I tried

Background color
Font size
Line height


I'm so sorry XD

Sooo I tried to do your request but I could not draw a good pose and I still hate the current one I made

It's so bad XD I will redo it someday but to try and make up for it I did an edit

I tried XD sorry I took so long a lot of my progress deleted on the one I tried to draw myself and then I started this one big my wrist decided to give out on me for the rest of the day.

Finally I have finished it.

but I will try a d go back to redo that god awful one, I tried side view, it was worse.

Paper and digitally


If anyone has any art tips that would be greatly appreciated and any requests I will try my best to do them but I am currently having a little bit of an art block

Thanks for the request Noel I hope the edit made up for whatever I tried XD

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