"Traveling to other nations?!"
Both Miko and Ei voice their disagreeing concerns to me as I relay my suggestion to them.
"Hadeki, you are aware of what you're saying right?"
"Of course, I understand how unheard of and scary it is for a God to leave her nation unattended but if you're smart enough, you have the means to alter those concerns."
Yae Miko's ears flap.
"Is that a challenge, my friend?" She said slyly.
"Hold on a moment, I'm still not through understanding why you would even suggest this." Ei waved her hands as if to stop us from brain storming.
"Ei, you are very detached from the world. Your thoughts and perspective of things is narrowed because you can't even fathom how different the world is now from what it once was. You need to see this world, all of it."
"But as Inazuma's Archon, I cannot leave. Why must I go out there? My concerns must only reside with me and my people." Ei retorted.
"Your people were connected with the world outside back then, and they're connected once again. It is only a matter of time that the future of change courses and leave you behind in it's fast pace. I want you to see the things I saw, experience the other nations as I did, see how most of them live on even without their Gods."
"But....how can it help my circumstances?"
"Ha! So you admit you have a problem."
I cough and try to dig back my more serious tone.
"We don't have to travel far and wide, simply visiting Liyue will be enough. We can keep the visit short if you want as well."
"And might I add..." Miko tapped her chin. "Is it not around this time where the people of Liyue have a special occasion~?"
"Ah! Lantern rite! You're right, we're nearing the celebration of a new year in Liyue, this is more than perfect for a chance to visit!"
"Even if I were to agree to this, the question is still there and has not been answered, how can I possibly leave Inazuma? -- I do not say keep the Shogun here because I cannot travel in the real world without her vessel."
She stopped me immediately from making an interjection which caused me to lower my hand and quiet down.
"Then we make a new temporary puppet~" Yae Miko's voice chimed and caused us to turn to her with surprise.
"Why the surprise, Ei~? The Shogun isn't the first vessel you've created after all?" Miko giggled as she stepped down from the podium of the great tree.
"Then what was the first?" I ask.
"That's not...!" Ei yelled but soon sighed and calmed herself. "It was a failed first attempt, we do not need to mention it."
She then whipped back to the tall proud fox.
"But what are you trying to say, Miko?"
"Is it not simple? Make another puppet to act as a traveling body for you so that the Shogun can stay and govern the nation in your stead. You can brief what you must to her and be off on your way as if you had never left~" she shrugged.
"That's..." Ei grew silent immediately and began thinking to herself.
Behind her, Miko and I group up at the steps and lean in to each other and begin whispering.
"I thought you said she'd be harder to convince..."
"For others, yes~ You and I are held in higher regard to her, our opinions are more than worth her consideration and even more so now...we use it to our advantage~"
"That's...bizarrely manipulative when you state it like that." I say worriedly.
"Are you not doing it right now to win her acceptance?"
"Yes, but I'm doing it for her sake and betterment! I can only imagine what you've done to sweet talk and scheme your way through to have your way."
"Ah! How disrespectful! You truly think of me using my friend to my advantage!?"
"You did it during the Decree!"
"It was for her sake and the entire nations, you bafoon!"
"Can you two cease your bickering!? I can hear you as clear as day!"
Later that day...
"And I am to remain her and stabilize order while you are away?" The puppet asked as she blankly stared at the floor.
"For how long must I perform this duty?"
"Very well."
I stood at the far corner of the room, back at the Tenshukakku, Ei had begun her talks with Shogun puppet which resulted in me simply standing by and watching one being sit alone and talk to herself with a flawless tone and no lack of a quick response.
Once this self back and forth was done, the Shogun stood up and looked at me. I took this as my que and head to her.
"How did it go?"
"The Shogun has agreed to my departure and I've given her some new sets of rules to follow, but it would take some time for me to activate some extra protocols should things go out of proportion." Ei explained.
