The charactors personallitys. (MY AU FOR BBIEAL.)

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Mr. Sweeps: Mr. Sweeps is always on the lookout for any dirty areas. He is sooo alert, that even if a student was dirty he would shout: "GOTTA SWEEP, SWEEP, SWEEP!" And then carry the student around the school until he didn't think they were dirty anymore. He is the janitor of the school, and can only say: "GOTTA SWEEP, SWEEP, SWEEP!"

Arts and crafters: Arts is a sock puppet who absolutely LOVES anything with drawing,sketching, arts and crafts. She is (Yes it's a girl-) the schools 5 year all time art champion when it came to art contests. Her art can beat any other schools single-handedly. However, she is awfully shy and doesn't like being looked at. She'll often stammer, and avoid eye contact with the school council for she fears that they might judge her for being more of an art type than a math type. She loves notebooks and will get jealous of anyone with more notebooks than her.

Bully: the bully is the biggest student in the school who will pick on anyone except the school council and his sister. The boy eats WAY too much zesty bars, probably because he bully's kids into giving them to him. He even has the nerve to sometimes escape detention, despite it only being a couple of seconds. Hell, he's broken literally every single rule in the school to date. He does, however, have a soft spot for his little sister, Let's play. He'll do anything and get her anything, even though she doesn't really care and just wants to jump rope. But....if you hurt his sister...HES GOING TO TAKE MORE THAN YOUR CANDY- he'll take your whole inventory. He says he would actually, physically, hurt someone, but he'd never done it before and never will.

Playtime: Playtime is the younger sister of the bully and one of the most energetic kids at the school. She loves recess and probably wants to build playgrounds when she grows up. She has bad eyesight and requires assistance from her brother and arts. Speaking of arts, play is best friends with arts and will often give up some of her recess time to help arts on a project. But most often she'll convince arts to come play with her and try and get her less shy. Her favorite activity is jump rope. It's probably her favorite bc she's played with the same jump rope ever since she was 5. She even plays jump rope in the hall despite getting multiple detentions.

Dane: Dane was your average school boy. He followed the rules, well, at least most of them, and obviously buys the most sodas. Baldi....doesn't really like him on account of the "incident" before the last summer break. Baldi also didn't like Dane because he was the WORST at math. For some reason, all of the students at the school can answer the glitched problems correctly, except for him. It's almost like.....the school knew something he didn't..... .Anyways Dane does have a crush and that crush was on Playtime. It was kinda of the reason he was bullied sooo much by the bully more than arts. He's favorite of the school council has to be Mr. Sweeps. Mr. Sweeps would take him on fun rides around the school. And when the principal of things called him out for running, he would say "how could be running if I'm not using my feet?" And then he and sweeps would ride off, and catch other students.

(besides mr. sweeps.)

The principal of things: The principal of things is the headmaster of schoolhouse. He keeps everyone in there place and safe. He watches, through out the school day, people who break the rules. The rules are:

He specifically put the "No fourth wall breaks" specifically for Baldi. Despite he's stern ways, he is able to handle any mishaps calmly by giving detentions to whoever has broken the rules. He makes it that simple!

Baldi: Oh, where tf do I start? Baldi is the lead teacher and ONLY teacher at Baldis schoolhouse. Which is probably why the school is named after him. Rumor has it that there were other teachers at that school a few years ago, but then they had gone missing. And all on the first few days of summer break. Baldi has.....powers....that no one knows about. For some reason, no matter how far he is, he can hear a door open, even if he is at the other side of the school. Despite, the mysteries behind this man, he is overall a lawfully good person, although he'll not take it well if you get even ONE question wrong on an exam or quiz. He is one mathematician and can tell what a student is getting wrong, and get DOWNRIGHT PISSED. He'll chase you around the school with the attention to spank your ass with a ruler. In the end, overall, he just wants you to pass and have a good education and career.

Anyways that's all Everyone! See y'all while answering your questions!


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