[Some seem to be confused about the timeline and character presence in this story and I guess I didn't make it clear enough in the story description so I'll list certain details of this plot here for better understanding.
- The Vision Hunt Decree had been in effect for 10 years instead of just one.
- Morax's assassination happened after one year of the Vision Hunt Decree's initiation.
- Osial's attack on Liyue happened during those 10 years when Hadeki lived there and watched it take place.
- The Traveler does not exist in this universe.
The plot of this story is not entirely lore accurate and I've stated this before.]
"Here's an interesting thought; You have known him for centuries before, maybe not interact with for a long time but what was Morax like back then?"
"There isn't much to be said other than the fact that he truly was deserving of the legacy created after him. I once imagined we shared near equal power during the Archon War, but when I saw his actions for myself, I began to think otherwise." Ei lifted both her hands as if mimicking a sight she recalled. "I fought with all my might at any foe I could lay eyes upon. Yet he fought when threatened, or when his followers were threatened."
Flames were eternal. The world was scarred. Intense craters left behind filled to the brink with remains of Gods and monsters alike, a rumbling of pure terror and destruction....all following in the wake of one 'man.'
A white hooded being radiant power and violence but with such a calm and patient expression that turned to watch the devastation caused by him.
"I fought because I wanted to fight...He fought because he wanted to protect, that's when the thought occured to me,"
He saw the ocean before him, awaiting his next contender but instead of facing the seas, the ground beneath him break away as the blood of the world spilled out...water. Spewing and gushing until the showers took form into a beast of collosal mass that sounded off a trumpet of declaration to the mere speck of a man standing before it.
"If such a God can cause unimaginable demonstration of raw power for simply trying to protect his own...."
"What would happen when he actually plans on fighting?"
His rich gold eyes open with burning power, he raises his hand forward as if offering something to the beast before him but there was nothing in his palm.
The skies cracked open, the clouds ripped apart, spears greater than the size of proud mountains of old fell from the heavens and rained down on his foe, all it could do was scream in agony.
Ei brought her hand down and closed it into a fist. The events of that day were inscribed into her mind and she was never there to witness it.
"You seem to hold him in high regards." Hadeki resumed the topic.
"In the beginning, yes. But after a while, held nothing for any of the other Archons. Not since the great destruction 500 years ago...my detachment was now more extreme and that's the last I ever heard of him."
"But that did not mean that between those lengthy tales, Morax was unresponsive to all other deities." A sudden voice made them turn around.
"It was once heard of that the great Electro Archon of Eternity demanded a spar or two with him but was promptly rejected...in that moment she had already lost the battle of the wits."
"Ah! Mister Zhongli!" Hadeki went to immediately shake hands with the tall newcomer who joyously reciprocated the gesture.
"Seeing you here would suit my assumption that you have accomplish your goal of duty. It is good to see you, Hadeki Obiyash."
As the two men share their warm greetings, Ei stood there with the coldest look in her eyes that spelled complete devastation and silence.
An aura about the man before her was crushing the puppet, her consciousness was being quenched by the mere sight of him, she knows who this is but cannot begin to believe it.
Her pupils were shaking, her fists clenched and not a single peep escaped her lips.
Except of course...
Suddenly, Hadeki turned to her in haste and held her.
"Ei! This is Zhongli, a consultant of Miss Hu Tao whom we met earlier of the Wangsheng Funeral Parlor."
"Hadeki...this is-"
He squeezed her arm and leaned into a whisper.
"Not now...not here."
After a few confused glances between her lover and the looming embodiment of raw geo elemental, she decided it was best to simply heed the advice and calmed down.
"As a life partner to the young master, I would be delighted to speak with you, Miss Ei." The man bowed. "Though it isn't the right hour for formal meetings, would you be so kind as to accept my invitation?"
"Invitation?" Hadeki inquired.
"Indeed. I have made quite the sizable reservation at the esteemed Liuli Pavilion for the Lantern Rite Festival. Mister Obiyash is a long preserved friend of mine and Director Hu and his company are no short so I would be most grateful if you were to join me and my guests." The man said with a soft smile and a gentle hand on his chest.
'He's offering a formal meeting, he intends to be clear, it means he's not aloof to my identity nor his own..., I should play along for the sake of secrecy.' Ei thought before bowing.
"Of course, but I do not think it appropriate of me to accept such a request were it to sound scandalous in some nature, it may not be up to me." She eyed Hadeki.
"Please, of course we would join you!"
"Please worry not, I do not intend on letting you miss the ceremonies and the ending to the festival itself, the reservation will be held for perfect timing to see it all."
They approved of their plans and soon formulated what their next route of action would be.
When the few parted ways, Hadeki and Ei made their way to their Qixing provided inn as an abode to stay in during their time in Liyue.
And boy did they make haste...
They entered the building, slammed the doors shut, locked them and dropped their belongings anywhere they could. Hadeki was dragged do the main bedroom and tossed inside by Ei.
