A Date to Remember

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'Arnavji, come! This way', guided Khushi Kumari Gupta Singh Raizada, on her way on the rooftop of a restaurant, tiptoeing and as if hiding from someone.

'Khushi! Why the hell are we here?' Bellowed Arnav Singh Raizada following her, owner of AR Fashions, a lion in his own office but a cat in front of his wife, tired of her antics. She was unpredictable at times and even after a year of their marriage, he failed to read her thoughts occasionally.

'Shh.. Dont make any noise.' She chided him.

'But what exactly are we doing here?' Arnav asked, this time in a low voice.

Khushi turned towards her husband at her back and proudly declared, 'Spying'.

'What?' was all Arnav could utter.

Before he could ask her the next question, she was already a few feet away from him, trying to spot someone.

He too looked around the vast seating area, where numerous tables were arranged but he found it completely empty. Even the waiters were not present there! Then whom was his wife trying to spy on? He wondered.

He tapped her shoulder from the back, and asked, again in a whisper, 'But I dont find anyone here. You are spying on whom?'

'Offo.. Arnavji, you dont have patience at all. Cant you wait for sometime? I shall show them rather tell you.' She asserted with a smile that stated how proud she was in doing this job.

Arnav let out an exasperated sigh, giving into his wife's commands, as he knew it was a waste of time trying to understand her actions and thoughts.

After a search of few minutes, Khushi finally found the targets for whom she was present there. Turning around to face Arnav, who was following her silently, she shrieked with a glint of happiness.

'There they are!' She pointed out towards the people in question!

Arnav followed her finger only to be left highly annoyed at his wife.

'You called me here to spy on these two? I had to leave my important client meet for this?' He scoffed.

'I know you are crazy Khushi. But to this extent? When you called me to meet you at this restaurant, I thought you were going to give me some surprise. Now I realise it was stupid of me to expect something like that. On top of it, you called me here that too urgently just to spy on my own cousin?' Arnav yelled angrily, taking care that his voice did not reach the ones they were talking about.

Khushi royally ignored his yearning for a surprise from her and commented, 'Of course it is important. NK is dating someone and he has kept that a secret from us, especially me, his best friend.' She stated, already hurt by NK's secret love.

'For the first time, he was acting smart Khushi. Because a secret, when revealed to you, no longer remains a secret. Telling you something is equivalent to announcing the world for free.' Arnav taunted her.

'But whats there to hide in it? I could have helped him', she pouted.

'As I said, he was taking things the right way for the very first time in his life.' Arnav shrugged.

'Whom are you mocking at? Him or me?' Khushi flared her nostrils with anger, with hands on her hips.

'Both', Arnav stifled a chuckle while saying this. Trust his wife to pick up a fight with him at a public place, when she was supposed to spy on someone.

'Mr. Raizada', she started warning her husband, when Arnav cut her off in the middle, holding her shoulders and turning her towards NK.

'Concentrate Khushi, you are here on a mission. Remember?' He cleverly distracted her from their present fight. Atleast in a year to their marriage, he knew how to tackle a situation without him getting scolded by her.

'Oh yeah, I totally forgot! I will have to know who the lucky girl is', she chirped, gaining back her lost mood.

While Khushi was fervently adoring the couple standing at a safe distance, Arnav could not help but curse under his breath, 'Great! Arnav Singh Raizada, is hiding behind a wall with his wife, to spy on his own cousin and his girl friend. Just great!Only you can make me do these Khushi!' He sighed looking at his wife, who was standing infront of him with a smile that he always wished to see. A smile that makes him do anything crazy for his wife. Just for her!

Suddenly, the surroundings dint seem to matter to him. His purpose of being here long forgotten, his anger on his wife flown. All he wanted was right in front of him, his love, his life, his wife. Arnav focussed on Khushi completely while she did not even spare him a glance.

