A father!

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It was a regular evening at the Raizada mansion, when Arnav was greeted by his wife, Khushi, as usual, and was offered a coffee, while she set out to the kitchen to prepare dinner.

He placed his laptop bag on the couch of his room, balancing the coffee cup in other hand and took his seat, stretching out a bit, to wane off the tiredness of the day.

A single sip into his mouth relieved his headache to some extent. The magic that only Khushi could do with her coffee!

He had closed his eyes to ward off all the fatigue, when he heard a faint call.


'Di?' He immediately looked up to see his divorced sister, cheated by her husband, limping her way towards him.

Taking her hands in his, he supported her to settle herself comfortably on the couch, while he sat beside her, anxious enough to know what his sister wanted to speak.

Since her divorce, she turned mute, answering with monosyllables and occasionally participating with the family. She preferred isolation and no one could refuse her as they could understand what she was going through.

'You need something, Di?' He asked.

Anjali Singh Raizada was skeptical and that was evident in her looks. She was hesitating. Being her brother, having known her for years, he clutched her hands tight as if assuring and said, 'Di, you know you can tell me anything, right?'

She nodded at her brother, finally gaining some courage to speak whatever she wanted to.

'I need a favour Chote', she spoke, hesitancy still laced in her voice.

'Anything Di, anything', he assured before listening to her demands. His love for her had no limits, as always!

'Chote, its been six months since Shyam is out of my life. Its been six months since I lost my Raajkumari', there was a crack in her voice at the mention of her child, who could not come out into the world.

'Di, please. Its all in the past. Please dont go there', Arnav pleaded, worried about his sister, as she was susceptible to go into depression. The initial days were really tough for the family to console her.

'Chote, I want a baby. I want a child whom I can call my own', she finally put forth her request.

Arnav was dumbstruck for a moment but quickly recovered.

'Di are you sure?' He asked again to actually confirm whether he heard it right.

'Yes Chote. I want a baby', Anjali firmly stated.

'Di.. its... I know you are having a tough time. But', Arnav did not have words to convey as he himself was clueless on how to react with her demand.

'Anyways Di. If that is what you want, then you are adopting a baby and I will help you complete all the formalities', Arnav spoke after thinking about it and finally giving up. May be the baby could help his Di out of her misery.

Anjali instantly nodded a no, disappointed at her Chote not understanding her properly.

'Chote, I want a child. But I do not want to adopt. Why should I when we have one?' Anjali asked rendering Arnav completely confused.

'I dont get you Di', he asserted.

'Chote', Anjali shifted uncomfortably before continuing and said, 'You are going to have a child. Why cant you give that child to me?'

There she dropped the bomb!

Arnav's mouth went wide and words failed to form in his mouth, while his throat parched. His heart pounded, beats drumming in his ears, numbing him altogether.

Observing Arnav's standstill state, Anjali hurriedly tried to explain her brother. 'Chote please! I have lost everything in my life. Please give me the honour of being a mother to your and Khushiji's child. I promise I will take care of him/her in the best manner. Please Chote!'

Finally Arnav came out of his shock by vigorous shaking of his arms by Anjali and looked at his sister. There was pain, yearning and sorrow filled within.

'Di, Please. Please dont cry. You know I cannot tolerate your tears', Arnav consoled her.

'Then please say yes, Chote', she urged.

'Di, you can adopt', he tried again.

'No Chote. Your child will be the blood of Raizadas. I dont think I can raise any other child with the same love and affection as yours', Anjali was too adamant.

Arnav remained mum for a few minutes, trying to sort out the mess that was laid in front of him.

With determination in his eyes, he smiled at his sister. Even before Anjali could rejoice to the smile he threw, he stated very clearly, 'Di, I love you and you are the most important person in my life. I can even sacrifice my life for your sake', he started giving hopes to Anjali.

He held her hand firm and continued, dreading the consequences for his next set of words. 'But I cannot Di. I cannot give my child to you.'

'Chote you cant do this to me. I am suffering Chote. You cant', Anjali panicked, her heart shattering into pieces. Well, she did not expect her Chote to deny anything she asked. It was new!

'Even you cant do this to me, Di. Do you really think that I wont suffer handing over my child to you?' Arnav questioned back almost instantaneously.

The anger in Arnav's eyes melted to an extent and warmth spread across his face. 'Since the day Khushi has revealed her pregnancy, I have been waiting for the arrival of my baby. I cant even tell you how happy I am, Di. And I cannot afford to lose my child. Yes, I am selfish. But please let me be selfish in atleast a few things in my life. Please', he poured out his anguish.

'But Chote'.

'No Di. Its decided. I cannot lose the most important phase of my life because of your demand. I am sorry Di. I cannot fulfil this wish of yours', Arnav clearly put forth his point.

