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"You wanna go to the roof?" I asked, "sure, you're not some crazy person that's plotting to kill me and throw me off are you?" He asked laughing, "of course not" I said winking. I grabbed some blankets and my laptop and led him too the stairs that led up to the roof. It was getting quite late, Matty had been at the apartment all day, I really liked him. I put the blankets down on the ground and set my my laptop down, "fuck it's beautiful up here" Matty said looking around holding onto the railing, "yep, it's one of my favourite places" I told him joining him. "Just a place to clear your head I guess, it's weird just seeing the whole world move around you and everything and everyone is so busy and doesn't stop, everyone has they're own life and watching it is kinda eye opening form up here" I said sitting down resting my chin on the bar and draping my legs over the edge. Matty sat down beside me and did the same. "You're beautiful you know that" natty said not turning towards me just looking down at the busy street below us, "you know just the way you speak about the things you like, your weird little quirks, even your fucking bedroom reflects who you are and I barley know you, you're we're so open to doing shit with me I've never found anyone like that, so openminded, I love how your nose crinkles when your confused or find something funny, your eyes oh my god your fucking eyes, that you don't know how fucking beautiful you are but you should, and I wanna be there and help you learn to love yourself, I don't know you but fuck me I want to, more than anything" he breathed, his brown eyes burning into me, I turned to him and kissed him, our lips crashing together, they synced perfectly almost like they were meant to fit together, I was really falling for him.

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