He noticed her right from her forehead adorned with vermillion that marked her as his', her long tresses just the way he liked to see with few locks playing on her face, her eyes that spoke volumes to him (only him), her cute button nose, her cheeks that turned crimson red only for him, her lips that had the magic to take away his senses, her slender neck that had the holy thread tied by him, again indicating that she belonged to him, her perfectly curved waist which was a perfect fit to his arms when slid around, to her feet that carried her mother's anklets. She was clad in a light red saree with a golden blouse, just the way he loved to see her. Overall, a beauty, both by looks and soul, he was bestowed with inspite of all his cruel deeds towards her. He could never forget the hurt he caused her though Khushi insisted many a times that it was all past and it was better to forget all that. His mind might forget, but never his heart. He had wronged Khushi and no way he deserved her, but as it is destiny that decided everything, he was blessed with her.

Every sacrifice he makes, every order he abides by, every crazy thing he does to make her happy, all seem less when compared to her biggest decision of sharing her life with him.

Watching her smiling was all he ever wanted, and if she found interest and thrill in these little things, then let it be. If Khushi was happy, he was happy to do them, even if it was the stupidest thing.

Khushi had a hard time as she was not able to spot who the girl was. Firstly, the girl was sitting with her back facing Arshi and she was standing a bit far from NK and his girlfriend.

'I cant see who the girl is, Arnavji.' She complained, bringing Arnav out of his trance.

'Just be patient Khushi. Hmm?' He asked with a softened voice, holding her hands from behind her.

Focussing back on the duo, Khushi and Arnav waited for the revelation of who the girl was, when Arnav spoke, 'I think I know her.'

'I cant even see her and you claim to know her too', Khushi wondered.

'I dont know. But she looks familiar', he shrugged.

As if on cue, the girl in question turned around to see something that NK pointed at, only to leave Khushi in shock and surprise. Arnav was equally surprised.

'Lavanya?' Both Arnav and Khushi uttered at the same time facing each other.

When the new information sink in, Arnav thought it was cool but Khushi was nowhere convinced by the revelation. No, not because she did not like them as a couple, but because both were her best friends but they kept it a secret from her.

But being Khushi, she brushed off her agony and concentrated back on the new love birds. The moment of proposal arrived and Khushi could no longer contain her excitement and nudged Arnav, who was very much disinterested with all these things.

'Arnavji, I think he is going to propose now. Hayee!' She exclaimed.

'Khushi, its their moment. Let them enjoy. I think we should give them some privacy.' Arnav tried to be calm to explain his overenthusiastic wife.

'I know and I am not disturbing them right. I am just eager to watch the proposal.' She affirmed.

'From where do you get all these silly ideas and stupid wishes?' He bellowed.

'An unromantic person like you will never understand this', she scoffed.

Arnav raised his eyebrows and asked, 'I am unromantic. Really Khushi? I too proposed you on our Sangeet. Remember?'

'Yeah. But thats all an old story. Anyways you wont propose me again. So let me have fun watching these two atleast?' She requested.

Before Arnav could deny again, she said, 'Please Arnavji'. I want to see how he is going to propose her. How romantic these two can get!', she used her puppy eyes that always worked. Arnav as usual could not deny them and let her be herself when something far caught his attention.

He glanced at Khushi who was interested in the proposal and gently slipped away from there towards the direction of his target.

A few moments later, after witnessing NK propose Lavanya for marriage, Khushi could not contain her excitement and turned around to drag Arnav along with her to greet and congratulate the new couple, only to find no one there.

'Now where did this Laad governor go?' She wondered.

She was about to search for him, when Arnav appeared in front of her.

'Where were you? You missed it. I never thought NK was so romantic', she exclaimed, clapping her hands like a child.

Chuckling, Arnav held her hand and led her to another corner of the restaurant

'Where are you taking me?'

'I followed you right. Now its your time.' Declared Arnav and led their way.

Both reached the other corner only to witness a separate cubicle that was lit up with all the flashing lights, just like Khushi loved. At the centre, there were two chairs with a table on which some dishes were placed, along with red roses in a vase.

Khushi could just gawk at the sight before her. She turned her head towards Arnav who was satisfied with the preparations, as if asking 'What is all this?'

