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Umina's POV
I yawn as I get up from bed and change into some normal clothes, I head out the big doors to my room and walk across to Lila's room and open her door, I noticed she was still sleeping so I got in bed and wrapped my arms around her, this is normally how we'd sleep when In our own house "Mmmmm." She mumbles in her sleep, I snuggle closer to her as she snores softly.

After a few minutes she slowly opens her eyes and looks at me in the eyes when she sees me "Oh hi Umina." She says and I giggle.

"Hi Lila, come on let's get Kye up, and the others." I said and she nods getting up and getting changed, we go and wake the others up then all try to find where we eat breakfast.

"Where could we find it!" Polly complains getting hungry.

"I don't know." Quest answers.

"Let's try asking her!" Aziz points to one of the workers.

"Ok, Umm excuse me Miss!" Jakuma runs up to her and the worker leans down.

"Ah yes little one?" She asks.

"Where is the place we eat food at?" She asks.

"Oh follow me I know." She says leading us there, and when we get there we sit down in a chair, soon after Uncle Kalluto comes down, and so does Grandma, and Grandpa.

"Hello little ones, ready for breakfast?" Grandma asks.

"Yes we are! Wait where's Uncle Milluki?" Jasmine asks looking around and we also noticed Uncle Milluki had not shown up.

"Oh him, he's in his room, the maids bring him his food, he doesn't eat with us." Grandpa says.

"Well he will today, where's his room I'll convince him into eating with us, imma good convincer!" Jasmine pipes up and Lavender agrees in joy.

"Well." Uncle Kalluto says.

Jasmines POV
"Uncle Milluki Come eat breakfast with us!" I yell at the door.

"No I need to finish my game." He says.

"Pleeeeeeease, please, please just this once! I promise this will be the only time I beg you for this!" I lie as I would probably do it again.

"I highly doubt that." He says.

"Pleeeeeeeeeeease, pleeeeeeease, pleeeeease with a cherry on top!" I beg some more.

"No I said no!" His voices raises but I don't stop.

"Please Uncle Milluki!" I said begging.

And this went on back and forth for like five minutes before I heard him groan "Ughhhh if I have breakfast with you today will you stop asking for the whole week." He asks.

"Yes!" I said and he opens the door and heads to the table with us.

We all have bacon and eggs while the babies get fed bottles of Milk.

When we were finished we asked if we could play in the forest, so they let us while we were watched over by some of the workers that worked here

Of course Koy, Leah, Tyler, Amanda, Yelci, Stovin, Xallia, Solaria, Jasmine, Ryan, Ted, Lulo, and Mika were sleeping since they were tired babies.

I was running around when I bumped into Lila "Hey Lila!" I said happily.

She looked at me with those same beautiful black eyes uncle Illumi has "Hey Jasmine." She says and tugs a small smile on her face, even if it was rare she'd ever smile. 

"I'm hungry, can you come with me to the kitchen?" I ask.

"Sure, if we can figure out where it is." She says and whispers the last part.

We were looking for the kitchen when we passed a room that said our mommies names so we decide to listen in, it was Grandmad and Grandpa talking.

"Honestly how could Illumi dare not tell us this! Afraid of raising his children the way we raised him?" Grandma yells "We raised him every way an assassins child should be raise! What's he talking about?!" She yells.

"Calm down Kikyo, will punish Illumi once we find him." Grandpa said and I got angry at that.

What did uncle Illumi do wrong? "And that Gon kid my precious Killua is "friends" with HOW DARE HE NOT INFORM MY KILLUA THAT HE WAS PREGNANT WITH A POSSIBLE FUTURE HEIR?!" Grandma yells and I growl lowly.

"Yes, it's okay Kikyo, will inform Killua once we gotten hands on his new future husband since they now have kids together it's only right......but now just where would those people be keeping Illumi and Gon?" Grandpa says.

"I don't know but what I do know for sure is that Illumi is a failure and that Gon is probably a bad mother, he probably doesn't even have our grand babies learn assassin moves!" Grandma says and that's when I finally snap and storm in.

"SHUT UP!" I yelled and they both looked at me.

"Ja-Jasmine, what are you and Lila doing here, go back outside with the others." Grandma says but I continue to yell.

"NO SHUT UP! JUST SHUT UP! How dare you talk about uncle Illumi and My mom that way!" I yelled and Grandpa tried to speak but I didn't let him "THEY ARE THE BEST PARENTS EVER!" I say "They care for us, and put their most hardest work into keeping us safe, and loved ,and healthy, and what do you do? Insult them! When you don't even know anything about how they parent us!" I yelled out in tears "Uncle Illumi is the best Uncle and, an amazing mother!" I said and that's when Lila speaks up.

"Yeah.....he cares for us, and protects us even if it costs his life, he shows us how to defend ourselves!" She says.

