Revealed Chronicle two

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Mobile Suit Revealed Chronicle, Year two

Awaken of the mystery girl, Aila Jyrkiäinen

Now the Astraea II has been tested, both Celestial Being and Brave Vesperia MS Mechanics started to build the Gundams but before they start will the Twin Drive Gundams they have started to build the Single drive Gundams first, but back on the medical room of the Ikaruga its the day of Aila Awaken of her cryo sleep. 

Jude Tsukihime POV

Now in space I am on the Strike Gundam and the back that comes with it, The Aile Strike and now I am testing it from shooting and it mobility I was done testing for a few hours since we were planning on using the Strike Gundam parts but manufactured and upgraded integrating its unique armaments and functions to our Gundams and I got a call from the Medical Room it was Maggie aka Megumi.

Jude: What is it Maggie-pie?

Maggie: Ahh Hun, our guest is awake.

Wait what, she is awake, I turn the Strike back to Teiwaz as I answer her.

Jude: I am on my way.

Using the Strike's top speed I go back to Teiwaz with everything I got on this baby.

A. Eyecatch: We can see Aila Jyrkiäinen and Jude back to back and they are looking at each other in the background was space and the mystery support unit.

B. Eyecatch: We can see Jude and Aila sitting at the top of the Ikaruga enjoying their time with each other.

As I arrive back to Teiwaz and enter the Strike to the Gundam Hangar as it finally gets park in place I exited the Gundam as the Strike cockpits hatch opens up leaving the checking up on the Strike to the Haros and Manjuus as I first enter the locker room getting change out of my Gundam Meister Pilot Suit into my complete Char Aznable Uniform after changing and exiting the locking room in a hurry to the medical room along the way my Haro unit decided to join me.

Now am just outside of the Medical Room taking a deep breath as the medical room slides open and I entered to see Maggie and Ryou at the side of the bed talking to now awaken Aila about her health who was sitting down on one of the medical room bed as the three notice me as for Aila who was surprise and shock to see me in this uniform since she also we did watch Code Geass both the anime series and recap & sequel movies together back in our old world and seeing the Haro unit floating at me right side.

Jude: Megumi, Reika can you leave us alone for a few minutes there is something I need to talk to our guest in private?

Maggie and Ryou both look at me for a second at each other and nodded then look back at me.

Maggie: Alright but don't take too much time.

Ryou: Aila-chan is still needs to recover.

Jude: Don't worry am not planning on taking her anywhere until she recovers.

Maggie and Ryou nodded at me as they both stands up and exits the medical room as the door slides back closing the room leaving me and Aila alone for now.

Jude: Aila Jyrkiäinen, once a member of Team Nemesis one of the teams that participated in one of the Gunpla Battle World Championships in the final round you used NMX-004 Qubeley Papillon but was bested by Jude Tsukihime's Exia Dark Matter who was the upcoming Char Aznable in real life and the one that made you leave Team Nemesis and live with him correct?

I see Aila got surprised about I just said right now and I am seeing some tears on her eyes what happen after my death.

Aila: Who are you and how did you know all of that?

Jude: For your first question in this my uniform acting as my second persona to the rest of the world am known as Char Aznable, the leader of Brave Vesperia and this is my partner Haro.

My Haro unit goes over to Aila as he float around above her head as he flaps its mechanical ears and blinking eyes.

Jude's Haro: It's nice to meet you! It's nice to meet you!

As Aila gently grab the Haro unit.

Aila: This Haro feels so real and authentic like from the Gundam 00 but doesn't answer my question of who are you and why are you using that name from the first Gundam Anime alongside wearing that costume from Code Geass?

As I start to remove my mask and put it aside as Aila got gasp in shock to see my face since it was a bit different but the same as well.

Jude:...... Aila its me, Jude, Jude Tsukihime as for the name I am really a fan of Char Aznable and as for the costume I am mostly a fan of Zero costume design from Code Geass Lelouch of the Re;surrection no matter what people say about the movie as long as Lelouch is alive.

Aila lets go of my Haro unit and starts to run towards me and hug tightly as I can feel her tears on my clothes.

Aila: Its you, its really you and I hoping this is not a dream right?

Jude: Nope this is very real.

As Aila starts to step back as she really wants to ask more questions.

