, would you care to cease your stalkerish idling~?" She looked up.

I stare down at Yae with my hat and scarf covering most of my features. Standing atop the large branches of the tree.

"It's quite the dull strategy to leave yourself alone when you're aware of a stranger." I say in a raspy tone. "Had you predicted my coming?"

"Strategies are quite my expertise, which is why I needn't require it for you, since there's no ill intent about your aura~"

More confused than satisfied with her answer, I jump down with a loud thud before her.

"All I predicted was that I'd be having quite the special guest, who that might be is yet to be reve-" As she goes on, I speed things along and yank my scarf down. Lifting my head high, staring directly into her eyes.

"Agh, could you not have held it back longer for the sake of suspense?" She whined.

"I have no time to build dramatic effects for your low rated novels..." I sigh and hang my hat behind my back.

"Low rated? Oh, my dear Hadeki, you've truly missed an era~" she giggles with a hand on her cheek.

"I've missed many things..."




"It is still good to see you, old friend." She hums.

"Heh, had I known you saw me as such, I would have been more motivated to fight that day." I roll my eyes.

"And could you have won even if you did~?"


She bursts into yet another fit of laugher while I grunt out my frustrations. I regret ever coming up here in the first place.

"Awww~ You sound as if you aren't as enthusiastic to see me as I you~"

"Your 'friendship' to me has been sceptical ever since I was blasted away by own leader. Knowing that you could have-"

"That I could have possibly known that she was going to do something like this and refused to throw my hands in? Making you think that I was equally on par with this entire scheme of hers?" She crossed her arms, even when she was frowning there was this dreaded smugness about her tone.

"My dear friend, as much as an advisor I am to the Electro Archon, do you really see me acting against her even if I were given the choice?"

I remain silent.

"I was aware of this operation of hers for a long time, not because you think of me as some fortune teller by stereotype, but because she's discussed it with me countless of times, asking if it were the correct course of action. Even when I gave my opinion on this, she still persisted on asking again and again, as if hoping that my answer may change. The only part I had to play all those years ago was merely teaching her."

"Teaching her? Why would she need something to learn while in the midst of sparking an authoritarian governance?"

"Why, to perfect the Shogun, of course. Ei's knowledge of such parental magic is rather weak."

I froze for a moment, wondering if my ears were functioning properly, I shook my head.

"Why did...what do you mean "perfect the Shogun?'" I ask abruptly.

"Hm, I would have guessed you hadn't picked up on it, it has been quite some time and you've only encountered her once." Yae Miko's cryptic mumbling only shattered my understanding of reality more over. "Tell me, Serpent. Did Ei seem different in anyway on the day you confronted her?"

I look down at my feet, and for once in a long time recall that day in pure detail....

That dry deadly voice, the sharp empty eyes of a destroyer. Those weren't the features of the God I once served. I even said that this wasn't her..

"Are you saying, that wasn't her?" I ask.

"Yes, but technically no." Her response made me groan. "You see, The Raiden Shogun and Raiden Ei are two different beings. The Shogun is a puppet that the real Ei had construction in collaboration with me. She had discovered that her physical form was eroding with time...which was one of the reasons she grew this paranoia. So, in order to preserve herself for all eternity, she slipped her consciousness into the puppet but when she's not piloting it, she can act on her own, like a Ruin Guard with more personality traits and strict orders."

Many thoughts began manifesting into my mind as theories of all my suspicions and anguish, it wasn't really her. She could have-

"I'd advise you not to get your hopes up yet. Though Ei may not have been in control of the Shogun back then, she still made it for the sole purpose of rulling in her stead and enforce the Vision Hunt Decree. There's no good and evil side to this matter."

"Then what is it?" I yell. "Do you think this is good? Is this Evil? Because in either case, I felt betrayed. I was nearly murdered by her counterpart! Did she plan that as well?! Had she intended on getting rid of me from the very beginning?! Is this what you thought our relationship would come to?!"

"Calm yourself. Straining your lung capacity to my face will not reward you with any answers." Completely unbothered by my sudden burst of emotion, she faced the tree.

"As much of a mature figure in rule and battle she may be, Ei is completely childish when it comes to her decisions. After the loss of her sister, she grew an obsession with eternal life, a way to preserve Inazuma for all eternity and keep it's legacy protected. This goal of her's corrupted her mind with such strong paranoia... Once she's fixated on a supposed solution, nothing can shake her....or so that's what I believed~"

She said with a sudden smirk as she side eyes me.


"As I said, when she makes a decision, she won't even try having second thoughts...then why do you think she kept coming to me for an opinion?"

I stand there, confused and trying to actually guess why she would do such a thing. But in the end, I was at a loss.

"This constant need for questioning and advise came because she told me you did not share the same perspective as her."