"Indeed, emergency restrictions that if broken by the Shogun would disable her and set her on lock down here within the Tenshukakku."
"For something that's your own creation, you don't seem to have much faith in her."
The two of us make our way back out of the Tenshukakku where we now go to visit Lady Yae but not at her usual findings.
"You are forgetting something." Ei sighed as we left, a small squad of guards escorting us. "I created the Shogun so it could rule in my stead and so I could peacefully commence meditation. For the longest time she's been working and acting on her own, she was created to. But over time she's grown this sentience and might even have greater dedication to this pursuit of eternity than I ever did."
"That is...concerning." I scratch the back of my head in my worries.
"Do not fret. That's what the protocols are for."
"It is nice to see you going along with all of this."
"I'm merely putting my trust in your judgement, my love." She looked over at me with a soft smile. "It has never wronged me this far."
We haste towards the Kamisato Estate where most of the residents were missing. From what Yae Miko had told us, I'd suspect that the people here were told to either leave or given a day off as per her request.
Though we need the area for whatever it is that she requested it, it had to be kept secret from the world...well, with a few exceptions.
"Master Obiyash." Ayato voiced as he then turned to Ei and bowed more deeply. "Your Grace."
We met at the back side of the mansion where Yae specifically told us to come when we were done with the puppet.
"Ayato." I nodded to him.
"Lady Guyji is inside, she had instructed me to tell Her Excellency to come inside once she arrives."
He slides open the door and gestures us to enter, but as we stepped up on the veranda, Ayato placed his hand on my shoulder.
"Only...her Excellency." He stated.
Ei looked at me and quietly nodded while I remained immobilized and unsure of what to do. Her reassurance was only comforting to an extent but once she stepped inside and door closed I immediately turned to question him.
"I'm as clueless as you Master, hahaha.." Ayato waved his hands at me as if I was about to sink my teeth in him.
"What tasks did Lady Yae hand down for someone of your caliber to be called upon for it?" I ask as we sat down at the wooden edge.
"A bizarre list of items and supplies that she said were needed for this...puppet."
"So, you really have been told." I chuckle.
"Only the things I needed to know so I could agree to this collaboration. As loyal as I am, I do not work without being in the light of things...but in this matter, I sort of regret asking...." Ayato placed his hand on his head.
"Knowledge can be dangerous, no?"
"Indeed....though, all things considered, it is no different to us. Despite being incased within an artificial body, inside is still our all powerful ruler, right? I'd do my part and remain loyal to the cause, especially under your supervision."
Ayato laughs before slapping both hands on his knees with a heavy sigh as if to recollect his emotions.
"As I mentioned, the list provided to me for supplies was a strange combination but not items alien to my knowledge. Most simply included wood from Sakura trees along with their electrified petals, woodcrafting tools, sea ganedorma, thin string laced with blood of onikabuto and a few medical supplies." He listed everything.
"And all of that was within your expertise?" I say jokingly.
"Ha! Indeed, I honestly believe any of the tri commissions would have enough connections to supply these items but I am to believe I was entrusted with it due to my deeper connections with you and Lady Guyji."
"Even so....why must she go in alone for this process?" I grunt in my seat.
The door behind me suddenly opened again and I felt a light smack on the back of my head.
"Have some patience and maybe a little decency, my friend~." Miko's voice chimed as she stepped out and closed the door behind her. "This isn't a dangerous surgery she won't make it out of. Both of us are well skilled in this art, there is no need to make such a fuss."
"Then why can I not go in?" I ask sternly.
"Ho? Eager or anxious?" The Fox giggled. "But as much as I want to entertain the idea, I have to protect her dignity. -- It's simple, I've constructed the temporary puppet for her and now it is her job to transfer her consciousness over to her new body....But that is the private matters, during creation, only the body is created."
"Without a single article of clothing."
As she said this both Ayato and I cough and immediately look away, too terrified to let our imagination do it's worst.
