Chapter 20

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Qiao Qixi's feeling is correct, there is more than a little bit of something wrong with his face, if this continues, it will almost become asymmetrical.

But this is something for later, the attention of the two polar bears is currently on the piece of freshly baked golden honey.


A favorite of bears.

In fact, polar bears were originally grizzly bears on land and evolved slowly. They like honey by nature, which is as strong as most bears on land.

Even Otis likes to eat honey. He smelled the rich and sweet taste of the honey block, he also licked his mouth, brought his nose closer, and carefully took a bite of the rare sweet.

Qiao Qixi turned around happily, eagerly waiting for Otis' feedback, his round eyes seemed to say: How is it? It's delicious, isn't it delicious?

Honey is the best--

It seems that when he was a human, he didn't realize that honey was so delicious. Is it because the quality of wild honey in Greenland is better?


The honey on the domestic market has been brewed through countless processes, which has lost its original taste and is indeed not authentic enough.

Of course, the honey was delicious, even Otis could not resist the temptation, but he took a small bite and refused to eat it. This was the little polar bear's food, and he pushed it back to let Qiao Qixi eat it by himself.

Come, come, the bad habit of humility is coming again.

Qiao Qixi really can't do anything about this polar bear that hurts him to the bone, oh, no, there is a way, Qiao Qixi first bites a piece of honey, pastes himself in the mouth, and then leans in to paste Otis in the mouth, so that Otis Just had to stick out the tongue to clean it up and taste the sweetness.

I'm such a genius.

Qiao - Genius - Qixi shared this piece of delicious honey with Otis in such a roundabout way.

The two of them licked me and I licked you. This unsightly and scandalous scene was first recorded on camera.

People certainly don't think that two wild polar bears are kissing sweetly.

As the saying goes, there must be a reason for everything. After the joint efforts of colleagues in the office, they finally came to the conclusion that the two polar bears were eating honey.

As for why a piece of pure honey can eat such ambiguous and charming virtues... it is still an unknown mystery for the time being.

God knows, only those two polar bears know.

In summer, share honey, oh, the picture is so beautiful.

Watching people, heart crisp.

: In the hungry summer, they actually found honey, which is great, and it feels sweet to my heart.

: Honey honey honey, nothing makes bears happier than honey, hahaha.

: Today's Otis and Alexander are also sweet, so nice.

: Although all the bears are hungry, I don't know why, but they feel relieved when they see Otis and Alexander. Wow, they eating honey so happy.

The scene of the two bears gnawing each other's cheeks was not only posted on the forum for thousands of people to watch but also watched by a female polar bear in the distance.

There are relatively more polar bears living on this continent than in other places. After all, even the island emblem is a polar bear on this island.

Polar bears are visible, the symbol of Greenland.

It is not surprising to encounter other polar bears on the way, but the identity of this female polar bear is a little special.

It is not an ordinary polar bear, it is the mother of Otis. After leaving Otis two years ago, the young and strong female met her favorite male the next spring.

Not surprisingly, it became pregnant again and became a second mother.

Unlike the first litter, the mother bear gave birth to two cubs, but only one survived.

The female polar bear cub is about one year old and looks very cute.

Like most polar bears who come ashore for the summer, the mother and daughter of polar bears who have traveled long distances for a while in this harsh season look tired and thin.

The keen female bear smelled the sweet smell of honey in the air and also smelled the smell of a strong male polar bear. This was originally a signal to be vigilant and uneasy, but this smell was still fresh in the female bear's memory.

It still remembers that this was one of its first litters.

Yes, Qiao Qixi guessed it right, Otis has other brothers and sisters, and there are two of them.

The sturdy mother bear raised three children in her first litter, which is not easy, it is a miracle.

Among them, Otis has the strongest body, and his personality is stable. Yes, he has a smart personality that other brothers and sisters don't have. He has always been very independent, so he left his mother early to start his own life.

Later, the four polar bears who were related by blood were scattered around this polar region and never met each other again.

This is also normal, because the entire polar region is very vast, unimaginably large, and the number of polar bears is only more than 20,000 at full count. The chance of the four of them reuniting is too small.

Until now, the mother bear, who has bred the second litter of cubs, and led the only surviving cub, unexpectedly met her previous litter of cubs on the road.

Compared with the Arctic four or five years ago, the current environment is even worse.

The sturdy mother bear was able to raise the three older children by herself four or five years ago, but after four or five years, with experience, she can only take care of the older child.

In addition to luck and other force majeure factors, it has to be said that it is all caused by the environment.

The mother bear who was leading the cubs stopped and left without turning her head. She was sure that Otis would not attack them, but she didn't rush forward, because the scene in front of her made her wind flustered.

The smell was right, and the memory was right. The mother bear remembered that the first cub to leave her was a male, not a female, but now she was confused.

The child was accompanied by a sub-adult bear cub, also male.

Is it hunting?

No, the mother bear clearly saw her child licking the face of the juvenile male. This is a very intimate action. Even if the original basic strength is increased by 100 times, it will not reach the level of hunting.

So Mama Bear is very messy.

After licking the sweet honey crumbs on their respective faces, the two contented bears finally had the mind to pay attention to their surroundings.

When a female bear with a cub appeared, Otis had already noticed it. Because of the familiar smell, he was not on guard. Apart from that, he had no extra thoughts, even if the other party was his mother.

This is the personality of Otis, not sticky mother, the earliest weaned, and the earliest to leave the group.

Qiao Qixi also found the female bear, oh, he found that he was lucky, he always met the cubs, look, now there is another one, it looks quite handsome he only a cub.

