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"Why won't you just give us a chance!" He asked. I groaned

"Stop Spencer. There is us!" I snapped. His eyes went dark and he looked taken back

"Well I wasn't sure if you had lunch so I brought you food" I did feel a little bad. He looked so sad and crushed

"Thanks but I'm not hungry" I sased again. I didn't mean to sas as he put the food on my desk

"I'll leave" before I could say anything he was gone. Groaning I went over to my desk. The foot he brought me did smell nice, opening the bag I saw that it was lasagna.

Taking my first bite I instantly fell in love. Mmmmmmm


"Thanks for the ride. I'll see you tomorrow" stepping out of Michaels car it was like 7:45 when I got back. I walked inside an took the elevator up to my house. Opening the door I stepped into pitch black, I turned the lights on and Spencer wasn't here

I sighed and locked the door throwing my keys on the table. I walked and took my heels off, I walked to my room and changed my outfit into something comfy.

I used some hand sanitizer and walked into the kitchen

"Dinner dinner dinner" I looked threw my fridge and found a white bag. I took it out and there was a letter

Hope you don't miss me tonight but I'll be in the office all night. May or may not be back in the mornin, I'm giving you some space to cool down and think about all this. I really wanna give us a try but if not, we'll talk about it later. I left some dinner so I hope you liked lunch because I know you ate it and that's what I left for you


Rolling my eyes I put the note on the table and took the food out of the bag and put the plastic bag under the counter

I wormed up my food and walked to the living room where my phone started ringing, I looked and it was my cousin from Peru

"Hello?" I answered swallowing my food and turning the tv on to watch a movie before bed

"Oye chica. ¿lo que es bueno? •Hey girl, what's good?•" I rolled my eyes. She only calls when she's heard something and wants to confirm

"Que escuchaste de mi abuela •What'd you hear from Grandma?•"

"Ya sabes lo que iba a preguntar. •you already knew what I was gonna ask•" she laughed but I didn't

"Chica, estoy comiendo así que déjame llamarte de vuelta •girl, I'm eating so let me call you back•"

"asegurarse. De acuerdo, adios •make sure. Okay bye•" I hung up and put my phone down on the table. I love you family and all but. Nvm


Waking up to the smell of food. Weird?¿ I got myself dressed and put my hair in a ponytail

"Good morning!" Oh fuck. He's back

"I could have made my one breakfast you know"

"Yes I know it's just I wanted to her breakfast with you before you went to the office. By the way I'm dropping you off today" before I could say anything he cut me off

"And don't bother looking for your keys because I have them. Let's go eat shall me?" He grabbed the two plates, groaning I followed him and sat down around the table

"I really could have done this myself"

"Just take it Serena!"


"Alright. Did you think about it last night?" He asked as he started to eat all gracefully

"Think about what?" Ohhh "oh no, why is this thing so important to you anyways. I'm pretty sure that there are other girls around the world that would die to be your fake wife. Why me!!?" I asked staring at him as he chewed and thought

"Well, you are sexy and I wanted you. This is important because it's important and I just need you to help me. Give it a year?" He asked

"A whole 12 months of my life?! No way" is he kidding me

"Serena. We are already married and I'm not sighing any divorce papers till the year is over and you still want a divorce"

"Oh I'll be wanting that divorce so don't get your hopes up" I'm so mean sometimes, I just don't trust a lot of people because of what happened to me. I'd rather stay to my family as the few friends I actually do trust

"So are you saying yes?" He asked kinda exited

"Never said that either" he groaned

"Come on baby please! We can figure out the living situa-"

"First don't call me baby, second there is no living situation! you live in my house. That's that" I snapped while eating

"Whatever helps you sleep at night. I'll do anything and everything you ask me to do just please think about it" he's suck a baby man! Begging me to lie to everyone for a reason that I don't know. I'm not a liar, I just can't lie to people it's mean

"I'll think about it but don't get your hopes up about anything. I have to go to work" we cleans up and walked to the door "but, you said you'd do everything and anything as long as I think about it right?" I asked as he nodded

"I need my car keys than. I can drive myself to work"

"No! Sorry, I'm not doing that. My wife looks great in my car so let's go!" He intertwined our fingers together and pulled me out my house

My hand was tingling like crazy-

"Are you blushing because we're holding hands?" He raised his brow as I reddened even more. I snatched my hand away and looked down hiding my red face "You look super cute when you blush so it's my job to make you blush 10 times more when we are together. Alright? Good"

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