My Wife Mrs Raizada!

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Arnav POV

With utmost care I folded the sleeves of her blouse one after the other, and continued to admire her henna filled hands. I could feel her eyes on me. Like always I responded giving her my crooked smile. The continuous clinking of her bangles distracted me a little but after a minute I was able to complete my job.

Why do I love so much Arnavji?

I chuckled. She never misses even the smallest of my gestures. As a fact she loves the chunks of affection that I aim towards her fragile heart, hah Khushi' words not mine. She is Mrs Arnav Raizada for this very reason. Afterall only  a strong and fierce lover like my wife can tackle a broody man like me. Only a woman like her can bear the complicated Raizada like me.

Cannot help it Khushi. You dont make it easy. I fall in love with you every single day.


Snaking my hand around her waist I pulled her close to me with no resistance from her. So much that we could feel each others breaths. As expected her eyes dilated with my action and taking advantage of her not so sobre state I kissed her babysoft cheek. Rubbing my nose over the said cheek I answered my woman.

Really Khushi Kumari Gupta Singh Raizada.

My wife turned a deep shade of red and plastered herself sans hands to my body. Hiding my face in her hair I inhaled her natural floral smell. Her fragrance reminding me about the fact that I am no longer alone. I dont have to fly solo in this harsh world. I have a companion. Someone that keeps me grounded without wanting to change my beliefs and perceptions about life.

Hey why dont we miss NKs engagement and spend some alone time Wifey?

I asked with a mischievious tint in my eyes. I mean is it really important to attend that lunatics engagement party. As a fact Khushi and I can celebrate it in our own way. Away from all. Somewhere private would be better. Yup. That would be perfect. Feeling an elbow in my gut I loosened my arms around my woman. Oops.

Hawwww!!!! Thats really really bad of you Arnavji. Its NKji' engagement party, how can you even suggest something like that? And what about our Lavanyaji??!?

Oh dont be so boring Khush. We can celebrate their engagement in our own way you know.

I declared wagging my eyebrows suggestively, while blood pooled around her cheeks. Comprehending my words she grinned biting her bottom lip, making me groan in return. Ughhh is she a seductress from hell?!?!?Goshhhhh I am gonna die one day for sure.

Noooooooo. We wont do any private celebration for now. But if you are a good boy then maybe...

Maybe what...???

I asked like a small child wishing for the first ice cream of the summer, while Khushi chuckled seeing my excitement.

Maybe you will get some sweets.

My kind of sweets?

I confirmed once again. Although I know what she means. This is our private joke after all, since I am diabetic.

She nodded with another blush and then left my embrace to wash away the henna from her beautiful hands. While I pumped my fist with a loud 'yes' probably making her blush yet again.

Khushi POV

After a grand ceremony of NKji and Lavanyaji' engagement I tried to mingle a little with our guests. The keyword being tried. And like always my husband managed to drag me away to the dancefloor, where a few couples were dancing to some soft music. My  hubby loves to dance with me, it calms down his possessive mind, his thoughts not mine.

But this possessiveness of his makes me want to love him even more. He says that he falls for me every day. However I fall for him every second of every day.

Placing my head on his shoulder I danced to the instrumental tune of Teri Meri. For everyone else this is simply a song. But for me and Arnavji it will always have a special place in our hearts. The reason being that Teri Meri intertwined our souls not long ago, in a such way that we could not help but tangle more and more in the web of love.

As this thought crossed my mind Arnavji' hand tightened over my midriff. He will never admit it but I know that he too has a certain attachment with Teri Meri. His loves me in red but green comes a second close for this very reason. I could not help but verbalize my thoughts.

You love this song very much right?


You do.

Not at all.

Yeah right.


The song ended and so did our banter. And just like that with a teasing smile and an arrogance filled smirk two people forced themselves to behave and mingle with others. But mind does not have a control over the eye. Right?

Arnav POV

I tried. Believe me I did. But what can I do when my Wife is dressed to kill. Yup, she is clad in a red and silver lehenga saree and she is not making things any easier for me.

That innocent smile and twinkle in her eyes, all are evil tricks to get me hynotized. So here I am pretending to greet the guests while my dark eyes are gazing her sexy form. Its deja vu all over again.

For sometime I tried to focus on the tales of Mr. Sharma and the political talks of Mr. Bajaj. However soon my heart won the battle and with a defeated mind I could not resist the magnetic pull of my Khushi. When she disappeared in the crowd I knew where she will end up very soon. So like a man on hunt I rushed to the poolside.

I had strategically placed the return gifts near the poolside wall before this party had even started. Henceforth like a calm cookie I stood staring at the water which was as silent as my mind. One jiggle. Followed by another. My Wife is near I told my erratic heart. Even in her watery reflection she appeared no less than an angel.

Arnavji what are you doing here? Is everything alright?

Smirking at the naivity of my woman I simply turned around to face her and her loud gasp was a proof that she has read my eyes. I sauntered in her direction. And with synchronized steps I cornered Khushi Raizada to the darker side of the pool. Racing hearts, shallow breaths and no distance between the two of us created the perfect ambience for what I was about to do.

I am here to re-live a memory of ours Khushi.


Her expected stuttering response made me smirk victoriously.

Yeah. Remember our first Diwali...

Exactly. Are you aware of the phrase alternative endings Khushi?

Wh...what??!?? what do you mean by that Arnavji?

Chuckling at her innocent question I simply fulfilled the incompleted task of mine. I smooched my wife. Passionately. Possessively. Lovingly. I tried to express my emotions through this one kiss. All the said and unsaid words that we shared on that fateful night. And then soon since I wanted my wife to breath I had to pull away. So with a few  chaste kisses I let her go.

This is what I mean when I say alternative endings Khushi.

We shared a smile. A knowing smile. A smile that spoke volumes. The one which screamed love and only love. Our shining orbs probably re-lived it all. Fortunately this time my beloved did not end her night in tears.

Rather she tackled me in a tight hug making me wonder why did I have to be a fool all along? Why did it it take me so long to accept that Khushi is my everything? Well everyone has flaws. I mean our imperfections makes us beautiful. Maybe this is the answer to my stupid behavior. Yeah. This is it.
Just a random one shot..imagining our arshis future. Read it n review.

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