Since everyone is a juvenile bear, he cannot distinguish whether the other is a female or a male from the smell, and only experienced bear mothers can tell.

It has been a long time since I met a strange bear. In Qiao Qixi's memory, the bear he met last time was still fat, but the bear he met this time has become a little thin and tired.

Normal, after all, summer has come, or this is what they are now, Qiao Fatty thought very ignorantly.

After a few glances with the female bear in the air, Otis first moved his eyes away and then led Qiao Qixi to move on.

Alas, no matter how many cute bear cubs you meet, it's not too much to look forward to.

Forget it, Qiao Qixi looked back with some regret, then twisted his big white buttocks, holding the empty little yellow bucket, turned around, and followed Otis' footsteps.

At first, Qiao Qixi, who was in a good mood, walked very briskly, humming an untuned tune. Later, as he walked, he felt that his left cheek became more and more numb, which was so severe that even his eyes were affected.

Surprised, he touched it with his paw, and the little polar bear felt that there was an extra piece of his face than usual.

To be precise, it was swollen.

"..." The left eye was affected and narrowed into a slit, and Qiao Qixi cried out in pain.

Otis turned his head and stopped to look at the little bear. He was a little dazed. Finally, he stood up and took the small bucket from Qiao Qixi's head, and carefully looked at the swollen face of Qiao Qixi...

"Woooooo..." Qiao Qixi cried to Otis, his big eyes foggy.

Some polar bears may never encounter bee stings in their entire lives, such as Otis, so he has no experience.

What's going on here?

But from the little bear's moaning, Otis probably knew that the other party was suffering, so he lowered his head and licked the tip of the little bear's nose.

Besides, Otis didn't know how to comfort him.

Perhaps eating a good, filling meal can solve this problem.

The location where the food can be obtained is not far away, and Otis has already smelled the smell of the special environment, which is a fishy smell mixed with various animal smells.

Otis helped the little bear move on with the plastic bucket in his mouth.

Fake crying won't get more comfort, Qiao Qixi still has nothing to cry about, he looks back curiously while putting away his acting skills that can win the statuette.

It seems that the bear mother and son did not go far.

Ah, it's not that people follow them, it can only be said that everyone has the same goal and goes along the way.

This is very good. In fact, as a lively bear, Qiao Qixi welcomes polar bears with a good temper to be their neighbors.

The premise is that everyone doesn't fight, fighting hurts peace!

Then Qiao Qixi found out that his worries did not exist.

When be precise, the little polar bear couldn't bear the fatigue and stopped to rest, the pair of bear mother and son were still on their way, and swaggered past them, even, though the mother bear was still staring. He glanced at it several times before looking away.

What are you doing?

Being handsome is what draws the attention of bears, and even the mother bears with cubs fall in love with him, but unfortunately, he is still an underage indoor bear, and he doesn't like any fashionable sibling love, Qiao Qixi thought in his heart, braving his swelling. He took off half of the big-faced plate and hid in Otis's arms.


This hiding hit a sore spot, so Qiao Qixi finally realized that maybe the she-bear was not staring at his handsome and white face, but his swollen pig-headed face.


They rested on the spot, got up again, and continued on their way.

He walked quite fast, so he quickly passed the mother in front of him. This is necessary. Oh, no, Qiao Qixi, a top student from a prestigious school, finally discovered his blind spot.


First, why didn't this female bear with cubs avoid Otis a little bit, and second, why didn't Otis, who was always very concerned about his safety, walk around this female bear?

You overtake me, I overtake you, taste, taste carefully!

Another thing happened next, which made Qiao Qixi especially imaginative, that is when Otis overtook the mother bear and her cub, the mother bear suddenly stretched its neck and sniffed behind Otis's buttocks.

Ah, this...

As we all know, smelling buttocks in the animal world is a very rogue move, and it is very directional.

Love, what is there to doubt?

Qiao Qixi couldn't think of anything other than the need for reproduction.

That's right, he never dreamed that Mother Bear just wanted to make sure that there was something wrong with her nose and that she had misremembered the baby's gender.

As it turned out, I was not mistaken.

As for why a male polar bear raises a cub, such a complicated question, let alone a female polar bear's IQ, cannot understand it, even a scientific genius with an IQ of 200 cannot understand it.

It's so rare.

Witnessing the scene just now, Qiao Qixi, who is good at screenwriting, has already started to stage a 100-episode romantic idol drama in his mind.

On the desolate and difficult journey, the single mother who was tortured by life and lost hope fell in love at first sight with the handsome single father she met by chance, ah bah, the stable brother with the oil bottle.

Next episode...

The writer carefully observed Otis's reaction. Well, Otis didn't have any special reaction. Although he didn't walk around the single mother, he didn't take a second look, as if he was like air.

That's right, Otis is not yet an adult, and his thinking is old-fashioned.

Both are still teenagers.

How unfortunate.

Qiao Qixi: Poor, I met the right bear at the wrong time.

As he walked, Otis seemed to have noticed something was wrong. The little polar bear who was supposed to keep up with him seemed to be attracted by something else.

Yes, he turned around and found that his little bear, whose scar had healed and forgotten the pain, was looking at Mother Bear with relish, with half of his pig's face on his face.

But the mother bear with the cub was not very gentle, she gave the little polar bear a strange smell in a low voice.

There is no malice, just a habitual warning from a mother to keep the other party away from her.

Otis refused, and as soon as he put the bucket out of his mouth, he came over to negotiate with the mother bear.

There was a snap, like the sound of plastic hitting stone...

Little bucket!

Qiao Qixi's hair exploded, and he quickly dropped all his curiosity to rescue his keg.

Ahh, if anything happens to the bucket, he and Otis won't let it go.


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