The Stolen Top Hat - Part 2 (Jacob x Reader)

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The two of you had exited the train hideout upon arriving at London Bridge Station. You let out a deep sigh, this was a major waste of time and you doubted that Jacob would ever be united with his top hat again. Although you were only one year younger than Jacob, you had always felt like you were ten years more mature than him. You and Jacob had been partnered up for mission since the Frye twins had first arrived in London, it made sense considering Henry and Evie were both set on finding the Piece of Eden. The time spent together freeing the burrows of London from the Templars' grasp had been enough for you two to form an unbreakable friendship and trust for one another, and it had been two months now since you both decided to officially announce your love for one another. Evie was both relieved and shocked that her brother had found someone who could put up with his immaturity. You had to admit that sometimes his brashness and carelessness drove you insane. However, he was always very cautious when attending missions with you, despite your combat skills being better than his. You still remember the look on his face when he first witnessed you single handily take out five blighters in no less than half a minute, it made you chuckle lightly to yourself. You quickly brought your focus back to the current mission before your mind completely drifted off.

"Southwark? I thought we had liberated this area, it should be blighter free now."

"The blighters still come and go, they just don't run the show anymore love." Jacob grinned, you nodded in response. You were surprised the blighter had the guts to steal the hat in the first place, considering the amount of Rooks that roamed the area. It would not have been an easy task for the thief.

"I'm not sure if we should kill him or buy him a drink. If we catch him of course." You chuckled, however Jacob was not amused in the slightest.

It didn't take long to leave the station and now the two of you were pacing through the streets of Southwark side by side. Jacob turned off into a nearby market place, your face lit up as soon as you saw a stall with a big sign reading 'Hats Umbrellas'. You tugged at Jacob's arm and pointed at the stall. He gave you the 'look' in response.

"Well aren't you devilishly hilarious this evening (Y/N)." 

"I have no idea what you're talking about." you giggled hugging his arm and looked up at him.

"You're lucky you're cute." Jacob smirked as he kissed your forehead.

"And charismatic." You retorted. You both laughed while continuing with your journey.


"Here, this is the spot. I chased him down that alleyway." Jacob pointed towards a poorly lit alleyway. You scanned the area just in case, but you found nothing.

"Jacob this is impossible,  your hat could be anywhere by now." His big hazel eyes stared into your (e/c) ones. "I want to help you, I really do... its just we have no leads, nothing to go."

"Are you Mr. Frye?" A small figure crawled out from the shadows causing you both to reach for your weapons. The two of you calmed when you realised it was only a child.

"Shhh we're not suppose to speak to strangers." Another child, about two years older than the other, tugged at the young boy's shirt.

"In the flesh." Jacob's grin widened.

"Are you lookin' for ya top hat?" The younger boy questioned. You crouched down to match the height of the two children.

"Yes, have you happened to stumble across by any chance?" Your tone was soft and gentle as you spoke to the child. You had always loved children and you would often be found volunteering in orphanages on your days off, you hoped maybe some day to have a child of your own.

This time the boy's younger sister answered, "I saw the man who took it, he was wearin' red ma'am. I heard him talking, he said he was headin' to some Pub in Westminster."

"Thank you child, you have aided us greatly." You smiled at the girl and stood up. Your gaze turned to Jacob, who was currently rubbing his chin.

"Well love looks like we are off to Westminster love." You could only roll your eyes in response.

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