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Last night I talked with Spencer for a while before I fell asleep. I woke up the next morning an started getting ready for work listening to music like always

I drove to like any other day and started my work


"Okay that's enough. You are gonna tell me when the hell is going on with you and this sexy Spencer guy, he's here bringing you lunch again and I've been watching your emotions around him and your off" Melissa said walking into my office

"He's here?" I was exited for him to be here actually I don't know why though

"You know what, we are going out tonight for a sleepover because I know that you don't have work tomorrow so perfect. I'll be over by 6" I rolled my eyes in a playful way

"Whatever you say" I got up and walked downstairs to see him indeed standing with his hands in his pocket. When he heard my heels clicking on the floor he looked up. Sadly to say that I was exited to see him and that he looked good

"Hi babe" he smiled and walked over to me opening his arms to me. I'm confused, he wrapped his arms around my waist pulling me in close

"Um, what are you doing?" I muffled into his jacket as I tensed up

"Hugging you" he said it in a duh tone. I was still tensed as he pulled away "you look beautiful today" he told me as I smiled softly and looked down

"I look like this everyday" he groaned

"Again, you never take a compliment Serena" true

"Yea I know. Thanks"

"Anyways. I wanted to bring you lunch but than I thought why not take you to lunch instead"

"To bad" I rolled my eyes and followed him

We went over to Olive Garden and sat together

"You look really good today Serena" he told me as I was looking at the menu for what to eat

"Thanks" I looked at his outfit "you don't look to bad yourself"

"Hello" I heard a male voice say. We both looked up and saw a handsome looking man around the same age as me. He's not better looking than Spen- anyways

"What can I get you beautiful to drink?" He asked looking directly in my soul. I heard a growl and I instantly knew that it was Spencer

"I'll have an iced tea please" I said politely

"Anything for a young single gorgeous lady" I heard Spencer hiss and slam his menu shut

"Her 'boyfriend' would like a beer!" He snapped gaining his attention. The waiter looked just as annoyed as Spencer was

"K" he smiled at me and turned around. I looked at Spencer as he was glaring at the back of the guys head. I smiled, he finally looked at me an saw me staring

"What?" He raised a brow at me

"Your jealous?" I raised my brow at him back

"Of course I am. He was looking at you all sexy like and only I can look at you like that" I blushed and I blushed hard I must admit

"Stop!" I snapped. I don't like the way he makes me feel. I mean yes I do enjoy feeling happy and exited sometimes but I'm not used to all these bullshit feeling

My ex boyfriends made me feel that way-

"What just happened here? You were just smiling a while ago"

"Listen. You can't do that again!" I snapped

"Do what? I haven't done anything" he looked confused af

"You can't just kiss me like that Spencer"

"When did I ki- oh. That was like 2 days ago maybe 3 I didn't think it was such a big ide-"

"Well it was so please don't do it again, thanks" he smirked and nodded his head in approval

•Couple weeks•

It's been a couple weeks since we've been 'dating' Spencer

"Alright have you thought about it because if you did we have to leave tomorrow morning so" he wants to go to Michigan because his parents want to meet me. He told me about It when we were eating at Olive Garden and I said I'd think about it. I don't wanna meet his parents, that's moving to fast for me

"Spencer I don't know. That's moving really fast for me and I'm trynna go slow as you know" I said sitting on the couch together

"I know but my father won't stop bitching!" I rolled my eyes but I know what he means. Before he met my family everyone would call me and ask me when I'm gonna bring him into the family and everything. I sighed and ran a hand threw my hair

"Fine!" I snapped. He looked so exited. It was silent for a while "what's your story?"

"Let's not" I chuckled shaking my head

"Come one. I'll know sooner or later and it told you everything you need I know about me and my past. Whatever you ask me I tell you but I don't really know about your past" that is true and it did make me feel a little bad because he doesn't know as much about me as I know about him

"Yea but I'm not as open with you as you are with me. I just don't like opening up to people so quickly" I told him

"Why? Something must have happened to you to make you feel this way" I didn't answer him making him sigh "never mind, we don't need to talk about it right now" he told me. I sighed, this is going to be one of the biggest mistakes of my life and I know I'm already regretting it

"When I was in the ninth grade I dated this guy named Michel" I started looking down at my fingers in my lap "We did everything together to be honest, he met my parents and my family and everyone loved him. We dated for 2 years and that's when things started to go downhill, I fell in love with him and he pretty much took my love for granted, I thought he loved me, he would always tell me that the way to show him that I truly loved him was to have sex with him" I took a deep breath and continued "you could say that we dated pretty fast, we talked for a week and than we started dating, I trusted him instantly, I trusted him with everything. Even when people would tell me that he was cheating on me I trusted him when he told me they were lying" my heart started to race just remembering all this "I remember this day like it happened yesterday, he convinced me to go to a party, I didn't really have friends, everyone hated me because Michel was the player of the school and I was the quote un quote the loser. The only friend I had was Lindsay and she's all I needed to be honest" I let out a shaky breath

"Lindsay wasn't sure if she was coming to the party with us. I begged her because I didn't wanna be alone. By this time we were in the 12th grade, we got to the party and he took me upstairs"

"He had been drinking and smoking so I'm used to his ways when he's high is drunk and trying to push himself up on me, but this time was way different. He brought me to a room, and started to kiss me and I didn't like it so I tried to push him off. I heard the door open and in walked his 3 best friends" I didn't know I was crying until I felt Spencer's hand wipe away the tears that fell "I begged them to stop, but this laughed, they took pictures of me naked, each of them took turns with me, they all got what they wanted and laughed. They hit me and shoved me, kicked and punched me. They recorded me and put it on YouTube for the whole school and world to see" I was balling by now. I put my face in my hands and cried "I felt so weak and a shame of myself, I hates myself for being so trusting and loving he way he made me feel before he rapped me. If I was how I was now I would have never been rapped by all of them"

"I hate that they took something that wasn't meant to be taken but them!" I said "I told him I wasn't ready for sex as I was waiting for prom night. I never had a prom, everyone hated me, I was physically and mentally abused at school because of this. Everyone called me a slut. I wanted to just die and kill myself so my mom made sure I was home schooled. Everyday I would still get texts Saying that I was a good fuck, I'm a screamer, I'm a fat slut, I'm an ugly bitch that doesn't deserve to live"

I was silent before I started crying in my hands again.

He said nothing, the only think you could hear was my crying

I was shocked when he moved closer to me as pretty much placed me in his lap, my bum on his pee, my head on his chest with my hands over my face so he didn't see my face, he wrapped his long arms around my waist pulling my close to him. I felt him kiss my forehead and keep his lips there for a while before moving them

"You are the most beautiful gorgeous, amazing, smart, kind hearted, prettiest girl that I've ever met in my life. You deserve mush love from someone and I'm here to give it to you, I would never in my life do something like that to you no matter how drunk or high I am. Those guys are dicks and I'll make it my goal to give them everything that they deserve for doing that to you" the venom in his voice when we said that, he was pissed for me and I know he's telling the truth

I trust him, kinda

"Anyone who can do that to a woman like you isn't a man! They aren't even boys they're animals! I will find them and serve it to them raw" I stopped crying and relaxed him his arms. It felt good in his arms, I moved my hands and blinked to adjust to the lighting since I was crying. Tears just ran down my face fast as I started to clam down

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