Part 41: Madly In Love

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"Okay..." she agreed with a gulp, slightly nervous, her stomach had decided that now would be a good time to do backflips.

Okay, pretend to be in love with him. Galaxy Girl thought to herself. Pulling back, he brought his hand to her face, staring intensely at her with determined brown eyes. At first his hand shook, but he closed his eyes to steady it.

Why is this so much easier than it sounds? She pondered
Smiling up at him warmly, the Hero cupped her hand over his and gave it a squeeze. Toxic grabbed her hand in both of his and brought it to his lips, planting a delicate kiss on the back of it. The sensation caused her to quiver.

Without a word, he grabbed one of her hands in each of his and quickly spun his rival around so that her back was against his chest, her bare arms across her torso with each hand in one of his.
He kissed her on the shoulder. His body was warm against her back through the thin white dress shirt he was wearing. The feeling of his lips on her skin caused Galaxy to shudder. She leaned against him, a small sigh escaping her lips.

"That was perfect!"
He cried, pushing her away.
"You are a better actress than I give you credit for!"
Yeah, right... acting. That's what I was doing.
"Hell, I almost believed it myself."
He said through a laugh, giving her a friendly slap on the back.
"Yeah... You were pretty good yourself." She replied, masking an odd feeling of disappointment at being out of his arms.

"Alright, Music!"
He shouted at his laptop and the music began to play. Toxic approached her, pulling her tightly against him.
"Now remember..." He spoke, slowly trailing his hands down her back; causing her stomach to rev back up to full on flying circus.
"Dance like you want me."
He whispered through a wicked grin.

And she did. It was if like her body had a mind of its own. They chased each other across the floor in a manner that would put Antonio Banderas to shame. Toxic's heart drummed against his chest, he couldn't think straight with the way she was looking at him. Her skin felt electrified in all the places they touched. He was so graceful. Graceful like a cat as if she were his prey. He eyed her hungrily, almost as much as she did him.

Galaxy Girl felt as though she were a different person; a seductive feline on the prowl. She didn't need to think about the steps anymore, they just came to her naturally. Toxic would pull her close, then push her away, his face coming dangerously close to hers.

The music was drawing to a close as they performed the final twist and prepared for their ending pose. He grabbed her hand and twisted her towards him while dropping onto his knees. He caught her and she landed laying on the floor, her torso laying out across his lap and her hands around his neck. The music stopped playing and they stared at each other, panting. This, was beyond marvelous. The air around them seemed to stop for a brief moment, and the elements were paying as much attention to this duo as they were to each other.
His eyes went to her mouth and he leaned closer, till his face was just an inch away from hers. He stopped, realizing what it was he wanted to do so much. He turned his head slightly away, closing his eyes as if he were in pain.

The Villain had just felt an almost desperate need to press his lips to hers. His ever buzzing mind suddenly lurched to a stop when she pulled herself up and kissed him tenderly on the cheek. If he wasn't physically connected to her, he was sure his radiation level would have flared sky high.


A/N: Does anyone know of or are having any book contests that are currently accepting entries, becauseĀ  I'd love to enter this book. :)
Thanks guys.

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