I'd hastily changed into something I could actually run in, while we'd packed up disguises for our soon to be charges; as well as a few 'extras' that had 'mysteriously' found their way out of my car. We hurriedly assembled our things once the servants came back equipped for what ever our next adventure was to be.
Joseph sat quietly as Nicodemus was wringing his hands. I wiggled my fingers for him to come to me and I snatched his Tallit.
[Don't worry. We'll find your wife and grandkids.] Cornelius reassured him. [OK, Let's move out.]
We hurried quietly through the city streets; as there wasn't much anyone would object over a couple of military men and a handful of servants. Horatio slapped Cornelius and pointed down an ally.
Yes, Cornelius gestured in return as we all stealthily slipped off one by one. We came up the back of Herod's palace and hurried along the wall until Cornelius recognized another path he was apparently looking for. This led us through a small grove of trees; out next to the western wall of the temple complex.
Suddenly, we heard commotion, what sounded like a muffled scream and some persons running our way!
We hopped the steps and waited for them to pass before we scampered up to the court of the gentiles' walkway on the back end of the temple. From there, the rest of the 3 of us stood guard as Cornelius and Horatio surveyed the grounds below us; with a little help from some contraband 20th century technology! They counted buildings to find Nicodemus's apartment.
[Come.] Cornelius signaled as we ran crouched just below the wall and down another set of stairs.
We slipped by one at a time, as Horatio stood guard and signaled the coast was clear. We followed this pattern between apartments just outside Herod's court yard and the high priest's palace. Once the apartment in question was noted, we encircled a quick scout making sure the others were gone; before Cornelius jumped in a window.
The rest of us weren't far behind and I clicked on a flash light.
We suddenly heard a gasp.
[There. I see him.] Horatio pointed.
"Got him." I answered as I handed the flashlight off and grabbed the child.
I pulled grandpa's Tallit out of my bag and wrapped the frightened boy in it.
"Here." I tossed the bag to one of the other men, as they drew their weapons and followed Cornelius into the next room.
It wasn't much more than 5 minutes when they filed back in... empty handed. Horatio flashed the light on Cornelius who drew his finger across his neck. A screech of terror escaped my young charge at the sight of him.
"OK" I sighed. Apparently we were too late; the rest of the family was already dead.
Too frightened to make any more noise; the boy pulled grandpa's shawl up over his head... to pray I hoped. I fished through the bag for one last cloak to wrap the child in, before I handed him to one of the servants and hopped out the window myself.
The men took turns shadowing me, as we scurried back across the palace grounds toward the wall and the grove of trees we'd emerged from about 20 minutes prior. Once back into the city streets, Cornelius took the night vision goggles off and stuffed them back into my bag; while Horatio snooped.
[Those are mine] Cornelius growled. [Go away.]
We calmly walked back to Ignatius house in eerie silence. It seemed unusually cold and I snuggled the tiny boy; who I could tell was trying really hard to be brave, as he sniffled and stroked grandpa's Tallit between his fingers.
[Well I guess that answers our question sir.] Horatio muttered dryly.
[Yep.] Cornelius only sighed in resignation. [These people are sick.]
Ignatius servants lead us back up the rear walk and into the back door. There I could hear worried footsteps running toward us. Jospeh emerged first into my line of sight followed by Nicodemus; who once he saw we only had the youngest boy, dropped to his knees and howled in agony. His grandson jumped out of my arms and it was then I got my first gander at the ordeal this child had endured.
He was covered in blood.
Little bloody foot prints trailed across the floor as the rest of us just stood in shock listening to Nicodemus wail as he clenched his grandson.
[Who else can we murder on this bloody Passover?] Ignatius muttered to Cornelius.
[This is just the beginning.] Cornelius answered. [Just the beginning.]
The drums from the opening bars of a U2 song began to pound in my head.
Horatio followed Cornelius as the servants also began to file out of the room. There I stood staring at Joseph, who still stood in helpless shock while Nicodemus sobbed.
I can't believe the news today.
Oh, I can't close my eyes and make it go away.
How long, how long must we sing this song. How long? How long?
Cause tonight, we can be as one. Tonight! Tonight.
Joseph quietly sat down and gingerly laid his hand on Nicodemus's shoulder.
Broken bottles under children's feet.
Bodies strewn across the dead end street.
But I won't heed the battle call.
It puts my back up, puts my back up against the wall.
Sunday bloody Sunday.....
I let out a sigh, walked over and sat down too.
And the battle's just begun,
This many have lost, but tell me who has won?
The trench is dug within our hearts;
And mothers, children brothers sisters torn apart.
How long, how long must we sing this song. How long? How long?
Cause tonight we can be as one; tonight! tonight!
The little boy picked up his head and stared hauntingly at me.
Wipe the tears from your eyes.
Wipe your tears away.
Wipe your tears away.
I'll wipe your tears away.
Sunday bloody Sunday; Sunday bloody Sunday.
His little hollow eyes turned toward Joseph.
And it's true we are immune;
When fact is fiction and TV reality.
And today the millions cry.
We eat and drink while tomorrow they die!
Joseph started to cry.
The real battle's yet begun; to claim the victory Jesus won.....
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