Chapter 4

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Arika's Pov
"AAAGGHHH!!!" I woke up startled with the nightmare i had.

No. It was something else. I felt like Grayson was Actually talking to me. My cheeks felt wet as I touch them and wipe what i felt some of my tears. I look at my fingers and see blood. Oh no! I got up and ran to the bathroom. I lock the door just in case Harm came barging in. I look in the mirror and see blood coming down my cheeks. I turn on the sink and grab toilet paper. I folded the toilet paper and dip it in the water. I Started to clean the blood off me. Gray, Megan, Conner, Wally, Artemis, and Zatanna might of seen my first stage but i will not let anyone see my final. I have to keep this hidden. Maybe they think it was just a one time thing. I stop cleaning the blood off. I put down the toilet paper on the corner of the sink. I close my eyes. I open them and raise my hand.

The toilet paper raised up. I close my eyes again and thought of cleaning the blood off. I felt something wet against my cheek. I open my eyes and see the toilet paper cleaning off the blood. I sigh and put down my hand. The paper fell onto the floor. Luckily it finish cleaning the rest of the blood that i didn't clean. I look at the sink. I turn off the water and picked up the blood stain paper and threw it in the trash. I open the mirror cabinet and see a red color toothbrush, toothpaste, floss, and small paper. Wow. I could of use that instead of toilet paper. I grab the toothbrush and toothpaste. I brush my teeth and spit out the paste and rinse my mouth. I put everything back and went back into the room. I look around and only see things you have to have to normally live in. I open a dresser and see the same kimono i'm wearing. I look under it and see the same thing. I close the Dresser and look at the clock. 8:45. Great, i don't want to see Harm. But at the same time i don't want to see Grayson. I look at the ground feeling this emptiness inside of me. I haven't felt this way for a year. I can't believe i'm feeling this. I feel so numb. Tears fell onto the ground. I didn't even notice that i was crying. At least it's not blood. I wipe away the tears and made the bed. If i'm gonna live here might as well make this a clean room. When i finish i went to my door and open it to see Harm's room. He's not here. I really don't want to see anyone. What would happen if i didn't show up to dinner? What if i hide from him? What if i escape and start a new life? I look down at the ground. I can't. Not right now.

"There you are Arika. I've been looking for you everywhere."
"Master, what is the plan?" I look at my female henchman well henchwoman and look back at the mansion Arika is in.
"Destroy and capture." I said

Batman's Pov
I kept typing looking for Arika. Gray looks so miserable. I stop and stretch a while. Damn this is hard.
"Taking a break." I look in back of me and see Canary coming towards me with a gray tray.

"Yes." I said.

"Here eat this." She set down a ham sandwich and a cup of juice.

"What am i? A kid." I said taking the sandwich and taking the bite. She laughs.

"How are you doing?" She asked

"If you mean by finding Arika not good. I may have a lead but it's very, very small." I said taking another bit.

"Grayson snapped at the others about Arika.....We have to find her. It's killing him." I said

"I know.....I'm doing all i can." Suddenly my computer beep. I turn to the computer and there is a picture of a mansion. A small beautiful mansion in the middle of a forest. "She might be here." I said

"I'll tell the others." Canary took off running. But what if she not here?

Author's Pov
Black Canary told almost everyone. Everyone was in the the living room except Robin. He's in his room. Wally ran to his room bursting into his room.
"WE KNOW WHERE ARIKA IS!" He shouted so quickly Robin almost didn't get it. He quickly got up and changed into his Robin suit. He ran to the living room and sees everyone changed.
"Where?" He asked
"Batman say in a small mansion in the middle of some forest." Said Artemis. They all went into the ship and went to get Arika. Little did they know something was happening.

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