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   "Carmen get back here!" I could here one of the nurses yell as they chased after me. It only made me run faster. That's the only thing I love to do; run. It makes me feel free, makes me forget about everything.


My vision blurs and I feel something warm in my mouth I start to cough and I see a crimson red color, blood. I feel hands on me and I admittedly knew that I was being picked up. "Let me go!" I scream as I try to get out of there grasp, but it was no use. As we pass by other rooms I see a boy with a book in his hand. A black book with gold lettering on the front.

Titled "ART".

I feel a pinching pain on my hip and I start to fall asleep.

(I have to go to the airport in 2 hours, kill me)

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