Chapter 35

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As soon as Yeoreum and I reached the classroom, students are still whispering about us and I hate it. I know I gave Yeoreum a chance but this is too much. I want to start off as friends again, but this is ruining everything. It's making me pissed and annoyed.

I put my bag on my usual seat, beside Jeonghan. But then, Yeoreum walked up in front of me. "Since Jeonghan isn't here, I guess I can take his seat?" She smiled so innocently. Students started to squeal. I looked at Mingyu, Wonwoo and Hansol but they just facepalmed.

I told them about me, giving Yeoreum a little bit of chance, and they already thought that's it's not a good idea and they already pictured what might happen, and this scenario is one of those they pictured.

I grabbed Yeoreum's wrist and furiously dragged her out of the classroom. Students were still squealing and Yeoreum is smiling as she blush from our classmates' teases.

I brought her in the side of the school campus where no one would dare to go. She's still smiling ear to ear.

"Why did you posted it?" I asked seriously, but her smile won't fade away. "Why? Is there any problem? You already gave me a chance so I posted it. I'm still your fiance after all." She smiled at me. I don't know if she's just that innocent or she's playing dumb.

"I gave you a chance, that's given. But it doesn't mean you can post our picture just like that. Plus, the caption!" I said angrily and her smile faded away. She pouted.

I made myself calm down. "Delete it now." I ordered, but she looked at me in disbelief.

"I won't." She refused. I glared at her just for her to see that I'm serious about it.

"Do you just want me to delete this so that your Jeonghan won't see it?" She asked and it made me speechless. I couldn't answer her.

Yes, I'm afraid that Jeonghan might see it and I'm also afraid that he might think of me as some kind of playboy.

"Unbelievable." She smiled bitterly. I looked at her blankly. "I thought you gave me a chance and we can give it a go, but it's still Jeonghan?"

"What the heck does he has for you to love him like that?" She asked as she points a finger on me. I looked down.

I don't know either, Yeoreum.

"Giving you a chance doesn't mean I already moved on from him. It's not that easy." I said, trying to make her understand but she just heaved a sigh.

"Are you using me as a rebound, then?" She asked. "You could say that." After that, I earned a slap from her.

"Let's just see what will be Uncle Choi's reaction once he finds out that his son is cheating on his own fiance." She threatened and my eyes widened. "Let's see if what will he do to his son's beloved Yoon Jeonghan!" She shouted and I almost kneeled down on her.

"I will do anything. Just don't tell Dad." I pleaded. I heard her snort in the air. "Unbelievable. You're so willing to kneel down just for him."

"Deal, then. You'll do everything?" She smirked at me and I gulped.


*Now Playing : Lie Again by SEVENTEEN*

I punched the wall where I pinned Jeonghan. I punched it until my fist bleed. I can't feel the pain of my fist. I can feel the blood dripping down from my hands.

I hurt him for his own sake and safety. I'm so sorry, my Hannie...

Yeoreum made me do it. She wants me to push Jeonghan away. I was in pain as I say those words.

I lied, Hannie. I lied.

You're not a piece of shit to me, Hannie. You're my world.

You're not a mistake in my life, Hannie. You're the most beautiful thing that ever happened to me.

I cried there silently. Only my sobs could be heard in that empty hallway.

I totally lost him. I lost my life. My love. My world. My everything. I lost my Hannie.

After recovering, I immediately stood up and I found myself finding him. My eyes caught a glimpse of him and I immediately roamed around, just to see Jeonghan crying silently at the school garden. I was about to go to him, but my mind says no. I hid behind the wall and I leaned there as my body is slowly falling down and my butt met the cold floor.

I covered my mouth to avoid making any sounds, but I'm still sobbing. All I can hear is Jeonghan's sobs and it hurts me so much to hear him sob and cry like that.

I stayed like that and I didn't even noticed that I was slowly falling asleep.



As soon as I left Seungcheol there, I walked away from them. This thing shall be done in an instant. He should hurt him himself. Yes, I was watching them the whole time and I smiled in victory.

Seungcheol doesn't know that Jeonghan feels the same way as he do, and I won't let that piece of shit to let his feelings out because Jeonghan will ruin everything.

I'm not dumb as my sister is. We badly need Jeonghan to vanish away from our sights. I was about to call her about what happened when someone snatched my phone from my hand.


"Give my phone back, jerk." I said and pulled my hand out.

He let out a silly smirk. "Iphone, huh?" He said as he scan my phone. Well yeah, obviously it's an iphone. "Pretty rich."

"I know that I'm rich. Now, will you just give me my phone back?" I asked in an irritated manner. He's getting into my nerves.