"Ah-hahaha~! There it is." Yae Miko hid her curled lips behind her hand as she laughed. "The reaction was worth the wait."
"You could have simply told us straight away!" I yell.
"Knowledge can be dangerous, no?" Her smug tone zaps my ears as I groan and sit back down.
"Still, I do have some clothes set aside for her to wear. Even though we're making a temporary vessel, it would be to have it look a little different, no? Help her stay concealed from the public like you wanted?"
"Besides, she would have still done this alone because the old arts of making a puppet are long gone to history and Ei is the only one capable of doing it."
It was a matter of simply waiting after that. There were some manner of noises that blared from inside but Miko reassured us multiple times that things are going according to plan.
This cycle repeated until a loud bang and a flash of purple waved from within the mansion. It was so bright that it easily penetrated the paper windows of the doors and burst out.
"Agh...! Yae?!"
"Calm yourself, Hadeki." Miko went to open the damaged door. "It's finally done."
What stepped out from the other side was....Ei.
Or so I thought.
The stern and Barron of emotion eyes, a firm stance and elegance in walking that was different from hers. No, this was the Shogun... without Ei's control.
She walked out with a quiet humph and stepped aside. Another figure soon following her out.
Once again I was greeted by an identical face of the woman I just saw, only this time, the attire was different and the soft welcoming smile she wore gave me the proper indications I needed.
[Art by: Serie Niai]
How she stepped out shyly into the light and ran strands of her hair behind her ear sent the most powerful of emotional activation I had ever experienced. She blushed openly and whimpered her tone as she spoke.
"I-Is this proper for traveling?" She asked.
Ayato hit my arm to jog my mind back to reality.
"A-ah...yeah- Yes! This is fine, it will suffice."
I could hear the tall man muffling out his laugher while Miko didn't have much of a filter to her's.
Ei sighed with relief then turned to the puppet.
"Your tasks begin from here on out. Take the guards and return to the Tenshukakku." She ordered.
"Understood." The Shogun bowed.
"And send an order to Ritou to privatize a dock for our arriving ship. We do not want anyone around us when we depart."
"It will be done." With that, the puppet left the estate and now eased my mind by leaving only one Ei for me to handle.
"Now then~" Miko clapped her hands together. "There's quite a bit of elemental density filled in here now because of the ritual so I must tend to it. --- Otherwise this wonderful abode will attract all manner of hostile creatures. And surely I wouldn't want to bring trouble Mr. Kamisato, who's been most helpful in completing this task."
"I'm merely following orders, Lady Guyji. But if you would want it, I could lend my assistance in your warding off this resonance and in case such problems do arise." Ayato offered with a smile.
"That would be perfect~" The sly fox then looked over at the two of us. "And now it's finally time for you to prepare to leave, is it not~?"
"It would seem so." I shrug. "My contact and mentioned they'd arrive at Ritou by nightfall today, it should be enough for us to ready ourselves, correct?"
I ask Ei to which she silently nodded, her demeanor was rather odd. She seemed let down by some thoughts that she wasn't keen on sharing yet. If I am to make a quick assumption of what it is, I might just be on point.
We part ways with Ayato and Yae Miko, taking our leave from the Kamisato Estate and out the front gates. Now with Ei's new form and outfit that even had a hood to conceal her face, it wasn't a necessity to walk around with a small army of guards behind us. We freely made our way around other places that provided less observation from the public eye.
Knowing that these worrying thoughts still linger in Ei's mind, I plan to fix it in my own methods.
We came across the quiet nature of the forests where we tread through a very visible road that leads across it.
"You seem troubled, my love." I say softly as we walked.
"Hm? Oh, it's nothing..."
"You are not really good at hiding your emotions, that's usually how I know the difference between you and the puppet." My remark left Ei silent, but I didn't want her to stop talking yet.
