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It's been 4 more days. 5 fucking days since I've seen or heard from Spencer. I'm pissed the fuck off, you leave your wife for 5 days and don't even call her or anything knowing she's pregnant

I've heard from everyone but him, his brother called me, his mom called me even his dad called me and his cousin. I'm sooooooo mad

Are we even still together. I through the ring at him and I haven't seen him

I walked out the bedroom and grabbed my hand bag and car keys. I drove to the local cafe where I was meeting one of my clients so we could talk about another line. I locked my car door and started looking through my bag for my phone when I bumped into someone

"Oh my god I'm so sorry" I looked up and froze

"You good" he stared down at me. We just stared at each other

"Sorry I just had to grab something, ready" some bitch said. I looked over at her, she was pretty, she was taller than me but a lot of people are

"Oh hi, I'm Alison" she said smiling at me

"Serena" I smiled barely at her also. I looked back at Spencer and he looked me up and down

"You look well" he said. I looked at him in disgust

"Nice seeing you" I snapped walking around him and into the cafe. I'm so angry again, I walked over to Samuel

"You made it" he said smiling at me

"Yea" I sat down and put my bag beside

We discussed a lot and finally we were finished

"Today was a big success" he said as we talked outside

"Yea it was. I'll see you tomorrow in the office. Good night Samuel" I said smiling and walking over to my car. I got in and drove home

Opening the door there he was just sitting in the living room looking at a picture. I shut the door and he looked up at me

"So its real?" He asked. I looked at the picture and it was the ultrasound picture I left on the table

"Yea" I said in a sigh. He nodded putting it back on the table standing up

"So what are you doing here?" I asked putting my hand bag down on the little table along with me keys

"This is my house" he said in a duh tone. I crossed my arms over my chest

"I wouldn't have known that for the past couple days" he chuckled looking down

"Well, I'm back now" he said. I nodded looking around. This is so awkward

"Look-" I cut him off

"I'm gonna take a shower and go to bed. Good night" I walked past him and to *Our* room

•Next morning•

I woke up and got myself ready for a day at work. I stopped and looked in the body mirror, I am gaining weight, I'm 3 weeks tomorrow. I'm not mad that I'm pregnant it's just I wish Spencer was more supporting

I shrugged off my thoughts and walked out the room and into the kitchen

"Oh your here still?" I was shocked to see Spencer cooking in the kitchen

"Why wouldn't I be here?" He asked rising his brow. I'm still mad at him for what he said to me. I shrugged grabbing my bag and keys

"Well I'm going to work. I'll see you later"

"Serena wait" I stopped walking and turned around

"Yes?" I asked

"You haven't eaten anything" he said sounding concerned

"I'm not hungry, I'll brag a snack from work anyways"

"But your pregnant now. You has to eat breakfast. It's good for the baby" I chuckled bitterly

"Now you care about me and this baby?" I asked

"Serena, I've always cared about you and the baby" he insisted

"How do you even know that this is your baby?" I asked repeating his words

"I didn't mean it like th-"

"I have to go to work" he walked over to me really fast

"Baby I'm so sorry" he whispered in my ear

"I have to go to work Spencer" I whispered back

"Please, talk to me" why is he whispering?

"I am talking to you. I'm telling you I have to go to work before I'm late" I said in my normal voice. He sighed

"Please. Nobody will care if your late"

"Truth is I just don't wanna talk to you" I admitted, i saw the look of hurt on his face as I said that

"Is it because of what I said? Or you just don't wanna be with me anymore?" He asked

"No shit it's because of what you said!" I snapped getting angry by the second

"Look baby-"

"Stop calling me that please" I begged. He looked crushed

"Are you really done with me?" He asks looking like he was on the verge of crying. I looked done biting my lip from crying also

"Why would say that to me? You obviously meant it if you said it and than left me" I asked crying as I looked to at him

"No baby. I was just in my feels, I didn't mean anything I said that night. Yea I was upset that I had to find out through your sister. But I was wrong for saying all that to you" he explained "I wanted to be there for you. When you took the test and all the times you were throwing up. I wanted to be there but I didn't know"

"You hurt my feelings so much that night" I cried. I hate crying

"I know I'm sorry" he pulled me into his arms as I rested my head on his chest. I wrapped my arms around him as he hugged me tight

"I'm sorry" I whispered "for not telling you" I kissed the top of my head

"I'm sorry for saying those stuff and I'm sorry for leaving you. I was trying to get my shit together" he said

"And I'm sorry for throwing my ring at you" I said pulling away as he shrugged and wiped my face

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