Arnav stared at her for a few moments before he replied to her unspoken question, 'A beautiful evening, chill breeze, stars twinkling in the sky, fairy lights all over the place and most importantly, a gorgeous woman before me. What more is needed for a date?' He asked her smirking.

Khushi's mouth opened wide as if it touched the floor which was immediately replaced by a blush on her cheeks.

'D.. date?' She stuttered.

Arnav stifled a chuckle at her surprised state and gently held her wrist to lead them to the table. He pulled out the chair for her to sit and then he took his place opposite to her. Arnav himself served the dishes to them, while Khushi sat perplexed and awwed at her husband's smile that never left his face. How handsome he looked!

'Only you have the right to admire me Khushi, but right now, its time for us to eat!' Arnav's voice brought her out of her reverie.

'You did all this?' She asked still not convinced, popping a piece of Jalebi in her mouth.

Arnav rolled his eyes at her stupid question but nevertheless answered after chewing the food in his mouth, 'Of course! Do you find anyone apart from us here?'

'Why?' She questioned but later realised how idiotic she was to ask.

'I awaited for a surprise from my wife which never came. So I though twhy not surprise her in return!' He shrugged.

Khushi's eyes immediately dropped down, with her face hung low, and with a voice filled with remorse, she murmured, 'I am sorry Arnavji.'

Arnav looked above only to witness the sight he loathed. Tears in his wife's eyes! His feet sprang into action to comfort her.

'Hey Khushi. Why are you crying?' He asked wiping her tears away, cupping her face.

'I disappointed you', she stated still sobbing with her head in his chest.

Arnav so wished to smack her head for her thoughts but he knew, she needed assurance more than that.

'Shh.. Khushi, you can never disappoint me. I am really not upset for you calling me here. Infact I am glad, I am able to spend this evening with you'. He stated honestly.

'I am sorry.' She again apologised.

Arnav raised her head from his chest and looked into her eyes and stated, rather in a stern voice, 'Mrs. Khushi Kumari Gupta Singh Raizada! I hate to see you crying and I order you to stop it this instant. There is nothing to be upset here. I want to spend this time with you in a happy mood, definitely not with tears in your eyes. Is that clear?' Arnav tried really hard faking a stern expression, when his wife was already crying. But he knew, this was the only way to stop her feeling guilty.

Khushi, though stopped crying, still was grumpy. To lighten her up, Arnav stood up and placed his hand in front of her and asked with a cute smile on his face, 'Will you give me the honour to dance with you, my gorgeous woman?'

Khushi could never deny him and joined her hand with his', and both the love birds grooved to the soft music that played in the background, with Khushi's head rested on Arnav's chest and his one hand wound around Khushi's waist protectively.

A few moments later, when Arnav felt that Khushi had come out of her guilt, he gently placed a kiss on her forehead, wiping away the area of her cheek where resided a strain of the tear that she shed.

Slowly, he cupped her face, still grooving to the music, and kissed her eyes one by one.

'Arnavji', was all Khushi could utter coherently, before drowning into the passion that emanated at that moment.

Arnav placed kisses along the face before finally capturing her lips into his. Khushi, gasped initially as she was not expecting Arnav to kiss her in a public place, but soon the gasp was replaced by a moan as she got involved in the magical web.

After what felt like eternity, both broke their kiss, that had love, passion, desire and lust, in dire need of oxygen.

Arnav and Khushi were themselves flabbergasted by their actions as PDA was not their cup of tea. Khushi looked around herself to spot anyone who was a witness to their acts, and sighed in relied when she found none.

'I love you Khushi', voiced Arnav after coming out of his trance of admiring the beauty before him.

Khushi gave him her signature smile that always lightened up his heart and his surroundings.

'I love you too Arnavji', replied Khushi wrapping her arms around him, embracing him, to dwell in his warmth, her solace. Arnav completed the hug, his one hand caressing her long hair, while the other busy with ministrations in her waist.

After a while, when their stomachs grumbled because of the lack of food, Arnav and Khushi broke the hug with a laughter that erupted as a loud noise in the otherwise quiet surroundings!

Before they again sat for their meal, Arnav picked up the bunch of red roses on the table and forwarded them towards his wife, kneeling down in the process, making Khushi gasp in shock.

