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"There's nothing to talk about," the Prince deadpanned. Sweat matted his forehead and he no longer looked so princely. His eyes darting back and forth, this did not go unnoticed by Blaise. My, my, my. It was satisfying to take it all in. The man before him was still the cowardly kid he knew from years ago. Nothing truly ever changed, did they? He was still a sad excuse of a man, useless in every manner regarding to his life.

"Oh, but there is," Blaise retorted, blinking at him owlishly. "Tell me, dear friend, how did it feel to backstab me? Was it not you who had framed me to have me tossed to the streets?"

Cameron was silent at the accusation, his face ridden of guilt and that was enough to confirm it. To this, the brunet's expression instantly twisted in rage, his green eyes darkening to the point they were almost black. An ugly and terrifying sight it was, he looked like a whole new person. He took a step forward, and another... and another. Prowling through the grounds like a monster, he trained his eyes on his old friend. As anyone else would, the blond male shrunk backwards, fear prominent in his eyes. "Don't come any closer to me."

It was unexpected, but Blaise listened to him and halted right in place. He then let out a laugh that chilled Cameron to the core. "Why do you look so afraid for? We used to be friends. Practically brothers even! Come on now, don't be shy," he said, looking pleased with himself. "Give me your side of the story. Explain to me why you chose to do such a thing."

Droplets fell from the ceiling of the cells, echoing hollowly throughout the passageway. For a moment, he thought the Prince wouldn't say anything, but he was pleasantly surprised.

A staggering breath left the royal's mouth as he lowered his head. "I did frame you. I was jealous of you, because mother and father were more fond of you than they ever were of their own son. They compared all my wrongdoings to you, making you out to be some angel child. But you're not, Blaise. You were never a good child. Back then you were already a little deranged, making us do insane things that hurt us. You would also hurt me. I was the only one who ever saw that side of you. Everyone else bought your act.

"So I came to a conclusion: you needed to be gone from my life. It had been in the back of my mind for months, but there was one day that crossed the line for me. I went to think up of a plan to finally get you kicked out once and for all. Asking you to run an errand for me, I snuck a certain artifact without your notice and sent you away. What was inside it was my mother's precious necklace, something that was invaluable and passed down through generations of the royal family. I quickly went to tell my parents that you had stolen something and ran away... the rest is history.

"But you have to understand Blaise," he whispered, desperation leaking into his voice. "I... I was a child! I didn't know any better."

The hazel haired male could remember that day like it was yesterday. He could remember strolling through the streets, excited to be alone and like a grown up. He could remember entering a market to go and buy the fruits his best friend had wanted, only to be chased after by guards on his tail. Struggling in his small body as the men lifted him by his arms, he was carried back to the palace, his cries unheard of within ears. He was confused and scared, but soon found himself in a trial. His backpack was ripped from him and torn to shreds as they searched for the missing artifact. Then the found it. The golden, wretched thing laid there on the ground for all to see.

What he could remember most was the betrayal on the king and queen's faces, hurt and disappointment etched clearly like a permanent mark. Though it wasn't his doing, the guilt he felt in his heart was immeasurable. They were the closest things to parents for him, but for the second time in his life, he had lost those dear to him.

Because they cared for him, they gave mercy to him and did not throw him in prison. Instead, he was sent out of the palace immediately, back to where he belonged: the streets.

"All I hear are excuses," he said softly. "Being a child does not erase the past. You had fucked me over, your highness. You had snatched me like a wet towel and wrung me out dry. My life was ruined because of you. My life is still ruined... and I'm left to pick up the broken pieces."

Cameron grew miserable, shaking his head frantically. "I am... sorry. There is not much else to say. What I did was unforgivable."

"Indeed," he agreed. The anger was slowly overcoming him, for it had bubbled to the top. His pace quick this time, he charged towards the prince and roughly tackled him to the ground. The two of them hit the cold, mucky ground with a loud slam. Cameron getting hit with the most impact, he coughed out blood and groaned at the pain. Within the next few seconds, Blaise kept his hands behind his back in a hold and was sitting on top, his weight preventing the Prince from moving anywhere.

"W-What are you doing?" the trapped man uttered out in horror.

He gave the Prince a Cheshire smile and bent his head down to pinch his cheek, hard. His nails dug straight into the skin and he took satisfaction at the blood that began to coat his fingers. "What do you think I'm doing?" he told him mischievously. His eyes grew bloodthirsty, the red veins lining the whites of them.

"Please. It's not too late to fix our relationship. It doesn't have be this way. We can work something out. There is not a day that goes by without me thinking of you. I always feel regret whenever I think of you."

Blaise pretended to think for a second, tapping his chin in mockery. Blood began to smudge along his face, turning him eerie to look at. "Hmm, nope! It's been too late to fix since that day you saw me crying in trial and chose not to confess your sins. Shame on you, you were quite a bad child, weren't you? And here I thought children were supposed to be pure." Another delusional laugh escaped his lips and his body rocked back and forth on Cameron, crushing the bones on his upper half body.

He then dropped his hand into his coat pocket and took the beautiful dagger out. Unsheathing it, he showed the handicraft to the Prince and drank in the panic that settled into the handsome man's features. The body beneath him struggled than ever before, as tears soaked his cheeks, spilling out as he repeatedly beg. "You can't do this to me. Blaise, Blaise, Blaise! Please. I have a country to take care in the future. I'm too young to die."

"You backstabbed me. It is only right that I do the same to you," he said solemnly.

The pitiful wails rang in the dark tunnels, but he heed no mind to it. His hand's grip on the weapon tight, he aimed the tip downwards at the man's back. His eyes wavering from his childhood friend to the dagger, he kept it hung in the air for a split second. He thrusted it down, sinking the bite through the body, to which it tore through skin, flesh, and bone. The deed was done.

A horrible scream replaced the cries, so loud to the point it was hurting his ears. It was not going to capture any attention though, since these underground tunnels swallowed in every sound. The prince writhed beneath him, so he slid himself off and silently watched the scene. The substance that coated the dagger made it all the more torturous than it would've been with a normal knife. He knew the pain the young royal was going through was unbearable, but that was what he deserved.

The next minutes felt like an eternity, as if the world had slowed down just for this moment.

Afterwards, the screaming stopped when the victim began to feel numb to the pain. Blaise had scooted closer to Cameron, looking down to find salty droplets had fallen out of his own eyes.

"Y-You're crying," the blond prince murmured, his lack of energy signaling his weakened state. "You'll miss me, won't you?"

The murderer closed his eyes and let the tears freely stream down his cheeks. "I won't miss you. I'll miss the idea of you -- The boy I knew who would always play tag or hide and seek with me in the gardens. The one who was not just my friend, but a brother."

They stayed in the position for a long while, the dying laying his head on the killer's lap as the killer sobbed with nostalgia. Only when the body grew cold and lifeless did Blaise move an inch. Carefully laying his old friend down, he pushed himself up and stumbled along the walls, waiting to leave the suffocating, narrow space.

This didn't go as expected. He was supposed to feel free and unchained by these events, but he was feeling the opposite. It hurt and now the hole in his heart seemed to have expanded. He felt empty, worthless, and undeserving of this. Hopefully once he could see you again, he would come to his senses. He had to come to his senses... this encounter with Cameron warped him and left him lost to who he truly was.

He needed you. Good thing you were going to be there forever. 

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