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Friday 24th May 2020

I'm so hungry, they barely feed us here. The little scraps we get isn't enough. I'll die of starvation

"I wanna go home" I cried

"Shut up kid!" I jumped at the voice

I sniffled

I needed food

After two hours I freed myself and ran to find Sarah

"Ju!" She exclaimed and hugged me

She was so little, fragile and weak

"Let's try to find some food" I whispered

"Good idea" she smiled

Her smile

We searched until we found the kitchen

There was food everywhere

"Oh my gosh!" Sarah squealed

You know we had to munch down on whatever we touched

"Would we get in trouble?" Sarah asked

I shrugged while I stuffed my mouth with chicken

"Messy" Sarah teased

I felt my belly full. I haven't had a good meal in months

"You good?" I asked

"Yessir" She giggled

"Let's head back" She nodded

As soon as we turned around we were faced by the guards

I gulped

Good luck

"What are you two doing here!" The first one shoutout

I grabbed Sarah's hand and dashed off

"We gotta make a run for it" I said

"We're dead" She panicked

"Not on my watch" I reassured her

I pushed Sarah back into her room and dashed to mine and began to breath heavily



Uh oh




TrillJxmmi 🖤

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