"SO SHUT UP! I thought if we came here you'd help us.....guess we were wrong......will be leaving because if our mummies aren't welcomed here well I guess we aren't either!" I said and me and Lila turned to leave when I said something "Also for your information Mommy has uncle Illumi teach us Assassin stuff! He wants the Assassin bloodline to keep going because Mommy says he respects you guys and thinks it's only right since we aren't just his kids......" I said and we left them in that room to inform the others we were leaving.

They were confused but understood when we explained what had happened.

We headed out into town, I just wanted to get away from them......

No ones POV
The kids were walking around in town trying to find the airport again, when suddenly, after walking into an alleyway they get taken by some men in suits....also the men who took their moms.

They struggled and tried to break free but the men used Nen to knock the kids out, little did they know though, Kalluto was there watching everything and quickly hurried off to inform Silva.

Kalluto's POV
After I informed father I could see the rage in his eyes "They got Kidnapped?! What did the men look like?" He asked and began to explain what they looked like.

"What will we do Father?" I asked and he looked down.

"Milluki you said Jakuma had a phone on her?" Father asked Milluki.

"Yeah she asked if I could fix it for her.....it was really just dead and needed a charger....." he said.

"Can you track it?" He asks and Milluki nods and goes to track it.

"What will we do then dear?" Mother asks Father.

"Will find them and save them.....all of them, we made a promise to those kids we'd help find their fathers and I plan to keep that promise." He says and both me and Mother nod and get ready to go and save them.

We were outside of the base that held the kids, and hopefully their mothers.

They had me sneak inside so I could inform them what was happening, and where the kids and possibly Illumi, Gon, and the rest.

I snuck into a circular room, it had a cage in the middle where the kids were being held and tied up, so I informed father on this "Let is go!" Candy has yelled "OLD MAN!" She insulted.

"Why you brat!" A man with grey hair yelled back at her.

"Are our mommies here too?" Quest asks.

"No, their at the main base~ which is where will be taking you." Another suited man says.

I also inform father about this and he says they were heading in.

I got my weapons ready, and we're slowly, and quietly dismantling their guns so they couldn't use them.

"MY MOMMY IS STRONGER THAN ALL OF YOU AND WILL BE YOUR OLD SAGGY BUTTS!" Candy growled, was she normally this violent?


"NO CANDY!" Umina cries out but that's when the old guy gets a knife to the head.

I look to the entrance to see Father, Mother, and even Milluki there.

"Grandma, Grandpa, Uncle Milluki?" Jasmine says.

"I'm also here." I come from the shadows.

"Uncle Kalluto?......what are you doing here.......? I thought you said-." Lila was cut off by Father.

"I know we said some pretty mean things about your mothers.....and we're sorry, we just.....I guess we were angry that Illumi hadn't told us that he was having kids, and that Gon didn't tell Killua he was having kids, because now we've missed a couple of years of seeing you grow up and...." Father said and Mother continues for him.

"We're upset about it but we realize now we shouldn't have been mean to them about it.....we just wanted to see you guys grow up....." Mother said and she was right, Mother and Father always wanted Grandkids, no matter who one of us had them with.

".......Then Help us." Jasmine says, Mother and Father look at her "Help is, find our dads, save our moms, and I promise you I'll visit you every year of my life!" She says.

"Me twoo!" Lavender agrees.

They smiled and we beat them men to a pulp, we kept one alive to ask where the moms were but it was useless, they were to loyal.

A few days later Back at the Mansion No ones POV
They were all eating dinner, even Milluki had joined them this time, when Milluki asks "Now that I think about it, Kids what do your parents look like, besides Killua we all know what Killua looks like." Milluki asks since they all knew Jasmine, Lavander, Ryan, Jakuma, Pegu, Ted, and Lulo's fathers name.

"Well, we have separate pictures of them, where did you put them Grandma?" Pegu asks.

"Oh I'll go get them." She says and walks away to go get them, a couple minutes later she comes back and puts them on the table as they pass them around to Milluki.

"I see." He says.

"Can I have a look?" Kalluto asks and Milluki hands them to Kalluto.

Kallutos jaw drops and he says "Wait I where three of these guys are gonna be next week!" He says.

"Really who's fathers are gonna be there?!" Bellona asks.

"Well." Kalluto flips the page to see which kids fathers were who's "Bellona, Aziz, and Asuna, your fathers gonna me there." Kalluto says and they all light up "Candy, Plu, Tia, Leah, and Koys father." Kalluto points out and the five look delighted "And finally Polly, Amanda, and Tyler. Finally your father will be there." Kalluto says and Polly cheers.

"Wait how do you know?" Silva asks his son.

"Because there will be a Phantom Troupe robbery next week, and since I'm in the Phantom Troupe they called me to be there, I can bring the kids with me!" Kalluto says.

"Yes, Yes, Yes! Oh please Mrs and Mr Zoldyck can we go!" Polly begs them.

"Well, I mean that's why you came to us after all, so Kalluto can we trust you to take care of them?" Silva asks and Kalluto nods.

"Then it's settled, next week Kalluto will be taking you guys to meet three of the fathers." Kikyo says.

The kids cheer as they were finally beginning their quest for real.

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