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That is all I smell , be it my warriors or Pandora warriors lives are taken in exchange of power and land. My coat is saturated in blood the beast inside of me is dancing with the power we feel from the expansion. As an Alpha I am driven for power for more, but being a Luna, I understand that there are more important things for us, wolves than just land or the numbers.
But no body takes what's rightfully mine, I will always protect what's mine with my neck.  I look at the dead wolf who was once the leader of Pandora, he  refused to fight me saying that I am too weak. But this devastation speaks for it self, he could have saved all the lives. Coward!
A she wolf howls to the moon ,Valor . The howl is not to celebrate the victory of an Alpha. It's to indicate the rise of a Luna ; the Luna's song.
No body joins her for a while , then they all join singing to the moon in unison, the rise of a Luna.
I never wanted Pandora, the Alpha though a she wolf couldn't lead. I had no choice but to face the challenge, but now there's no way that I'm going to hand over Pandora to someone else, specially when the victory was over so many wolves' necks.
The land smells different but not drastically different as our territories are borders to each other. Olympic is to Pandora's southern border. With this my territory will be the second largest pack in the world both in land and numbers only being second to Amazon.
My wolf prides among the crowd, daring anyone to make eye contact or show any form of aggression, no body does. They know what they're up against.
I enter the pack house shifting back to my human form hiding my nudity behind a thin t-shirt a female warrior throws at me.
Inside the pack house is a chaos. I would pick the battle field over this, hundreds of females mourning the losses of their loved ones, mates, sons, fathers.
"Quite "
I shout at them wanting to speak over their crys. 
This needs to be dealt with.
"You all belong to Olympic now, Pandora is no more" I pause looking at the females carefully picking my words.
"I know the transformation won't be easy but as your Luna I will protect you from now on, with my neck. Whether you were born in Pandora or Olympic is indifferent to me"
" Let's all howl for the fallen , Olympic and Pandora "
I shift howling to the moon in respect of the wolves who sacrificed themselves in protecting their loved ones.
Olympic warriors join me within seconds, the howls are full of sadness and loneliness that I didn't even realize that Pandora wolves have joined us , crying the pain  out loud to the moon to hear.
This makes me smile seeing both the packs united in this painful moment.
I silently leave the room finding an empty room upstairs to clean myself. I don't think much about it grabbing a shirt and entering the bathroom. I look at myself in the mirror.
My eyes tired, hair covered in dry blood my whole body is covered in blood and dirt. Standing under the shower exhausted from all this my thoughts naturally go to him.
We didn't talk until we saw each other at Titans.I could tell that we felt betrayed by my standing by my brother. But that is also the truth, if I ever had to pick, it will always be my brother, always have , always will. That doesn't mean it was easier to stand against him.
Leaving the bathroom pulling the shirt down that covers up to my mid thigh I smell a wolf.
Sharp intake of breath, there she sits on the bed. I wanted to rest for a while, I have to arrange the hierarchy tomorrow.
"Is this your room?"
I ask her flatly. Her eyes are red, hair messy.
"Yes this was mine and my mates room"
Looking around I spot the picture on the bedside table. The deceased Alpha and this woman.
Realization hits me.
"You're the Luna"
I state, not knowing what to say.
"I was the Luna"
"I'll leave you in peace, I'm sorry for your loss" I can make her leave but I let her grieve.
I turn back by the door
"It was never personal Luna"
I say bowing my head out of respect to a former Luna. She looks surprised by my action and I leave without a word. Entering the next room locking the door behind me.This has to be the Beta's room.
I fall asleep instantly , welcoming the peace the oblivion can bring.

A sea of wolves under my feet, some dead some alive. No body moves as I walk around, they all crawl back making my wolf space. I don't recognize most of them. But I do recognize some, Adrian, Klaus and the Oasis Alpha and Luna. Their heads bow as I get closer to them. I closely look at the she wolf next to Klaus, I don't recognize the wolf. But the way they hold each other tells me that they're more than just friends.
I snarl at her wanting to rip her throat for taking what's rightfully mine, then Klaus's wolf rises , standing defensively , ready to fight me , to protect her. An unbearable pain starts deep in my chest.
Another scene. A girl who looks a lot like me but has his hair , runs to my hands, "mommy, mommy "
From far away I see Klaus, a male pup in his hands, a pregnant she wolf next to him.
His eyes looking at her with affection.
He has a family and neither me nor my daughter has a place in it.
I wake up, soaked in sweat, my head hurts with the pressure of the vision I just had.
What does it mean? Will he find another she wolf to have pups with? What does the first vision mean ? Will I get the control of many packs including Oasis and Amazon? It would be a lie to say the thought doesn't excite me, but a part of me understands it's too much , too much of power.
And most importantly I don't want to be alone , I don't want him to pick someone else.
I use the bedside phone to call him, dialing the number I remember as my own.
"Alpha Klaus "
His voice is so authoritative, powerful, it's nothing like the voice he uses with me.
I don't say anything just enjoying the sound of his breathing.
He asks , my heart aches for him.
"Klaus "
"Why are you using Pandora pack house number? What are you doing there?"
His voice full of concern and confusion.
"There's no pack called Pandora , it's all Olympic now"
I say , not wanting to think about the fights, the blood .
"What are you turning in to Arla?"
This angers me, I didn't want this either. I don't want the deaths, the blood of the wolves .
"He attacked me, I didn't have a choice Klaus , You know I wouldn't want the blood unless it's inevitable "
He doesn't say anything for a while. I need the comfort of my male, what his words can bring.
"I don't know anymore "
He finally says . It feels like he ripped my heart out of my chest and smashed it with all his strength. A single tear leaves my eye, finding its way on my cheek. I don't say anything , not wanting to let him know the control he has over me.
"You fight for what you want. So I guess you wanted Pandora" He chuckles at his own words.
"I'm glad that you won, congratulations Aria"
Another tear leaks my eye. Aria not Arla. I know he's talking about our encounter at Titans than me conquering Pandora. It must be hard for him to see me ganging up on him with my brother. But it doesn't make his words easier to tolerate,specially after this exhausting fighting and my visions. I wanted him to say something to make me believe my visions won't come true, that he won't take another female .
Another tear, and another and another
"Well I guess you are right Klaus, I fight for what I want because that's all I know. I have fought for everything that I have today since the moment I took my first breath. But it doesn't mean that I want it."
I stop calming my unsettled soul.
"I'm too tired of fighting Klaus, for once in life I want to be the person who someone will fight for "
My voice breaks, I can't help it. He makes me weak , mere sound of his breathing can be my devastation.
I disconnect the call , smashing the receiver to the floor.
I can't bear to hear him say "Aria" again , I want to be his Arla forever as we promised each other long time ago.

I want to be the one he fights for.
My wolf is trying to take control. My claws ascend, piercing the soft skin of my thighs where I'm putting pressure to calm my self. It takes good three four minutes to get a hold of my self.
I look at the blood on my fingers and thighs now dripping on to the covers of the bed.
I hate this red thick liquid.
Every small victory will require a price,and when it comes to me it's always blood. Pints and pints of raw blood.

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