Aila: But how are you—

Jude:....... Still alive well reincarnations, does that answer your question

Aila just nodded since now I want to know what the hell happen back on the old world

Jude:So ah... what happened after my death

Aila:Well for one Allan, your step-dad just keeps on working on your cafe and as a builder for the PPSE and he rebuild the Dark Matter into PPGN-001 RE X1 Gundam Exia Dark Repair One from the salvage parts of your broken Exia Dark Matter and for the project Gunpla you and you step-dad did the RX-0 UF20A Unicorn Freedom the third Meijin uses it as a memory since we cried on you funeral.

I see so that's what happen and now I need to update her for everything and I started to talk about my life on this world from two years ago until now that is and god that was a long talk.

Aila:...... I see so we are on the Gundam 00 World right now.

Jude: Yeah and there are some new things that are happening on this world since it does not follow the canon anymore alongside several characters from different Animes, with Iron Blooded Orphans and Code Geass and how about after you recover we go back to Earth on the next day since we can buy new clothes as well I can meet the team.

Aila: Sure.

With that I let Aila rest on the room since she need to recover first before to do anything

A. Eyecatch: We can see Jude piggybacking Aila on his back while Allelujah saw this and did the same to Maire.

B. Eyecatch: We can see Neil and Feldt are on Earth while dating and at the other side we can see Kaguya, Nunnally, and Euphemia dating Jude while Lelouch aimed his sniper at Jude's head.

On the next day I lead Aila to the Celestial Being team to meet first and as well with Marie since they want to talk as well the girls and it was a one hour talk and next up was the Brave Vesperia team meeting since Aila knows I got a harem now and she joins in and met Nena and if I remember it right Nena is a clone of Mina Carmine.

When I let her see my Gundams she was surprise and shock at the same time to see the real thing that was beyond Anime and what Gundam Factory Yokohama had to offer but also glad to see my Exia Dark Matter and Amazing Zaku that came along with me including the Strike Gundam from Gundam SEED also seeing the Gundams of Celestial Being.

After I let Aila meet them we now we are on the ship that made quickly made in Teiwaz that was base on GNW-003/SH Liang powered by my Gundam Exia Dark Matter heading towards Earth and reentering its atmosphere without alerting anyone thanks to JARVIS & VEDA.

Right now as our destination is Pendragon, the capital city of Britannian and we landed as I was greeted by a certain siscon while I was wearing my casual civilian clothes of the third Meijin Kawaguchi though it did surprise Aila but understood me wearing this since I am a fan of the Third Meijin under the name of Quattro Bajeena.

Lelouch: Welcome to the Kingdom of Britannia I have been waiting for you Mr. Bajeena

As he shook my hand and dear god it was a bit painful since I know this guy wants to kill me for dating his sister and speaking of witch where's the other one?

????: So he is here and he will die as well for dating Euphi.

I turn at the other side to see a beautiful woman with long fuchsia hair that she wears either loose or in a half up-half down crown-braid with two strands framing her face. Her eyes are lavender purple and her lips have a natural pink tint, though she usually wears magenta lipstick in public and its Cornelia li Britannia with a sword on hand and I see a pink hair Princess running towards her as she wants to stop Cornelia.

Euphemia: Please sister stop!

Cornelia: I need to since this man is the embodiment of Sin itself.

Jude: Hey Euphi I want to you to meet my old childhood friend and now girlfriend Aila Jyrkiäinen.

Euphemia: Its nice to meet you and Jude what's the reason for this visit?

Aila: The same as well Princess Euphemia.

Jude: Well I need to buy some clothes for her.

Now she grabs Aila as she was drag away from me.

Euphemia: Let's go to buy some clothes for you and I can bring Nunna.

Annnnnnd she left me by two bloodlust killers on me great now I have to start running for my life!

Euphemia li Britannia POV

I drag Aila-chan with me and Nunna comes with us as well to buy clothes as she tries on the clothes we showed to her.

After we are done checking out and buying clothes we are somewhere on the mail eating as I see Aila-chan eating and it was so cute.

Nunnally: So where did you meet Jude Aila-san?

Aila: Well..... it was the day when I was going to be kidnapped but Jude saved me from them.

Euphemia: And there is the start of where you are falling in love with him.

Aila: Yeah I am grateful for him since he is the one who took care of me back then.

And listening her story of how he and her met it was wonderful but I feel I have forgotten something as I was thinking I saw on the window and it was Jude was Running from Cornelia and big brother Lelouch and they are holding some weapons, for Lelouch was a side arm pistol and for Cornelia was a Sword Gun.

Jude: Euphi! Aila! Nunnally! Where are you guys?!

Cornelia: Stop running and accept your death right here and now!

Lelouch: You shall pay for your sins!

I look at my two partners as Aila wants to say something.

Aila: Should we help him?