I stop and turn, grabbing her by the shoulders, I hold Ei up against a sturdy leaning tree. Once her back was firmly pressed against the bark, I leaned forward myself to stop her from escaping.
"H-Hadeki!? What in the world are you doing?!" She panicked.
Her eyes soon widen the dilate when I slid my fingers down her cheek and pull the strand of hair she keeps ducking behind her ear back out infront.
"For the sake of your dignity and privacy, I didn't voice my honesty at the Kamisato's." I say with a smile, cupping her cheek in my hand.
"But you look absolutely stunning my love." I whisper.
"W-what are you...-!"
"When I gave you a response back there, you showed dissatisfaction with my answer and it told me that you were expecting something more, and so now that we're alone, I saw it as the right time to tell you the truth."
"You don't....have to say such things simply because of my thought..." She shared my level of tone.
"But I do...but even then that's a difficult ask. I sometimes can't strain myself from shouting your praise." I say as I look down and examine the dress more thoroughly. "The outfit was a lovely pick, I'd imagine that Lady Guyji made that choice for you..."
She placed both her hands on my chest which felt like a light press to push me away, but she once again puffed her cheeks and looked down.
"I-I was the one who saw it...Miko insisted that I buy it either way because she said it was a good pick to..." She looked up at me again, her blush brightening up to new levels. "T-to your liking..."
"You have a good eye then." I begin playing with her raven locks as I twirl my finger around in them while she intently showers her gaze upon me.
Both of us were in such an alien position but were completely immersed and indulging in each other's presence...her very being was becoming intoxicating to me, I have already come to terms many times that I should appreciate where I am with her, but as a man....my resistance has been growing weaker by the days and it's becoming harder to hold back now that I openly saw her more as a woman rather than a God.
I chuckle at the thought.
"What's so funny?" She pouted.
"It's nothing... You can likely reduce me to ashes at the mere thought yet we stand here, with me testing my luck by making you stammer so much." I flick her cheek. Her blush was radiant enough for me to feel off her cheeks.
"Getting cocky that you've woo'd a deity?" She reciprocated my teasing smile before placing her hand on my face to push me away.
"Not the only field I have bested you in~"
"What? Want to settle more scores with a spar again?" She says with a smirk.
"Hah!" I scoop her arm up and move on. "Come now, we still need to pack."
"Do I even have luggage...?"
That Night...
At the dock side of Ritou Ei took in the sights by herself while Hadeki went off to speak to some of the workers that were still wandering by.
She was hooded and quiet. Staring off at the endless ocean as the weight of her current position finally sank in. She'd turn around to look at the small city and then back out to the water.
When she turned back to the city again, the sight was filled with flame and ash. The streets were lacking population, all because there was no one left, what remained was Makoto, laying on the ground with her own weapon drilling into her stomach.
With a mouth pooling with blood, the quivering corpse turned her lifeless face towards her sister and raised a weak hand, begging, pleading, yearning for salvation.
The woman blinked and all was dark again. The quiet night sky all around her and before her was her lover.
Ei was standing in a state of panic as if she barely survived a crisis. Frantically looking around herself and only stopping to control herself when she felt a gentle touch grazing her cheek.
"What's the matter?" The man held her cheek and stepped close as he dropped his bag on the dock. "Look at me. Breathe."
Her lips moved but her words did not reach. Her breathing was still slightly unstable.
"I...It's nothing...I'm just, I'm not having the most pleasant of memories at the moment." She slowly, but sure, came to a calm stability. "The last time I truly ever left my nation, it was to leave and find my dying sister...while Inazuma in itself sprung into chaos...the memory is still clear."
"We can turn away now if you want to. This can--"
"No no! I'm just...I'm only getting used to it. There's no need to delay anything on my accord."
Hadeki held both her hands up and gained her full attention with his advance.
"We don't have to do this, Ei. This is a small trip for you to be more diverse with your decision making....but if this is in anyway taking a toll on you
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