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~ 5 years later ~
Arika's Pov
I'm in the rocking chair with my 1 year old son, Levi, in my hands. I rock back and forth trying to make him fall asleep.
"Mama, Mama!" My Two 5 year old girls came running into the room. They startled Levi but not enough to make him cry. I giggled.
"What is it sweet hearts." I said smiling.
"Daddy is after us!" Said Lucy.
"Oh really and why is that?" I asked
"We took his cape!" Said Lily showing me dick's old cape.
"Hahahaha!" I laughed. Dick came in and sneak on the girls. He pick them up making them scream then giggle.
"There you guys are." He said laughing. I laugh at them too. "Are you guys gonna give me my cape back?" He asked
"NEVER!"They scream they manage to escape his grasp and run out the door leaving an amuse Dick.
"How's the little chipper." Said Dick.
"He was about to take a nap but then you guys came in and woke him." I said in a motherly way. He laughed.
"Sorry love. You know how those two get." He said pecking my lips.
"I know." I said smiling. " Since your here, can you get Levi's bottle in the kitchen."
"Sure love." While he went out the door and into the hallway.
"And don't forget to warm it up!" I shouted.
"Got it!" I heard him shout back. Then two little thieves came back in.
"Are you guys gonna steal something of mine?" I said sternly.
"N-No." They both said in unison. That made me giggle a little.
"Are you guys excited to go to kindergarten?"
"YES!" I laugh at their excitement.
"Hey can i ask you both a question?" They nodded. "Would you like another brother or sister?" I asked
"Are we!?" Shouted Lily
"~Didn't answer my question~" I said.
"YES!" They both shouted jumping up.
"Momma, are we gonna have another little brother or sister?" Ask Lily.
"Yes but lets surprise your father." They smiled and celebrated their own ways. I laugh. "So how?" Ask Lily.
"Wait by my side." I said
"How is that gonna surprise him?" Ask Lucy.
"Just trust me." I said smiling. They both went by my side. Dick came to the doorway.
"Dick." I said in a worry tone. He stop at the door way.
"yes love?" He asked worry
"I have a surprise." I said smiling at him.
"We're having another bundle of joy!" I scream happily. Dick drop the Bottle making it spill all over his shoes.

"Congrats daddy!" The twins say surprising him even more
"Aaagghhh! That burns!" He ignore it and walk up to me with a half smile. "You mean your pregnant?"
"Yes. You got me pregnant" I said smiling. He smile a big grin and hug me and Levi.
"No fair!" Scream the twins. Dick let go and quickly grab the twins. Then we all hug together laughing. 

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