"Rich and pretty." He smirked even more. I scoffed. "I know I'm pretty. So just give me my phone back, scumbag?"

"Scumbag, you say?" He leaned in closer, but I didn't flinch. As soon as he leaned in, I tried to fish my phone from his hand but I failed.

I glared at him. "Just a sec." He said and he even unlocked my phone. How dumb you are Yeoreum? You didn't even set any password.

"Here. I might call you." He said and winked at me. Seriously that jerk?

I opened my phone and I just found him saved his own number in my contacts.

Future Namjachingu, Hwiyoungie ❤️

I didn't know that a jerk like him can be this cringe and cheesy? And for his own information, future boyfriend? Is he delusional?

Future Namjachingu (Boyfriend) my ass. Scumbag.

I didn't mind his contact but instead, I dialled Areum eonnie's number. I need to tell her something.

"Yes, bitch?" She immediately picked up the call. I smirked. She's the bitchest one here. "My plan was successful. Feel jealous?" I smirked even more. Even though I can't see her, I know she's raging right now.

No wonder I am Mom's favorite.

"Just do your job." She said and hangs up the call. Pft. Jealous sister.

I smirked even more as I remember how Seungcheol kneeled down in front of me. I can be an actress one day I guess?

My sister is too dumb to do her tasks properly, that's why I needed to enter the scene, and it looks like I'm winning. Seungcheol is too naive to notice. He's blinded by love. He's such an idiot.



I'm now currently heading to the practice room to practice my lines for the song. We're gonna sing one more song other than Pinwheel since Jihoon is the one who decided it, we'll just go with the flow.

Sigani deo heulleo naega eoreuni doemyeon
Neol ihaehal su isseulkka
My love my love my love naui geudaeyeo
Budi kkwak jabeun son nochi mara jwo

( ♪ As more time pass, When I grow up
I'll understand you more
My love my love my love, my dear,
don't you dare let loose of my hands ♪ )

I stopped for a second when I heard someone singing. I peeked at the practice room just to see Seokmin in a sleeveless shirt, full of sweats, practicing his part which is the chorus in When I Grow Up.

I gulped. He's so hot, I can't deny that. But his vocals, damn. It's not my first time to hear him sing, but everytime he sings, it still amazes me.

He finished his part and there I am, I clapped as I enter the practice room. He looks so surprised. "Hyung, how long have you been there?" He asked, as he walks to the nearest couch and grabbed a towel to wipe off his sweats.

"I don't know like, since you started singing your part I guess?" I chuckled and do so he.

"I'll grab you some drink," I said and pointed at the door. "Warm water for me hyung. I can't destroy my throat." He said so I just did what he asked me. I went to the cafeteria to get him some warm water.

Seungkwan is still busy, while Jihoon is hanging out with Soonyoung. I was left with Seokmin but I ain't complaining tho. Seokmin is such a fun person to hang out with.

After grabbing some drink for him and some cola for me, I went back to the practice room and Seokmin finally changed from sleeveless to a new shirt.

I gave him his warm water, "Thank you, hyung." He smiled together with his eyes. I can't help but to smile too.

"Are you here to practice?" He asked and I nodded. "Let's practice together. I don't have anything to do today anyway." He said and he smiled again with those eyes of his.

"That's a great idea. I'm just gonna finish this and let's practice." I said and drank my cola.

Seokmin and I chatted as we both finish our drinks. We talked about some random things and topics we're both interested in.



I went back to my apartment here in Korea together with Eunwoo. He will help me pack my things today since we'll go back together to Japan this Saturday.

"Are you sure you're gonna go back? I thought you'll bring Jeonghan with you?" He asked. He didn't know what happened between Jeonghan and I.

"We broke up." I said in a low tone. He seemed to be shocked with the news. "He's inlove with Seungcheol, Eunwoo-ya." I said and smiled a bit at him.

"Let me get back to that jerk," He was about to go out and go to Jeonghan when I stopped him. "We're quite in good terms now, Eunwoo. Besides, I already expected this." I smiled a bit but he seems to be unconvinced with my smile.

"Are you sure you're fine?" He asked and I nodded with a smile.

"I don't have anything to do here in Korea. So I guess it's time to come back in Japan in peace." I said my final remarks and packed my things up.

Eunwoo helped me with my luggages and passport. After the Music Fest, I will bid my goodbyes to Jeonghan and to my other friends in Pledis University.

Ever since, Eunwoo has been accompanying me in everything. Even though I'm way older than him, he looks like a big bro to me. And I'm so thankful that he's here for me and he's willing to be with me wherever I go.

"Thanks for today, Eunwoo-ya." I thanked him sincerely, and he just replied with that big smile of his.