"Raiden Ei was completely disoriented when one of her most trusted associates disagreed with her outlook on life and the way she governed her nation. You had cracked a layer that hasn't been shaken in 500 years..."

What am I...How could I have possibly had such an influence on her? Did she...did she actually care for me that much?

"If you didn't catch on, what I'm telling you is that there may still be hope in shaking her will, and you are that beacon of hope~" She fully turned to me once again, her signature cunning smile resurfacing once again. "Now what will you do with this information?"

"Why share it with me? Are you prone on defying her as well?"

"Hahaha~! When have I ever followed her words to begin with?" She shrugged gleefully. "I am a pacifist after all, but I don't really enjoy this sort of behavior she's taken on."

Is she...pouting?

"Because of Ei, my best works can't reach my audiences overseas anymore! Many famous writers from had sent letters for collaborations with Yae Publishing House just days before our borders were closed off. So many opportunities wasted over her tantrums..." She sighed with genuine disappointment, but such a matter couldn't sound genuine to someone like me.

"So you want to aid in a rebellion against a God for the sake of your light novels?"

She opened one unamused eye at me through her act of sulking.

".....You are by far the strangest little fox I've ever seen."

"Ho? Is that the hard thought nickname you've come up for me? And here I thought those 10 years away would have bolstered your creativity."

For once, Miko and I share a laugh, one that didn't contain any childish rivalry or distain for each other. She truly acted as a friend and...I believe it's enough to convince me that she's a pure ally.

"I do have to say it is a surprise to see you either way. You're likely the first human to have ever survived the strike of lightning."

"But I'm unfortunately not the first to be struck anymore...I've heard some others were not so lucky..."

"Don't dip your chin for their loss, you are the one to accomplish their mission now. So-"

"Hey! There's still people here!"
"What?! I thought you said you saw them all leave!"

Loud voices boomed from down the darkened bridge. Miko and I were quickly alerted of possible aggression by the time the figures reached the only light that lit the tree.

A band of 7 ragged men emerged, some wearing scarfs over their mouths, others dragging along hammers and shovels.

"It's the the Guuyji lady herself! And some bum. It's two against seven, what's to worry about?!"

"Treasure Horders..." Miko growled in distain.

"There's no escaping ants...." I sigh.

"This may still be a problem....as the guardian, it is my duty to swat any flies that dare try to defile this sacred place. You lack a weapon, please stay back and try not to get sparked~"

Stay back...?

Miko's elegant stride forward gave no alerts to the coming attackers as they strike. And immediately get blown away.

As the commotion began, more of the bandits pour from the bridge and some even climb from the back of the mountain.

Miko may be powerful but strength in numbers does prove rather irritating to her.

I was strangled from behind and thrown to the ground. I retaliate by kneeing my attacker in the stomach and charging my forehead towards his. Once back on my feet, I round house two more of them but was ultimately overpowered by more...

"Just how many of you vermin clutter these lands?!" Yae Miko huffed under her breath, she hadn't noticed me...

Stay back...?


Charging my fist with electro, I send one of the larger men flying off the edge of the mountain.

After all these years, I've finally regained my purpose, my will to stand and fight again as a true general! Someone who's sworn duty is to protect and stand in front! Now when I'm met with my true goal, finally beginning my mission?! Now this time Ei, this time, I'll have you see me!

And now you think I'm just going to 'Stay back' and be protected instead?!

Jumping forward, I drive my heel into the face of another enemy, causing him to recoil back into two others, making them domino down the stairs.

Finally, I jump into the air and bring my metallic fist above my head and clasp with the other, resonating with the electro energy being absorbed by the sky above.


I drive my hands down to the ground, the explosion that roared after waved an entire dome of electro charge that blew away anyone standing in it's way, all besides Miko who was staggered in the process.

When the sand thrown around finally cleared, I look upon the field and scan for any more of those insolent bandits. Whatever remnants of their group was left had ran off while the rest stayed unconscious with burn marks all over their bodies.

Once satisfied with my examination, I regress my resonance and watch as my arm dims down and puffs steam from it's joints.

That felt....good.

But this feeling of joy lasted for merely a second when I felt a stinging slap to the back of my head.

"Agh! What?!"

Yae stood behind me with an obvious angered look in her eyes.

"Could you not have taken it down a notch with your little show?! You nearly destroyed the entire shrine you fool! What would have I done if the Shogunate or Ei find this?!" She pinched the bridge of her nose.

"I had forgotten the thrill of battle...there was no holding me back this time." I watch my hands tremble with excitement.

"Do you have any idea how long repairing all of this will take? How did you manage to exert that much power in the first place? I don't recall your Vision containing that much power...." As she questioned me, her eyes trailed down to my steaming metal arm.

"Most...interesting~" She walked up to me and held my arm with both her hands, completely unfazed by the searing heat radiating off of it. "I sense so many foreign sources of magic...Just where have you been all this time?" She asked with brimming curiosity.

