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Me and Matty found ourselves outside of a small corner shop, we walked through the door, the bell at the top of the door rang signalling we had entered the shop. It had gotten quite late so there were only a few people in there now, we made our way over to the fridges where the alcohol was kept, "you want something too drink?" Matty asked me, "yeah" I replied, "open your bag", "what?" I asked him confused, "just open it" he told me grabbing bottles off the shelf, I did as I was told and opened the bag, he stuffed the bottles into the bag, "Matty what the fuck are you doing?" I asked laughing, "just wait here" he said chuckling and walking over too the counter.

I walked over to the counter, "you alright mate?" I asked the cashier, "can I have a pack of 10 fags and a bottle of vodka?" I asked, he turned around to grab the items I had asked for, I spotted the bottles of tequila off the side and took them of the counter and held them in my hand hiding the from the man, he turned around and handed me the bottles, I took the bag off of him and payed for the vodka and fags, I dropped one of the bottles of tequila , "FUCKING RUN" I shouted laughing, "GET BACK HERE, YOU BETTER PAY FOR THAT YOU LITTLE SHIT" the man ran after us, "ALICE GOOOOO"
I shouted after her nearly tripping because I was laughing so much. We ran as fast as we could until we lost him.

"Fucking hell Mathew" I shouted out of breath but still laughing, "do you think we lost him?" Matty asked taking a sip of one the many drinks we had stolen just moments before, I just looked at him and laughed. We made our way to a children's park and sat on the swings, "I'm fucking freezing" I said shivering and grabbing a jumper from my rucksack along with a bottle of alcohol, "I'm glad you have that jumper because  i thought I'd had to lend you my jacket and I'm cold as fuck so" he said finishing the rest of a bottle of whatever.
We sat and spoke about random shit and drank for around 2 hours, "shit" I exclaimed, "sup babe?" Matty said slurring his words, "I've gotta get home" I said getting up from the swing and grabbing my bag nearly falling, "at least let me walk you home" Matty insisted, I agreed and we began to walk down the narrow rounds with only the streetlights showing us where too go, we would occasionally bump into each other because of our intoxicated state.
Matty had just lit another cigarette as we approached my apartment complex, "this is my stop" I told him making him stop and look around, "can I have your number? I've had a great time tonight" Matty asked slightly tipsy, he had sobered up a bit now, "Erm I'll think about it" I said winking at him, "nah man you're cool how else will I rob shops with hot girls? It's not something that happens everyday babe, trust me" he said, making me blush, "okay, fine" I said smirking and writing my phone number on the back of his hand, "why thank you m'lady" he laughed, "will you be okay getting home?" I asked concerned, "yeah I only live round the corner, don't worry love" he spoke.
I leant up and kissed him on the cheek, "thank you for today Matthew" I said standing back and watching him, "my pleasure love" he told me, I took the fag from between his lips and put it in between my own, I took a drag and blew it in his direction, he inhaled the smoke and blew it away from us, "goodnight Matty" I spoke looking to the ground, he walked away down the street, "goodnight Alice"

I got back into my apartment, got into my pyjamas and Into bed, what a wonderful man.

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