Nunnally: Yeah we do need to help him now.

3rd POV

It was almost sunset as Jude was on a dead end and he looked back to see both Lelouch aimed at Jude's chest while Cornelia aimed her Sword Gun on his head as Jude readied himself to through them all while dodging their bullets.

Lelouch: End of the line Jude I now can end this world's abomination.

Cornelia: Not your last words.

Before Jude speak up and break through them as three Girls are running towards them.

Euphemia: Please Stop! Don't shoot him

Nunnally: and he is our love of our life and I carried his child in me.

As Nunnally said that everyone got shock, First of Lelouch want to kill him but at the sametime he doesn't want to kill him since he doesn't want the child to be fatherless, for Cornelia she was happy and mad at the same time since she had the same reason as Lelouch who was next up to her and the two Girls since they got shock at what did Nunnally said but Euphemia knows about this.

Lelouch:.... Fine for now I won't kill him but if you leave her and your child you are dead.

The both of them leave and leaving Jude and the three girls alone.

Jude: So what you just said is it true?

Nunnally: Yep next month it will be our babies' birthday and I did lie a bit about my safe day back there.

Jude: I am going to be a father next month wooohooo!

Jude hugged her as he does not want to let go and spinning her around abit and put her down.

Jude: I am going to be a father.

Nunnally: So what will be the one to pick our child's name?

Jude: I was thinking about Haruki means "bright" and "hope."

Aila: That's nice and now, next one I want to have one as well.

Euphemia: The same as well.

As they look at the sky since Jude knows that his story is at the second season to kill Almark since after this he will start a family then start and finish the movie where he can first finish all of the minor troubles then start a family of his own.

In the future we can see a man who is wearing a Gundam Pilot suit as he was heading to his personal Gundam.

Woman Voice: All systems are green.

Male Voice: Setting up the Gundam ******** on to the max

On his cockpit we can see his family picture as well another picture two woman he fell in love one has pink hair and the other has blond hair.

?????: So am I ready right now ne ***** and *****, Kira Lets end this war once and for all

On the screen we can see his face abit since he as the almost same face as Jude and has Sandy Brown but the body was built similar to Jude.

"Haruki": Haruku ****** Gundam lets go end this war

Back to the present time as they start go to the home of Britannia since he will stay here for a month since Haruki will be born.

One Month Later

Now Haruki was born so and its a male as his whole name will be Haruki Tsukihime Britannia/Haruki T. Britannia and Jude played abit with him for some while now and next week was the day both Aila and Jude will leave.

Jude: I really wish I want to stay more but you know my mission.

Nunnally: I know make sure you don't die since our baby is waiting for you.

Euphemia: Yeah plus we can take care of Haruki and expect you to give me a child of yours.

Jude gave them a kiss on the lips and both Jude and Aila got in their ship based on GNW-003/SH Liang main controls and now Jude has one more reason to protect them as the ship takes off towards the sky as it turns on its Optimal Camouflage as I turn to my next destination Japan to visit Kaguya.

Aila: Are you sure Britannia is going to be alright?

Jude: Don't worry Britannia was already part of the Earth Sphere Federation before A-LAWS was formed just like how the Code Geass version was part of the UFN so we don;t have to worry about them being oppressed the only thing we have to worry about is A-LAWS finding about my Char Aznable's connection to Britannia same goes for Kyoto but since Japan is also part of the UN and for Teiwaz with their massive influences since all the way back to the era of Aeolia Schenberg someone like A-LAWS can't touch them just like with Gjallarhorn from Iron Blooded Orphans.

Aila: But knowing you, you already have a plan for that.

Jude: Of course with JARVIS & VEDA on our side we can closely monitor the enemies movements should they decided go against Britannia and my other supporters will be ready for it.

As they continue on enroute to Japan as they now go underwater as and they got up to the same port but to see Kaguya's men waiting for them and leading the men was Kyroshiro Tohdoh

Tohdoh: Mr. Quattro Bajeena.

Jude: Nice to see you again Tohodoh.

Tohdoh: I heard your event at the "War with the Brave Celestials" and we got some reports that someone is starting a group called Katharon is form against A-LAWS.

Jude:I see So Katharon is starting to forming now huh.

Tohdoh: Please follow me.

With that the Tohdoh leads them on the car as they drive off to the home of Kaguya that will take them few hours to get here and few hours later they are here and one of Kaguya's Guards opens the door and both of them got off the for some reason Jude has a feeling that Kaguya will be pregnant as they got to the room they saw was Kaguya on a Pink Kimono and her belly was big

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