We escorted Jesus back down the steps, although this time we turned in the opposite direction toward the plaza on the other side of the Praetorium. Adjacent to this was a location of the Praetorium building Horatio referred to as the common hall. Several soldiers began to file out from beneath the shelter of its columns into the pavement where there sat perched near the middle, a wooden stump protruding from the cobblestone about 3 feet up. Attached to this stump was a pair of shackles. It suddenly dawned on me what this place was, as well as what would happen next.
I can't watch this. I slowed as a sudden wave of absolute panicked terror over took me. Bomani stopped just as I swung around and nearly vomited all over him. I coughed and sputtered as he grabbed me by the arm to steady me. Other solders walked around us, lending wary glares. I stood hunched over as waves of vertigo began to assail me and I started to pray that I wouldn't pass out.
[Bomani. Antonio]
I could hear a voice calling as Bomani and another soldier escorted me out of the plaza. I'd stopped and vomited two more times before they managed to rustle me into the common hall and drop me onto a bench. I sat with my head between my knees, trying to catch my breath. I really wanted to scream, but the last thing I wanted, was for them to see me cry.
The whip began to snap and I winced with every cry wrenched from Jesus. The present and past bled together as boisterous crowds, screams and machine gun fire from my memory congealed into one tangle of time warped history. Airplanes roared and missiles whistled while I deliberately stared intently at the stone patterns on the floor; as well as the feet of the other two soldiers.
Once Desert Storm subsided, all seemed eerily quiet. I took one last deep breath as I picked my head up and stared out between the columns at Jesus who lay lifeless with His head tucked between one arm and the stump He was fastened to. He huddled in nearly a fetal position as the soldier continued to count the lashes he was snapping. It was eerily quiet as a larger band slowly collected to witness the flogging of this naked form huddled against the wooden post.
The chastisement ended and they all stood and starred. The soldier who held the whip reached out and nudged Jesus with its stick end. When He began to twitch and finally picked His head up, they all started to whisper. The executioner and one other soldier grabbed Jesus by the arms and pulled Him to His feet. When He remained standing unassisted; they all began to hoot, laugh and cheer.
When other Jews, civilians and Pharisees began to filter over; the soldiers quickly wrapped this Herodian robe about Jesus, loosed Him and begun dragging Him in my direction.
They entered the far end of the hall as other soldiers began to filter over; just for curiosity sake, it seemed at first. Yet also apparently to discourage the participation of those whom they didn't want crashing their party.
Jesus stumbled as they dragged Him up the steps, but after they let go and He still managed to stand independently; they cheered again.
[Hail, king of the .... Joooooozzz!] One bellowed as the others laughed.
[Hey at least he aint laying... like dead on the floor.]
[Bleeding all over the damn place.]
[Not yet!]
[See how long that lasts?]
Another soldier slinked up and gave Jesus a teasing polk.
[Hey, where's that little twerpy Pharisee. Let's flog him next!]
[He'd probably cry like a baby.]
[That would be entertaining to watch.]
[Hey, their king needs a crown.] Someone yelled from the back.
[And some new clothes would be an improvement too!] Another replied, as he pulled the tattered Herodian garment off.
[Damn, what'd they do to him?]
[They 'paintin' him purple. So he don't need a robe.]
[He needs something man; I don't wanna be standing here staring at his sorry ass.]
[Doesn't do anything for ya. Ay?]
[What? Jew butt.]
[No, Please! Put something on him!]
[Well then go get something.... dumb ass!]
[Yeah, make him all pretty so we can present him back to his people.]
[The adoring crowds are out there cheering. Can't ya hear 'em?]
[Here!] A soldier came walking up with what looked like a horse blanket.
[That's nasty!]
[These people are nasty, so we just give 'em back a nasty lookin' king. What the hell? Right?]
The soldier yelled at the guy behind him as he attempted to drape this 'robe' around Jesus's shoulders. It kept sliding off and falling to the floor.
[Yo king, keep yer clothes on.] He giggled as he slapped Jesus in jest. He picked up the 'garment' and attempted one last 'ol college try; before he gave up and threw it over Jesus's head.
[There perfect!]
[Dude, you covering the wrong end!]
[You wanna come dress the king?]
[Do a better job than you.] The second soldier commented as he came walking up. [Yo momma never made you diaper babies did she?]
[Leave my momma out of this!]
[Here, we give him a toga.] The soldier mumbled as he strung the 'robe' under one arm and tied it best he could at the shoulder
[Toga, Toga, Toga] They all started chanting.
[Not exactly Caesar, but... what do you want....]
[He's a Joooooowwww! Hail king of the Joooozzz!] The soldier began to bow.
[Shut up before I Jew you.]