"I spent all those 10 years in Liyue Harbor, this arm was given to me by a Scholar from Sumeru, induced with a magical seal given to me by an Adeptus. So I guess you can say it's a very international gift."

Miko scoffed in what I could assume was amusement before she started muttering to herself. "Maybe you do stand a chance..."

I pull my arm away and wring my wrist a bit.

"For now, I believe I should make my move starting tomorrow...can I trust you to remain silent about my existence in this nation? It's been complete hell just to get here."

"You wound my poor maiden heart~ Must you still question my trust?" She faked her sadness. "You were never trustworthy, even back then with your antics."

She shakes her head with a laugh.

"I wasn't kidding about having to explain things to the Shogunate, with that huge of an explosion, people will likely have reported them about the incident, and they're likely on their way here now."

"Then I shall see you another time~"

I head over to the edge of the mountain side and turn to deliver my salutations before falling backwards.

"Hmh! I never understood why humans are so admint on tackling death." She giggled.

The Next Day

"I'm sorry but I'm not sure I understand your plan here, Master Hadeki." Ayato asked.

Both of us were out standing at the small veranda housing a table and tea set.

"I'm simply going to take part in the resistance and attempt a peace treaty of sort with the Shogunate, give them time to think that things have calmed down, then strike the Tenshukakku." I cross my arms.

"None of that is as simple as you nonchalantly put...what peace would they come upon if neither side know they'll never come to terms with it?" Ayato worried.

"I have yet to assess the condition of Watatsumi Island, knowing if it is still stabilizing it's former glory then I can make some use of the effort they're putting in...And maybe try talking some sense into Sara if I ever encounter her."

"Speak with Sara?!" He sounded as if I had joked. "There's no going anywhere with reasoning with the Tengu Master. You of all people know how she is."

"Correct, I know her." I say bluntly. "I need to speak with her at least once."


I sigh and turn to look off at the gardens.

"I'll be heading off tonight, if it is manageable."

Ayato stared at me, reluctance shrouded his mind but he found himself refiguring his posture and sighing.

"All shall be prepared. There are multiple rental waypoints for ships that can send you off to Watatsumi. Since you'll be departing soon, I suggest taking Ayaka with you as a means of goodby-"

"No." I raise my hand.

"The less connected you are with me the better for both of you and my secrecy. I understand and appreciate all your help thus far Young Ayato, but my greatest grief would be to cause you and your sister any harm by staying involved with me for too long." I share a smile to reassure him of any doubts.

"We've been involved with you ever since the Decree was announced. The resistance, our intervention, people revolting...none of this would have ever sparked if it weren't for your actions...Wherever you will go, our dreams and our aid will follow." Ayato placed his hand on his chest, soon praising with a bow.

Before I could even stop him from doing so, I felt a sudden latch of arms around my waist from behind. I look over my shoulder to see Ayaka hugging me with a similar smile.

"You are always welcome here as an unofficial member to the Kamisato family." She states, humming.

"And I am truly in your debt for all that you have stood for. And I promise that you'll no longer need to." I declare as I rub her hands locked infront of my stomach.

There was still some time, I decided to simply spend the time I have with the Kamisatos until I had to leave.

Later That Night....

I step outside the Estate perimeters, equipped with new attire and an empty scabbard for a sword I will never wield.

It was suggested by Ayato and his friend Thoma that if I plan to traverse the city side of the nations, I should simply move under a different name and profession.

With a mask now over my face my black hat and arm hidden under the thin sleeves of my Haori, I now take the label of mercenary for hire on my move. Though I would not be trying to engage in this pretend profession in any way, I had to play the part.

This entire aura is noticably....edgy, as they say. But I must endure it, no time to be nitpicky...

My walk through the island began as after a good distance away, I entered the main city of Inazuma.

Even for the dead of night, it was eerily quite around. When I first walked through here with Thoma, I was relieved to see that there was still some sort of livelihood about the place but is there some sort of restriction during the night?

Walking down the main road, my eyes dart to a certain stall that had the only person I had seen this entire walk, and that person alone shocked me in certain ways.

"Is that...?"

I rush over and greet them.

"Ad astra-"

"Katheryne!? How are you here?" I yell.

"I'm sorry sir but we are not accepting commission at this hour." She said in her usual static tone.

I look around for a bit before slipping off my mask.

"Oh! Cog, it's you." She expressed a surprised emotion which was the most expressive I've seen her since. "I had heard you had departed for Inazuma but I hadn't expected you so soon."

"I've been here for two days...- Nevermind that! How did you get here?"





She smiles at me.

"Agh...forget it." I slip my mask back on. "Since I'm here, I might as well make use of it. I need to get to Watatsumi Island as quickly as possible."

"We had just handed a commission to someone regarding that matter this evening. If the matter is urgent then you can head to this location at the west shore of

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