Chapter 11

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***Soraru POV***

The next day, I decided to fetch Mafu at his house, so I got ready early and went out. As I neared the albino's house, I hear shouting noises. I pulled my hood over my head and slunk towards the house.

"Soraru-senpai is my boyfriend! Don't mock him!" "He isn't good for you! If he influenced you, your grades will go down!" I recognized the second voice - it's Luz. My heart tightened as I tried to wrap my mind around this.
"Shut up, Luz-kun, you don't know him!!" Mafu's voice sounded like he is close to tears, and I barged in. I saw Mafu, against the wall and Luz with his arms on either side of the albino. "What are both of you doing?" I kept my voice level, but my eyes drifted to Mafu. If Luz touched a hair on his head, I'll kill him.
"Soraru-senpai!" Mafu cried out and my heart tightened a little. Luz let go of him, and with a final glare at me, he turned to Mafu, and said, "I trust you know what is good for yourself, Mafumafu." Then he turned and stalked out of the house. Mafu lurched into my arms and I hugged me tight.
"Are you okay?" I asked him worriedly. He nodded slightly and blushed. "Sorry, Soraru-senpai." I thought about Luz's words and knew that it was true. But I stored it away and gave Mafu a light kiss on the forehead.
"Let's go to school, my beautiful angel," I murmured to his hair.

* · *

When I sent Mafu safely to his class, I went to my own class and covered my face with my sleeves. "What's wrong?" I looked up and saw Suzumu. Sighing, I leaned back and told him about Luz and Mafu. After I finished, he smiled. "Its okay, Soraru-chan! I think it'll be okay, if only you will stop being so possessive." I shook my head and sighed softly.

'Can I be that greedy?'
'His studies are always more important.'
'I should break up with him.'
'But I feel like I have already fallen for him.'
'What if....'
'He have Amatsuki and Luz and Hashiyan, even if I broke up with him.'
'It doesn't matter.'
'I'll allow him 7 days.'

'Then I'll leave him.'

°°°Mafumafu POV°°°

I stared at the teacher in front, thinking about Luz. For once, I'm scared of him. "Hey, Mafu-kun, what's wrong?" I looked up and met Amatsuki's eyes. And I spilled everything to him.
"You want to break up with him?" Kashitarou asked, frowning. He joined the conversation. "That's really isn't good, Mafu." I sighed. "I know. But...I really love him..." I touched my tattoo self-consiously. Amatsuki patted my back and tried to smile encouragingly. "No matter what, I trust you to make a great decision!"

After my classes, I walked out to see Soraru waiting outside. "Eh?" He grinned at me. "Wanna go to the tattoo shop?" "O-okay..." He held out his hand and I grabbed it.
"Suzumu!" He shouted and we heard a soft reply, "Okay!" He smiled and crashed down on the sofa. Tentatively I took a seat next to him. "Hey, Mafu." "Yes?" His eyes fluttered open. "Are you embarrassed to have a lover like me?" "What do you mean?!" He looked away, not wanting to meet my eyes. "I mean, from everyone's first impression, I'm a delinquent, even though my results are good.." He rubbed his tattoos absentmindedly and sighed. "I'm sorry."
I was shocked, and I did not want to listen anymore. I cut off his words by a kiss pressed to his lips and soon, it deepened. I opened my lips and he slipped his tongue in. We were about to do something more....until..."Mafumafu?" We parted, both panting hard. I glanced behind and saw Luz. Soraru looked away and closed his eyes, like he is having headache.
"What are you doing?" "I'm not doing anything." "Do you know you shouldn't kiss a guy you know nothing about? That worked in a tattoo shop and have lots of tattoos?" I glanced at Soraru, but he isn't reacting at all. "I'm not kissing someone I don't know, I'm kissing my boyfriend!" I shouted and he gasped.
Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Soraru smile faintly, but he did not say a word. "Have you seen the news, Mafumafu?" I blinked. "What?" "The people who scammed others by pretending to be their lovers." By that sentence, Soraru stood up. "Don't you insult me," he said a such a low voice it sounded like a hiss.
"Isn't that true?" "I'm not a person like that!" Luz smirked. "Are you sure?" He asked in a voice that dropped with sarcasm. Soraru never faltered, instead, he met Luz's eyes steadily. "Yes. Get out. You aren't welcomed here." Luz left and he sagged against the pillow. "Soraru-senpai?" I asked. He smiled tiredly at me. "I'm sorry, my angel." He ruffled my hair. "I'll give you my keys, so go home first okay?" "How do you know I don't wanna go back?" His reply is only a 'because I understand you the most.' He kissed me and sent me off.
I felt scared, all of a sudden.

What happened to Soraru-senpai?

A/N : I decided to make Luz the bad guy ahhhhhh don't hate me!!!!! I'm really off today sooo I hope you guys like it? See you~ I'll start on the oneshots later /.\


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