[Come on Jew me!] The soldier exclaimed as he spun around and mooned them; while his buddy came running to 'Jew' his shoe.... up the wazoo.
[He needs a crown now.] Another yelled. [Go find him a crown.]
[How about a tiara?]
[You are a dumb ass!]
[Alright, alright. I got ya covered here; since we doin the rustic king thing.] A third soldier muttered as he strolled over with a thorny briar he was trying to fasten into a circle. He gingerly placed it on Jesus's head. [We doin the crown or the tiara?] He turned to the rest as he made adjustments according to the hoots and cheers.
[He needs a scepter!]
[There's a reed over there.] The soldier with the crown pointed before he exclaimed: [Ouch! His crown just bit me!]
[Bad crown!] Another yelled as he came running up, grabbed the reed from the second soldier and started whacking Jesus over the head. Jesus raised His arms in an attempt to protect His face as blood began to ooze from His scalp.
[Yo! Be gentle.] The first soldier protested as he snatched the reed away. [You messin' up their king!]
[Their king already messed up!]
[Yeah, they messed him up.]
[Let's go mess them up.]
[I'm there!]
[Now now boys; this how you treat a king.] The soldier stated as he picked up Jesus's hand and curled His fingers around the reed. [There. He looks regal.... for a Jew at least.]
[Hail king of the Jooooozzz! Hail king of the Joooozzz.] They started bowing.
[Oowwwmmmm] One of the soldiers folded his hands and commenced a rather loud mantra.
[He's not Buddha you dumb ass!] The other protested as he grabbed the reed from Jesus and whacked his friend with it.
[Hey! I'm not the king!] He objected as he snatched the reed back
[You got that damn strait.]
[Anoint the king.] He announced as he began whacking Jesus with the reed, before he threw it on the floor and started slapping His face. [Come on king, wake up. You got speeches to give your loyal subjects.]
[No, no, no.] Another protested as he came walking over. [He all dirty. They're king needs a good cleaning up.] He declared as he spit into his hands, rubbed them together and commenced to 'clean' Jesus's face.
[No, he aint clean enough.] The other interrupted. [Ya need more.] He states as he leans over, sticks out his tongue and delivers a good dose of raspberries.
I cringed as I instinctively wiped my own face and tried not to laugh. Another thing I wasn't expecting. This is starting to look like a Monty Python skit. Jesus did nothing but close His eyes and turn away as they continued to..... 'clean' the king.
[You so nasty.]
[No, this would be nasty!] The soldier stuck his tongue out in mock attempt to lick Jesus when his buddy gave him a shove.
[You heathen dog - you!]
The soldier fell on the floor next to Jesus.
[Please don't sniff his butt; that aint something I need to see!]
Someone else chortles as the soldier jumps up and shoves him.
[I got standards you know.]
[Jew kisses aint one of them.]
[Now that is gross! Shut up!] One soldier jabbed his finger at the other.
[Like that Judas dude. Ay, is he from Galilee too?]
[Nope, south side of the land of the Francs... from what I heard.]
The soldiers laughed.
[Ewww! That is disgusting.]
[No matter, the dude's dead now.]
[He hung himself this morning. Guilty conscience; I betrayed an innocent man!]
[You shittin us?]
[Would I shit you?]
No comment.
[Next question?] One soldier turned to the other as he pointed at Jesus. [He say that was gonna happen?]
[Got me? He says a lot of things are gonna happen.]
[Yeah, maybe you better be nicer to their king?] Another laughed.
[Is it gonna matter. I hear he keeps saying we gonna crucify him.]
[Yeah, then he say he's coming back from the dead....]
[And he gonna Jew you! You nasty heathen dog.]
[I sorry king.] The soldier giggled a bit nervously as he put his arm around Jesus, knuckled His shoulder and patted the side of His face.
[Give their king a good brotherly smack down!] Someone hollered as all the soldiers in the near vicinity commenced their version of 'affectionate' camaraderie.
[Alright. Alright!] A familiar voice rang through the air as Cornelius entered the hall.
[What are you doing to him?]
The soldiers all paused as they pull Jesus up off the floor.
[Anthony was over here apologizing sir.]
[Well, your fun is over. Pilate wants him back.] Cornelius motioned as Horatio walked over and took Jesus from them.
The 'parade' across the grounds was... enlightening, to say the least. Jesus lead the way, arrayed in His royal blanket and briar crown walking independent and freely unbound strait toward Pilate's judgement hall; followed by half a cohort of armed Roman soldiers all ordered by rank.
Intriguing indeed.
The angry mob's jeers ... if but for a brief second; grew silent.
Like a chapter it's written well, give it a star so I can tell.
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