Tumne mere berang zindagi ko apni rangon se bhar di,
Mere chaaron taraf pheli hui andhere ko apni roshni se mita di,
Mere ankahi baatein padh lete ho,
Mere gusse ko bina kuch kahe pee jaathe ho,
Mere har zakhm ki marham hai tu,
Mere dil ki har dhadkan ki khwahish hai tu,
Aakhir mere dil ki rakhwaali hai tu!

(You filled my colorless life with colors,
You gave light to the darkness that surrounded me,
You understand my unsaid words,
You swallow all my anger without any complaint,
You are the medicine for every pain of mine,
You are the one my heartbeat desires,
Afterall you are the keeper of my heart)

Tumse maangne ke liye khwahishein hai khatam,
Ab tumhe mera sab dene ke liye waqt hai sanam!

(I dont have any wishes to ask from you,
Its time, my dear, to give you everything that I have)

To meri jaan, sun lo, waada hai tumse,
Gham ko tujhe kabhi choone nahin doonga,
Dard ko tere aas paas bhatakne nahin doonga,
Jab tum hamare bacche ko doge jaan,
Tabse siva teri zindagi mein dard ke aasoo honge anjaan.
Agar phir bhi, galti seh, tumhari aankhein nam ho gayi,
Toh samajh lo Khushi, ki Arnav Singh Raizada ki jaan chali gayi.

(My dear, listen! I promise!
I wont let sadness touch you,
I wont let the pain to even roam around you,
The only time you will cry is,
When you give birth to our child.
If, by mistake, there are tears in your eyes,
Then understand Khushi, that Arnav Singh Raizada is no more!)

The moment Arnav uttered about his death, Khushi who was in tears by his confession, gave a raged look to her husband for even mentioning his death.

'Arnavji', she chided, yelled, all at the same time.

'Dare you say that again.' She warned him and launched herself into his arms crying bitterly.

Arnav stumbled a bit, because of the sudden action by action, but quickly straightened himself, with a protective hand over Khushi, ensuring both were safe.

'I am sorry Khushi, I would never say that. I am sorry.' Arnav kept on reassuring her till her sobs subsided.

He rose along with Khushi from his kneeling position, and took her along with him to get seated on one of the chairs. He positioned her comfortably in his lap, and whispered sweet nothings till she released him from her clutch, though not fully.

'I love you Arnavji. Never ever talk about our separation.' Khushi confessed.

Arnav smiled a little, albeit feeling guilty about making her cry even in his confession and confessed back.

'I love you too Khushi. Neither of us will be separated. Arnav and Khushi', he started only for Khushi to complete it with 'Humesha'.

Placing a gentle kiss on her forehead, Arnav handed her the bunch of roses which were still in his hands. 'To my pretty lady'.

Khushi accepted them and gave a loud kiss on his cheek, still being in his lap, while his arms covered her waist, keeping her protected.

'Arnavji', Khushi called.

'Yes, tell me Khushi', he encouraged.

'Honestly, your confession was the best.' She declared.

'Better than the proposal you were too keen to witness?' He asked smirking.

Khushi blushed and replied, 'Yes'.

'So you still want to say I am unromantic?' He asked, his smirk not leaving his face.

'You are the most romantic person', she again confessed, hiding her face in the crook of his neck, arousing all sorts of thoughts in him, which he really needed to control at that public place.

Arnav and Khushi winded up their date, with Khushi doing most of the talking animatedly and Arnav admiring her as always. They forgot the actual purpose of visiting that restaurant and were indulged in their own world. They reached home, with happy faces, only to be stopped by Anjali on their way.

'Chote! Khushiji? Where have you been? Wait! Let me guess! A date?' Anjali asked raising her eyebrow.

Khushi blushed profusely while Arnav nodded slightly to his sister, giving her the answer, while muttering, 'A date to remember', which was audible only to Khushi, making her cheeks go more red.

Hello! Another OS! A long one!
Please please share your views on this!
I really dont know how it turned out to be but this was what I thought of writing actually!

Forgive me for the errors in

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