An Encounter

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I woke up expecting Matty to still be laying next to me, but he wasn't, I quickly stood up and checked the bathroom, nope, I went back into my room and found a note of my dresser, 'had to rush off, band practise for a gig later, come along? I'm sorry! I'll make up for it :) x', I took out my phone and decided to text him, "and how will you make up for it Matthew?", what felt like only seconds later he text back, "you'll see ;), you coming to the show tonight love?", I love this little nickname I've acquired, "sure, details?" I text back, "the record shop into are doing gigs to get smaller bands more recognition, lots of producers there so hopefully we can get a deal, starts at 7:30, I'll be here all day so come whenever you fancy" he text back, I was so happy for him, he told how long the band had been together and how much something like this would mean to him, they're an incredible band so I hope they get the recognition they deserve. I put my phone down on the counter in the bathroom, and put on my Spotify playlist, I took off my pyjamas and got into the shower, the hot water instantly warmed me up.

I got out the shower and walked over to my phone grabbing it from the side and walking into my room, I grabbed my black skinny jeans and a top I had bought from urban outfitters, my pants and a bra. I started to get dressed when my bedroom door flung open, it was the drummer from the band, I think Matty said his name was George, "WHAT THE FUCK" I screamed, George standing dead still just staring at me, me in my underwear, "WHAT ARE YOU DOING?" I shouted again,
"Don't worry babe, I've only come to get Matty's jacket, he left it here and asked me to come and pick it up for him, do you want a lift to the venue Matty said you were coming tonight?" He asked walking over to my chair grabbing Matty's leather jacket, "oh erm, yes please I'm not ready yet could you wait if not I'll find my own way there?" I asked him, "I can wait" George said sitting on my bed, I carried on getting dressed then when I was done I walked over to my mirror and started my makeup, "you're not very goodcompany you know" I said to him giggling, "yes I am, I'm great company" he insisted, "you haven't said anything to me for a good half an hour" I told him, "well when you walk in on your best mates bird half naked you don't really know how to start a conversation" he stated chuckling, "Matty's 'bird'?" I asked confused, butterfly's in my stomach, "yeah, he hasn't fucking shut up about you since he got back" my heart raced, "he's a good guy, but he gets into bad situations, just know that" George told me, "be careful with him, man I love him more than anything but shits happened in his life and he can't let go of it, he gets caught on to things and it's fucking awful as his best mate to see him how he is at his lowest points, but you, you've made him really happy, I've haven't seen him like this for a while you know, please don't break his heart, he really fucking likes you, okay" George sounded caring but slightly harsh, I get it though he was his best friend and didn't want to see him hurt, but I wanted to know what things Matty had been through, "I won't break his heart, I really like him, like a lot" I said turning back to the mirror and finishing my makeup.

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