Weird proposal

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Khushi Kumari Gupta stood staring into the pool water for a very very long time, and that worried one person who was not used to her silence- Arnav Singh Raizada. It always meant a war when they met but it had been awkward in the recent times with him trying to come out of his character and be a bit sober, while she, blushed more often because of his teases. It had been the pre wedding rituals of their respective siblings that evoked new feelings inside them, ultimately leading them to realise what they were, only to not confess it to each other. But eyes being the honest ones, could not hide the fact that they two refused to speak out of their mouths.

It was the wedding of the most calm and composed couple, Akash and Payal and the house shimmered with glory. With laughters erupting from various corners of the house, the person whose name literally spelled happiness, sat with a dejected face, trying to stop the tears that were threatening to fall down and this did not go well with Arnav Singh Raizada. He believed, she had to get his permission to cry as he was not very fond of her weeping self.

'Khushi', He spoke finally able to bring her back to the real world from her stuporous state.

She looked at him with her doe shaped eyes that filled with tears instantly.

'What happened?' He asked, trying his maximum to control his anxiousness.

'Jiji is getting married', she stated.

'So? That was bound to happen right?' Arnav frowned with confusion.

She nodded sadly, augmenting the confusion he had.

'Khushi', he again called to get her attention.

'Are you not happy?' He questioned.

She shot a surprised look at him to even ask such question. 'Of course I am happy. Why do you say that Arnavji!'

'Because you are crying, instead of being cheerful. Its their wedding! Your role of playing a cupid has finally bore the fruits!' He asserted as a matter of fact.

That brought an instant smile on her lips, eyes glinting with pride at her accomplishment.

Arnav was amused at her change of expressions at such a quick rate. But her pride and happiness did not even last for few seconds that she was drawn back to her old dejected self.

Arnav had enough. He was definitely impatient now. He could not wait for her to open up.

Taking a deep breath, he held her shoulders and made her sit on the poolside chair, himself crouching on his knees in front of her. Holding her hands firmly in his grip, he gave them a light squeeze as if pumping strength into her to let her heart out. Atleast now!

'I will miss Jiji', she voiced out after a struggle within herself to accept the fact.

Arnav could understand what she was going through because he was the witness of her love for her sister. Though he did not converse much with his would-be sister-in-law, he knew she had a special place in the heart of the woman he loved!

After all who better than him knows how difficult was it to part with your own sibling! To avoid that mere separation, he insisted that his sister would stay with them after her marriage!

'She will be happy here, I promise!' He uttered, unable to see the gloominess in Khushi's eyes.

Khushi gave him a half smile and said, 'I know she will. But I will miss her. Now no one will be there with whom I can gossip about anything and everything. I will miss cuddling her in sleep'.

Arnav let out a laugh at the sight of the girl who behaved like a five year old child.

'I understand Khushi. But this had to happen right?'

'I know, but this is difficult', she replied.

'I think Payal would be joyous to come here. She will be finally free from your tortures!' Arnav teased with a hope to bring back the brave and courageous Khushi, not the vulnerable one!

'Haww! How can you say that Arnavji!' She pouted surprised at his comments.

Arnav chuckled at her. She looked cute!

Their eyes bore into each other, taking them back to the dreamland they lived in the recent times.

With a serious expression, Arnav said, 'I have a solution to your problem'.

'Huh?' She spoke dazed.

'You can see your Jiji everyday, talk with her and gossip about anything and everything', Arnav spoke.

'Really?' Khushi's eyes beamed with happiness. 'But how? Jiji cant come to Lakshmi Nagar daily nor I can come here everyday!' Khushi slumped her shoulders.

'What if you stay here permanently?' Arnav asked with curious eyes.

'But thats not possible', Khushi pouted.

Arnav did not know how to proceed further but then he tried to deliver his best!

'Huh.. Khushi... you know there is a way so that you can stay here forever'.

Arnav's hesitancy was definitely a shock for her as the ASR she knew was more than confident.

But Khushi's mind for the first time, thought in those exact lines that Arnav wanted it to be.

Her eyes flickered, her mind numb and heartbeat paced with anticipation of his next words and their meaning.

She scrunched her eyebrows, to let him continue and finish what he had in his mind!

'You know... you can become the Raizada bahu and stay with your Jiji forever', Arnav said, letting her expectations of him confessing his love, go in drain.

But Khushi was intelligent to not give in and play with that particular Raizada who stole her nights invading her dreams.

'Raizada bahu?' She feigned ignorance. 'But Nanheji is just my friend. I cannot marry him'.

'What the! I am not talking about NK. He is your friend and it must remain so. Had it been in my hands, I would have made sure he never glanced at you', Arnav murmured the last sentence but Khushi heard that and a giggle escaped her mouth which thankfully Arnav did not hear.

'If not Nanheji, I do not find any other one in your house ready for marriage', she again faked confusion.

'Of course there is one person!' Arnav instantly spoke.



Tada! The moment has come for some confessions.

Khushi frowning at him, with a serious stare, asked, 'Are you proposing me Mr. Raizada?'

Arnav gave a half smile at her, and nodded his head as Yes.

'Why? Why do you want to marry me?' Khushi so wished that he professed his love atleast now. But ASR was always a tough nut to crack!

Arnav's mouth laid open unable to confess his feelings. He resorted to the best reason he could find.

'So that you could stay with your Jiji', Arnav felt like smacking himself for coming up with this stupid reason.

Khushi felt no less. She wanted to smack him too for his ability to not speak his heart.

'So you want to marry me because I can stay close to my Jiji. Nothing else!' Khushi shrugged. 'In that case, I am better far away from her'.

Arnav quickly nodded his head in a No as she had misunderstood him.

'Then what? Speak up!' She demanded.

'I... I want... I really want to marry you'.

'Why? You dont even believe in marriage!' Khushi stated.

'I do not. But you do', Arnav admitted.

'So? How does that matter to you?'

'Of course it matters to me. You matter to me the most', Arnav's voice raised a tone higher.

'Why?' She again questioned, her patience flying away little by little.

'Because I love you dammit!' Arnav finally confessed.

Khushi's smile broke out of her lips and in enthusiasm plunged herself onto him.

'Finally! Finally you said the words, I have been waiting for so long to hear!' Khushi jumped with merry.

After a quick hug session, Arnav parted to ask, 'But I did not get m reply yet!'

'Of course I love you Arnavji. I love you too', Khushi too confessed and Arnav engulfed her in a tight hug, never to part from her.

The two lovers witnessed the union of their siblings, themselves impatient to take care their places very very soon!

A very very random OS. I did not plan it but I just had the feel to write something and came up with this! Hope this one is tolerable!

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