She locked it as well. And soon.
"Explain yourself, now." Demanded an elaboration.
What did you think was going to happen?
"Calm down, Ei."
"That was him! That was morax!"
"And you knew! You knew him and you've known him ever since you lived in Liyue."
"That is not entirely true. But if you'd give me a moment to actually explain like you asked, I would."
Ei let her frustrations leak through her nostrils as she firmly crossed her arms and waited, still standing infront of the door.
"Yes, I knew Zhongli's true identity, but it was only after the whole events of his supposed death and the attack on Liyue from the fallen God. He did fake his own death but his reasoning behind it was revealed to me and I respected his advance. I didn't dare reveal his identity to anyone nor himself until the day I left for Inazuma."
"And what reason would that be?"
"You should ask him yourself. As far as I'm concerned, he's still the well respected being of law and protection he once was and now that duty is no longer his."
"You stood there and mourned with me." She retorted.
"I intended to keep his promise safe with me, all the way. It was not my right to tell you."
The woman sighed and turned away, attempting to process all of this to the best of her ability with her palm at her forehead.
Hadeki moved off from the bed and placed a gentle hand on her shoulder.
"I know, all of this is sudden but I can assure you that it'll all be clear in time." He slightly pulled her, making her look over her shoulder. "You trust me, do you not?"
Almost instantly, she placed her hand over his and squeezed.
"Of course I do. I just need time to take all this in...I had come here thinking that I'd bear witness to a nation baron of it's God and grieve a lost companion of old...nothing has turned out as I imagined." She sighed.
"You can try sleeping on it. A clearer mind in the morning can help you collect yourself until the meeting itself."
"I have no need for sleep. I don't have a physical body that tires nor have I ever actually needed it in my Godhood."
"And yet you've mentioned needing time to rest." Hadeki shrugged. "It's no different than actual sleep. Simply resting your spirit for a time, that isn't meditation, is something helpful."
Not really waiting for her approval since Hadeki didn't think the matter was that trival, he turned to the bed but stopped along with Ei as they stared at it.
There was only one.
"It would seem we'll have to make some room, hahah.." He laughed.
"Is there a problem?" Ei's question made Hadeki turn to her with disbelief in his eyes, but it was soon changed to a light chuckle.
"I'm so glad you never read ahead in those romance novels Yae gave you."
"Should I have?"
"Not at all."
The two retire for the night and lay to rest with little to no awkwardness lingering over them as they slept. Instead they held each other quite passionately, even though Hadeki was the only one actually sleeping.
Despite her claims, Ei pretended to sleep so she could enjoy this warm feeling of his closeness and some sense of humanity in the act. She might just get used to this.
(Time skip brought to you by Chibi Ei crushing Hadeki's ribcage with a hug in her sleep)
One Day before Lantern Rite...
"Good morning, Master Hadeki. Lady Ningguang will be meeting you at the Jade Chamber shortly." Baiwen, one of Ningguang's secretaries, escorted me to the path that would bring us to the chamber.
With the week going smoothly and more fortunately productive, Ei found it in her confidence to explore the Harbor on her own for today. I took this opportunity as a good time to visit the Tianquan.
Since this is a meeting that's being called by her directly, I can only assume this is more than just an exaggerated welcome back. If not a record feed of her taking in all the information of my time in Inazuma.
"This view is always breath taking..." I whisper as we stand at the edge.
"I've been working here for many years and I still cannot get used to it." Baiwen smiled, "Come, it is not advisable to keep the one who values punctuality, waiting."
"I come to believe that Lady Ningguang brings value to anything she sets her sights upon."
The interior of this palace in the skies is something that I've only ever bore witness to once and it is still in the pique of it's perfection.
Descending the spiral or stairs and admiring the decor that I'm sure is worth more than I got paid for a year working as a laborer at the docks.
Upon entering the meeting room, it was a sight to what I pretty much expected. Lady Ningguang sat at the head of the table and awaited in a slightly imposing posture as if trying to look her best upon entrance. I guess these are the traditions of keeping the image of "mose economically powerful person in Liyue"
"Mister Hadeki Obiyash..."
"Lady Ningguang." I bow my head.
Baiwen leaves the room immediately and closes the doors behind me. In that moment, Ningguang motions me to sit at the opposite end of the table. It wasn't a very large one but the distance between us was slightly sizable for me to prefer it for casual conversation.
"I would like to start this off by congratulating you on your achievements in the lands beyond the sea." She said with a smile.
"So you've heard."
"I am always the first to hear~ Ever since the boarders opened, my informants set their sights deep with whatever they could procure."
"And Captain Beidou was not one of them? She's been coming to and from Inazuma long before the boarders were opened."
"Beidou and I have a strict relationship that is only called upon when we face dire crisis or owe an old favor." She crossed her arms and looked down. "But the Crux are a group that -- though not criminals -- aren't followers of any law in either lands and yet are people of Liyue. If they were to cause trouble or uproot war crimes in lands beyond while acting as spies or observers under my name then it could spell a catastrophe of war between nations."