"So as a reward, I'll set you up to a date with Eunha tomorrow!" I said in excitement. Eunha and Eunwoo looks cute together. But his smile faded away.

"How many times do I have to tell you that I don't like Eunha?" He asked. He seems to be annoyed.

"Why? Eunha is such a nice and pretty girl. You will surely click." I assured him that they're gonna be a perfect fit.

"Eunha likes my friend, Jungkook, okay? So don't bother." He said and I looked at him in shock.

Eunha didn't tell me!

"Aish, she's your bestfriend, yet you doesn't even know that she likes Jungkook. No wonder she didn't tell you who I really like." He said, and I pouted. These two really-

"Who do you like then?" I asked, still pouting. Maybe he's right, they will never be compatible as a couple, but as bestfriends instead. Geez. Eunha dumped me for Eunwoo.

"You." He said straightforwardly as he leans in towards me.

"M-Me?" I pointed at myself. How come that he likes me?

"Tch. You got to spend most of the time with me, yet you didn't know? When you set me up on a date with Eunha, she immediately found out that you're the one I like." He confessed, looking away. Aigoo. He's blushing holy shit.

"Yah? Are you blushing?" I asked. I'm gonna tease him for real. I tried to look onto his eyes but he keeps on avoiding my gaze.

I bet he got tired avoiding me and he immediately grabbed both of my wrist, and I almost laughed because he looks so red right now.

"Keep laughing and staring at me like that, I'll kiss you." He threatened. But there's no way he's gonna do that. He's too shy right now.

I laughed so hard and in just a snap, I felt his lips on mine. I became stiff.

He pulled off the kiss and I can't move. I'm so stiff. My body stiffened in an instant. "I warned you." He smirked at me and walked upstairs as if nothing happened.

Did he just..?



I heaved a sigh. I didn't expect that I would end up like this. Like, it was totally unexpected. Everything was so unexpected.

I bit my lower lip. I can't stop the pain. My chest is still heavy.

A piece of shit.

I wiped off my tears away and tried to calm myself down.

I managed to stop myself from crying. I had been here for an hour an a half now. I need to go back to the office. I picked up my small notebook and puts it inside my pocket.

As soon as I step on the hallway, I saw Seungcheol sleeping while leaning on the wall. I was about to walk passed by him and let him there, when I noticed his hand. It's so swollen.

I'm glad that the clinic is just nearby so I went to the clinic to find some first aid kit.

When I got the first aid kit, I went where I left Seungcheol. He's peacefully sleeping right now.

I gently grabbed his hand full of bruise and blood. "What is he even thinking?" I mumbled to myself. I opened the first aid kit and I took out the things I needed such as cotton, alcohol and bandage.

"Did you punch a wall because you're so mad at me?" I asked even though I know he won't answer me.

He's in deep sleep, I wonder if this will wake him up. I put applied some cotton with alcohol on his wound to cleanse all the bacteria and germs up in his wound. I was doing it so gently.

"You're still handsome even if you're sleeping," I mumbled to myself as I stare at his face, sleeping. But then I came back to my senses and shrugged all of those things away.

Next, I applied the bandage on his hand. I was applying it carefully and gently so I won't wake him up. I bet he's mad at me and he will just push me away if once he see me.

After applying the bandage on this sleeping Seungcheol, I put all the things I took out in the first aid kit.

*Now Playing : Sweetest Thing by SEVENTEEN*

I was about to walk away when someone grabbed my wrist. The next thing I knew is he kissed me.

I felt my eyes getting so watery. Why is this thing is so painful? I closed my eyes but my eyes are slowly giving up. Tears in my eyes are now strolling down my cheeks.

He pulled off the kiss and as I open my eyes, there's Seungcheol, crying in front of me. "I'm so sorry, Hannie.." he whispered as he wiped my tears away using his thumb. He cupped my cheeks and glued our foreheads together.

"Cheollie.." I managed to call out his name. He caressed my cheek. I don't know how long since we're in that position but I don't care anymore.

"Hannie.." he called me out so I looked at him straight in his eyes. "No matter what happen, I want you to remember that I love you, okay?" He said and kissed my forehead.

"Just stay and wait for me. I'll come back to you." He said those things and it's so damn sincere. I felt my knees weakening.

"No matter what happen, no matter how many bad things I say to you, please don't believe them." Confused, but I nodded and I know he felt my nods.

"You're the most beautiful thing that ever happened to me, Hannie. I love you, always." He kissed my forehead once again and we stayed in that position for so long.

I may not be able to say it now. I'm still waiting for the right timing. But, I love you too, Cheollie. Always.


- 05.05.21

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