'You promised Mumma, Chote', Anjali used her trump card.

'Promise!' Arnav smiled sarcastically, sighing. 'That promise made me hurt Khushi to an extent where there is no point of forgiveness. Guess I had been lucky to have her in my life. Mumma would be happy if I break that promise rather than hurt her again. I wont let her endure any more pain now. And this child, belongs to Khushi as much as it belongs to me. I can never separate a mother from her child'.

'Chote, I can talk to Khushiji. You are worried about her denial. But I know her Chote. She loves me a lot. She will definitely agree to this', Anjali spoke.

Arnav gave a ridiculous state at her and said, his voice very firm. 'She loves you, Di. But definitely not more than her child. Being the selfless soul she is, she might even accept to your demands, but I wont encourage this, Di. She is not a sacrificial lamb. Even she has a heart that harbours some feelings. Even if she does accept to this wholeheartedly, I will fight for my child as a father. No one, I mean no one, can separate us'.

Anjali noticed the determination that was evident in his voice and face. He was not ready to give her his child. With a defeated look, Anjali walked out of the room, tears spilling out of her eyes.

Before Anjali left the confines of the room, Arnav called out to her. 'I do not want this conversation between us to be known to Khushi. She will be broken and I can never tolerate that.' He firmly said, that made Anjali wonder whether it was really her Chote talking or Khushi's husband!

Arnav fisted his fingers out of helplessness. He was happy to fight for his child, but he had failed as a brother. He felt defeated. Though he denied his sister, there was a feeling of satisfaction and pride that erupted in his heart. He could stand for himself and his happiness, not succumbing to his sister's pleas. But there was the pain in a corner of his heart. How could his sister even ask him something like this? Didn't she know what it means to lose your own child? Then why would she think of giving the hurt to Khushi?

Few moments later, Khushi entered the room only to find Arnav sitting in the corner of the room, curled up, his knees drawn close to his chest, and tears freely flowing down out of his eyes.

She rushed to his aid, wounding her arms around him, placing soft kisses on his forehead and hair.

'Arnavji', was all she could utter, as words failed her. Her throat parched at his helpless state.

'I love you Khushi. I love you and our child', Arnav kept chanting in her arms, trying to gather some strength out of her.

'I know', she replied feebly.

'I cannot give my child to anyone', he said, himself forgetting the warning he gave to Anjali.

'You dont need to', Khushi soothed him.

'Khushi, Di.. Di asked', he stuttered badly wanting to let his pain out but words deceived him.

'Shh... calm down! I know. I know everything', she wiped his tears smiling at him slowly.

He looked up at her confused, only to meet with her beaming eyes and happy tears emerging out of her orbs.

'I heard you and Di talking', she confessed that alarmed Arnav. Before he could explain, she said, 'I am proud of you Arnavji. Thank you'.

'I did the right thing, didn't I?' He questioned like a child.

'Do you regret denying her? Or can you part with our baby?' She questioned him in return!

Arnav instantaneously nodded a No and said. 'Never! She is my baby. Our baby'. His voice always softened at the mention of his child.

'Then you did the right thing, Arnavji', Khushi cheered him up.

'Mumma will be happy albeit me denying her daughter. I wanted to be selfish for once', Arnav voiced out his thoughts.

Khushi smiled at him and corrected, 'You were being protective, not selfish'.

'I am sorry Khushi. Di is not in her senses. I will make her understand', Arnav apologised on his sister's behalf.

'I am not angry on her. I feel pity. I feel useless as I could do nothing to help her. Losing your child is not easy Arnavji. Di is going through the same. But she will understand with time. Wish I could do something for her. But..', Khushi cried and placed a hand in her belly, 'But I cannot sacrifice the unborn. She is our first born. A part of us. Our symbol of love'.

'Ours', he repeated, a small smile lighting up his face, his gaze fixed on her stomach.

Slowly he laid himself on her lap, his arms around her waist and face pressed into her stomach. Sorrows long forgotten, calmness spreading over his nerves, he dozed off into a deep sleep, while Khushi sat admiring him, caressing his hairs gently.

She lowered herself to press her lips against his forehead for a kiss and said, 'You will be the best father, Arnavji'.

Arnav smiled at her complement in his slumber and tightened his arms, protecting the two most important people of his life!

Its always known that mothers are overprotective towards their children right from the time they feel their presence in their womb!

This is a shot to emphasise that even the fathers get connected to the child in the very beginning itself, not after they were born!

Hope you enjoyed reading it!

Life in times of corona is a mess! Please be safe my friends! Stay locked in your homes! We will have to fight this deadly virus and emerge out successfully.


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