the growing bond

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his background music when he thinks about her^^

22  hour had pass since both family have known each other ..they have grown very good friendship among them .

currently they are only 5 minutes away from 'deharadun ' railway station ..

sahil is helping mahi to get their bags at door ....and as usual our grandma is stoping them from going near doors(typical indian thing bro my nani is same).

'bhaaai.....'shout mahi as soon as she saw mihir at station .

Mihir also hurried his step as he saw his dear family along with his darling dadi standing their .

Through he is very happy at his career but still it was very hard to stay away from his family .he is family guy and he had missed them .

'hayee, kitna patla la ho gaya hai mera bhoolu',dadi express dramatically which cause everyone to chuckle . (how thin you have become my dear bholu)

'diii' sahil shouted and ran towards his gossip buddy and gave her tight hug.

'oyeee leave me ,are you trying to choke me pig', said ishani breaking hug showing that she is still very much uncomfortable with physical touch 

through  this scene had made dutt family to laugh but surely had catch mihir attention and boy.....our lieutenant is soo tense .

off course  he had admired our other lieutenant from far and and she had been his crush from last 6 years. Having her this close along with her family had cause him nervousness .

'so this is your ishani sanjay ji 'said ketki (his mother) watching ishani who was touching her parents feet by now.

'ji, beta meet mishra and family' said sanjay introducing them.

## Mihir's pov

same brown eyes, 

shoulder length hair ,

and her damn calming effect ,

......just inches away from me .

this close after whole 3 years  she very same but still very different ....

i couldn't help but stare at her .even after 6 year she have same effect on me by now i am damn sure it's not only attraction it's more deeper ..

"toh bhoolu ,ab aage kaha"asked my darling dadi breaking my chain of thought (now where next to?).

i can see her that  beautiful eyes shifting between me and daadi with cute smile on my nickname..hai mere dil(my poor heartu)

"oh  daadi i  am going to drop you guys at hotel  near campus , i am still not allow to stay with you .let's hurry up i need to back at campus at 7 pm." i replied .

"are ishani beta you must having same plan?" my dad asked her .i see my little kadoos father opening up with her very  quickly.

"ji uncle " oh no that voice honey but  confident one.

"very good,sanjay ji if you don't mind if we go to same hotel ." my dad asked her father.

" why not, it very good idea "replied her father .

and here we are going towards hotel  paradise by her suggestion in two taxi me with my family in one and she with her and choti due to space issue .

even  through i am replying my family but my thought wanders around her i can't help but  think about our first meeting or more correct but  her first sight in my memory .

***************** flashback****************

mihir was going to tution after nearly 3 week cause his uncle's daughter his nisha di " marriage ....

he have heard about this particular new girl  .

even through he haven't seen her saurabh and vishal had mentioned her daily while updating him with classes .....

why not she is only girl in math class .....

he was parking  his cycle when he saw her from far not so clearly  talking  with bio teacher  and he thought she was some  bio student .not thinking so much he move to class .

after completing boring college he was happy to come tution  it was way more fun. 

he was meeting his other buddies other who he haven't connect in past few weeks .....

then suddenly hearing footstep he set properly thinking it must be teacher . 

it was  teacher but what  caught his attention was she wearing maroon shirt with dark blue jens and black shoes 

(avoid model this what i think about her dress )

he only know she was very  confident and bright girl by his friend but he was not inform  that is is this much beautiful..

"aaaare mihir welcome back hope you got  your  little break  .you have got new  competition ." sir  said catching his attention.

and thus class began  ,whole class he was taking glances of her and by end  of class he knew she was beauty with brain ,and her  that  waist length hair  how can he forget them .

*********************flashback end***************

thinking about her old hair he smile they were beautiful but her new one's give her leader vibe just like how she is .....perfect in his eyes.













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