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Katsuki wakes up in his dorm room, snuggling into a thin blanket on top of him, he remembers that after the fight the adrenaline wore off and he passed out from pain. Katsuki stared at the wall for a few moments, realizing it was sometime around in the early morning. He stretched and sat up blinking a few times before he turned his head and jumped, hitting the back of his head against the wall.

"Fuck!" Katsuki groaned, rubbing the back of his head and glaring at Todoroki, who was just staring at him wearing a loose dark blue t-shirt and black skinny jeans. His face was blank and he kept on staring. Katsuki glared at him, his face turning into a cold expression as he sat up. 

Katsuki thought that it was best to ignore Todoroki,  not wanting to make the guy hostile towards him. Katsuki stood up and sifted through his drawers, finding loos grey jeans and a black shirt with a skull print. He slipped on these clothes after he took off his others, ignoring the feeling of Todoroki watching him.  Katsuki left the room, getting chills as he passed by Todoroki. He strolled through the hallways, looking for dorm 332, Eijiro's dorm.

I found it and I already heard laughing coming from the other side. I opened it, not bothering to knock and Saw Mina throwing coins at Eijiro and Hitoshi. 

'Man I really need nicknames for these idiots."  Katsuki thought as he sat on the floor, legs crossed.

"So Kat, we heard that you fought The Todoroki and had a draw." Mina grinned. He looked at her confused. Why was that such a big deal? It ticked off Katsuki, not knowing.

"What do you mean?" He asked gruffly, his blonde bangs covering part of his crimson red eyes.

"You haven't heard yet? When Todoroki first got here he and his brother dominated the king, CHisake, in one day. Ever since then people literally try to fight the 2 every day but always loose, but you TIED with him on your first-day man!" Denki shouted, being dramatic as he shot his hands into the air.

"Yeah man the way you two fought was terrifying!" Eijiro said, slinging his arm around Denki.

"Did you guys watch?" The 3 nodded and Hitoshi just sat there, cause he was there on the field while they fought, and he can agree that the two fought brutally.

"It's what we usually do instead of paying attention to our insanely boring teacher." Mina groans as the 2 other boys nodded in agreement.

The 4 chatted about random things until the bell rang for morning classes and Katsuki and Hitoshi walked away from the group so they can go to their class. While the 4 were chatting though, Katsuki managed to come up with nicknames for the dorks that he thought suited them.

"Hey Insomnia, what's the deal with the teacher and the kids in our class? I thought they would try to kill him or somethin'." Hitoshi raised a brow at the nickname but shrugged, accepting it. 

"Well Aizawa just never gave up on anyone in the class, I can't really say for everyone, but each person in the class has their own personal story on how Aizawa helped them and that's why he's not bullied around like the others." Hitoshi droned on as they were reaching the door to their class, only to be stopped by another level 4 in a different class.

"Well isn't the guy who tied with Todoroki? Me and my buddies wanted to test you out, see how good you are without that fancy quirk of yours, what do ya say little Bitc--" The taller male with a neon green mohawk was cut off by Katsuki punching the male and grabbing the front of his shirt and pulling his head down, crashing into his knee. A sickening crack echoed through the level 4 halls. The group of 3 boys behind the one who was on the floor looked extremely pissed off. The one who approached Katsuki was on the floor, knocked out cold and bleeding from his broken nose. 

One of the smaller boys from the group launched himself at Katsuki, he was around the same height as Katsuki but had a lot of muscle packed into his small body. he looked like an ugly gremlin. 

Katsuki dodged most of the attack but the boy still managed to scratch his arm. The boy seemed satisfied with the scratch but he wasn't when he was elbowed in the teeth and tripped, face planting onto the cold floor. Katsuki could feel his anger boiling, almost overflowing. The last 2 boys came rushing at him at the same time, one managed to land a punch at Katsuki's ribcage but he could barely feel it as he flung the other boy into his friend, both crashing on the floor, another sickening pop is heard.

Katsuki didn't even notice a crowd had surrounded him until he heard cheering and Hitoshi smirking at him. Eventually, the hallways were cleared out and both boys went into their class, sitting in the same seats they did yesterday, waiting for the teacher, except for this time people were looking and whispering about Katsuki and the fight he just won. The class once grew silent again as The 2 brothers stepped in and made their way to their seats. The bell rung just as Aizawa came walking in tiredly and he began the lesson. 

They didn't have training today Katsuki just stared out the window. He didn't even notice when a wide-eyed green-haired boy had a sudden realization and kept glancing at him, wanting to see if he was right about his realization.


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