Okay so sorry I haven't been on this book much, bbieal to me kinda said "I live, I died, I LIVE AGAIN-"
But thank god I came to see what was up with this game because the demo kickstarter is revealed like months ago and ITS ABSOLUTELY BAD-SHT CRAZY.
There's a new character, new field trip, cloudy copter is in the schoolhouse, (Oh fck it its not even schoolhouse anymore, nevermind a b!tching hotel), there are new items, I don't know where tf first prize is, Arts has a new teleportation animation, there are events, there are new elevators, the hallways, floors, classes are confusing as hell.
Even watching ppl play it is like going down a dark railway of insanity you wouldn't wish on your worst enemy. And playing it for yourself is like trying to give yourself acid while driving an ice cream truck at full speed. ((Also you might wanna watch dawko or fusionzgamer play this or else you'll most likely be lost.))
Its so insane, I fcking adore it!!!
What do I do with such a game that's going off the rails of a crazy train?
I make an AU around it! So here's whats up:
- The new schoolhouse is built and everyone is lost
-Libraries exsist
- Cloudy copter realizes his father was bad, and tries to side with Baldi and friends by learning how to be a mortal
- Arts can bend time and reality (Mary sue)
- The fog machine is really the schoolhouse getting gas leaks
-Flooding is normal, your not gonna drown
- The principal is now a party animal
-First Prize is out of order in one of the school faculty rooms
- Baldi can break his ruler
- Dane can carry more items
- Baldi can take you to a corn maze
- Filename2 made a new monster called the cornester, and that is an evil version of gotta sweep that can appear during the corn field trip
- Sweeps is now a drug addict
Now for the new character!
This is Chalkles! Danes imaginary friend who likes to cause mischief. If you stay in a certain classroom for too long, Chalkles will lock you inside. Only Dane and whatever OC you have can see him slowly emerge on the chalkboard before he starts spinning around, locking you in the classroom.
Okay now for the rp:
Dane and OC are going into the newly built schoolhouse for the first time. Your here with Dane because he needs to map out the new building. Baldi however, wants you to collect spare notebooks that are scattered in each classroom.
You are reading the story above: TeenFic.Net