"And would that not warrant the same for your current workers like Yelan?"
"I merely have people gather information...knowledge of the world around me, Mister Hadeki. Not look for means to overthrow and destroy other nations."
I shrug and accept this obscurity of international secrecy. Though I am very much involved in such matters as the Shogun's right hand, the role of a ruler is still somewhat clouded to me.
A few servants come by and set the table, the food hot and ready as it arrived. As everything was being set up, Ningguang caught my attention once again.
"I do not mean to make this sound rude in any shape or form but because of your arrival being directly a day before Lantern Rite, I must come straight to the point of why I wanted to meet you."
"It's fine, I knew holding off this meeting for too long would ruin it's purpose since I didn't truly know why you wanted to meet."
"Yes well..." Ningguang intertwined her fingers and leaned against the table. "There's been a potential...threat of something terrible occuring during the Rite Festival."
Her shift in tone was no alien concept. She's never been one to speak of things in light heart so I listened intently.
"The sources are rather foggy...my informants heard this imposing threat from the treasure horders but how they spoke of it didn't seem like they were the ones to make this claim. They talked as if they're common townsfolk listening in on a rumor."
"What exactly is this threat?"
"Other than the description that Liyue will face a new calamity on the day of a new year, nothing more."
"It speaks more so like a prophecy rather than a threat." I slump down in thought. "Do you have any idea who could make such a claim? The Fatui?"
"The chances are thin, but I wouldn't want to rule it out either. Ever since their actions during Osial's attack, I've held them on a tight leash, making sure to mark their every little move outside of Northland Bank. -- Though it could be a possibility that they've gained reinforcements from outside...but.."
"The Fatui aren't ones to publicly incite such activities that could cause turmoil between nations."
"Indeed. We have to act fast for we have little time and little knowledge of the matter."
"And you called to me for this?"
"Yes. Despite the faith I have the Mileleth and the warriors of Liyue...I do not wait their spirits to be hindered by this looming potential danger." She then looked up to me with a determined gaze. "I saw you as the best option we had...you'll be an unexpected force to investigate this so whoever it is won't be prepared for you. Secondly, if we're tackling a situation that can be a threat to the entire nation, someone who's fought and defeated a God on his own would be the appropriate force of defense, would it not...?"
"I would be ready to defend these lands as much as my own but I do not want you to overestimate my capabilities, Lady Ningguang."
"Am I? Are you going to claim that all you've done in Inazuma was false information?"
I remain silent.
"If we're to jot down everything down of your performance there, you'd be more capable to fight on equal bounds with the Adepti."
I sigh and lean back in my chair, arms crossed as I stare at my untouched food.
"All I ask you is to go to the treasure horders main encampment and find us more to work with...that is all I ask."
"You don't need to bargain with me." I chuckle. "I'm merely considering the outcomes of my actions...I haven't come back here alone after all."
"You speak of miss Ei. She has a very special meeting with Mr. Zhongli during the festival, does she not?"
I showed no surprise in her knowing all of this. Had I not known this woman more personally, I would have found her 'all knowing' personality worrying of my privacy.
"You seem to also know that I was indirectly uninvited." I respond.
"I do not know the intentions of this meeting but I don't think you weren't but rather you thought you shouldn't be there."
It only seemed right. The things those two would want to talk about would be the talk of the century and...knowledge of countless years meld in loss and trauma...It'd be best of me to leave that matter to people who could confide in or relate to in that regard. As much as I want to be there for her...it isn't my place to step in.
Looking up at Ningguang, I see a smile on her face with a light flick of her eyebrows which spoke the expression, 'well?'
I quietly reach forward and pick up the glass of wine I was provided.
"It always tastes the same~"
Later that day...
"I'm sorry, he's gone where?" Ei asked, slightly confused.
Sitting at the Wanmin Restaurant, she was accompanied by Xiangling and Xingqiu who conversed with all sorts of Inazuman cuisines while flourishing in the flavors of Liyue specialist.
Until Ganyu arrived bearing news.
"Lady Ningguang had concluded a meeting with him, sending him on an expedition of sorts, the details were not shared to me but...truth be told, nothing is when it's a private meeting with her." The horned woman shrugged. "But you do not need to worry. Mister Hadeki is a capable man, no harm can come to him so easily."
"His well being isn't what I was worried about, of course he can handle himself." Ei sighed as her two companions of the day watched her in confusion.
"I just...thought he'd at least let me know personally before he'd depart."
"Oh he did try." Ganyu continued. "But due to how tight the timing was, he was sent off immediately but told me to relay a few words to you." She said with a smile.
The three anxiously sat and awaited whatever message Hadeki has left behind for Ei.
"He said: Not to worry of my absence, I'll be back before the festival and watch it's extravagant end with your hand in mine."
"Awww~ How vague!" Xiangling's strange excitement obtained concerned looks from all
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