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It's been two months since I moved to Singapore. I started to enjoy living here. Even though I knew no one here, somehow I felt free. I didn't need to pretend to be someone's wife, and I didn't need to lie to my grandpa all the time. I called him often, of course, since he was the only one that could share my happiness of being able to study again. He was happy that I could get the fellowship that I wanted. I made some new friends here and I love my colleagues. Though one or two were annoying, the rest were okay.

Here I could even run everyday. Well, mostly if I didn't have any night duty. But I exercised more regularly here. My routine would be just exercise, then hospital and back at home at night. It might seem boring, but somehow I liked it. In the morning we would have a round at all surgery wards to check up on all digestive surgery patients. Then I would join or assist some operation or attended the outpatient clinic. If I had night duty, then I had to stay behind. I really liked the work situation here.

But in two weeks, my perfect routine would have to change. I received his text yesterday. He would be coming here in two weeks. He said he had some photoshoot for some brand advertisement. I looked at my phone. He would be here during his birthday week. Great. I almost forgot his father birthday, but I managed to call him before he went to sleep. Judging by his character, he would reminded me if I ever forgot any family member's birthday for years.

[My flight will land at 9 PM. I'll head directly to your apartment. Send me the apartment location.] I read his text. I wished I had a fast-forward button so I could fast forward this week and skipped his visit. I sent him my address and the GPS coordinate as well as the security code, for just in case. I didn't have any night duty tonight, so I would be home when he arrived. It would be the first time in 3 months I'd be seeing him in person. It wasn't like I forgot his face. How could I when he was everywhere? He had several advertisement, and thanks to my smart phone, every time I saw my social media, there would be his face all over my feed. I almost fell asleep when I heard someone punching the code at my door. I went out of my room to make sure that it was Jackson and no one else.


She used my birthday as her passcode. Why? I was curious and excited at the same time. It would be the first time I would see her again after 3 months. She was really cold. She never once called me. She never updated her social media either. How was I supposed to know how she was doing? I had to dodge my mom since I knew nothing. Luckily I had a concert with Panthepack crew, so she couldn't bug me for some time.

I peeked inside and went in quietly. I tried not to wake her up, but once I was inside, I realized she was in her doorway.

"Hey there," I took off my hoodie and my mask so she could see my face. Maybe she was holding a stick or something behind the door to hit me if she thought I was someone else. "I thought you've slept already."

"Hey. I almost fell asleep when I heard someone punching the code. I had to make sure it was you and not some random drunk people."

"Did anyone ever try to break in?" I started to frown and felt worried.

"No. But I've heard my colleague told me that in her apartment complex, someone was drunk and punched their code at her door. But luckily after awhile the drunk man realized it wasn't his unit so he walked away." She looked at my suitcase with questioning look.

"I went here straight from the airport, so I had to bring my clothes with me. You don't want to see me walking naked around here right?" I teased her and she blushed completely.

"Do you want to wash up first?" she pointed the bathroom door. I opened my suitcase and and grabbed some clothes to change and headed to the bathroom. It would be nice to have a hot shower after a long flight.


He got out from the bathroom with wet hair. He wore tank top and jogger pants again. I decided to wait for him so we could talk about the sleeping arrangement.

"Whoaa.. it was so hot here. I remembered Singapore was hot, but I think today's hotter. How come you're not melting in this hot weather?" he started complaining and sat down on my sofa as well. She just shrugged.

"I can tolerate heat more rather than cold," I answered.

"Sorry, do I keep you waiting? You can go back to sleep, you know," he started to realize that I was waiting for him.

"I have to anyway. So, this is the apartment. No other bedroom aside from mine. And the sofa is pretty small as well. I can't fit a sofa bed in this apartment." He started to look around as I tried to explain the situation to him.


"So.. don't you think it'd be better for you to sleep at the hotel tomorrow?" I was hoping he would change his mind after seeing my apartment. But maybe I really didn't know him at all.

"No." He started to walk toward my room and opened it without asking permission.

"Hey!" I started to protest.

"Your room is quite spacious. I could sleep on the floor," he decided. When I looked at his stern expression, I knew he wouldn't change his mind.

I sighed. I had no choice now. It would be cruel to let him actually slept on the floor. I saw him bringing his suitcase into my room and put it aside. I took out a matress that I bought a week ago after he told me he would be sleeping here. I put it silently on the floor and got him another blanket. I gestured him to sleep there without saying anything.


"Wait. You bought a matress for me?" I grinned. Maybe I was wrong about her. She wasn't that cruel inside.

"Just turned off the light, will you?" she started to climb her bed and pretended to sleep. I was still smiling but I did what she told me to. I turned off the light and slept on the matress.

"Why do you use my birthday as your passcode?" I asked her from my matress. I couldn't see her face from my position, but I could still hear her voice.

"It has to be someone's birthday, and yours was all over the internet, so it'd be easier to find out if I ever forget about my own passcode," she answered from under the blanket. I chuckled at her answer. What a silly reason. Somehow I was happy that she chose my birthday. 

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