-21- Lemme smash

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Trigger Warnings for mentions of rape.

Katsuki blinked the sleep from his eyes away and looked around realizing that he was in his boyfriends bed and that his boyfriend was also in the shower. Katsuki just shifted and tried to go back to sleep, still feeling exhausted. As he tried to go back to sleep he heard the shower turn off and after a while he heard the door open and Shouto walk over to his dresser. Katsuki heard the towel drop and the shuffling of clothes. The blonde realized that he would not fall asleep and sat up slowly, not wanting to agitate his shoulder. Shouto smiled and sat down on the bed by his tired boyfriend.

"Are you feeling better sleepy head?" Shouto asks as he played with the blonde's hair. Katsuki rolled his eyes.

"I'm fine you thot." Katsuki said as he moved his head to the side when Shouto tried to kiss him on the lips.

"Are you trying to take advantage of a sleepy, injured man, you are such a bad person Icythot." Katsuki grinned as his boyfriend pouts.

"Kaatsukkiii~ So cruel." Shouto grabs the blonde's chin firmly and places his lips on Katsuki's. Katsuki rolled his eyes before he gave in and started to kiss back.

The kiss started to become more heated and Shouto released Katsuki's lips to whisper something in his ear.

"Lemme smash."

Katsuki rolled his eyes and pushes the male off of him and off the bed before he sat up.

"No." Katsuki stood up from the bed while Shouto whined like a child.

"Katsukii, I was kidding let me make love to youu." The blonde snorted and shook his head.

"'Make love' to me? Yeah definitely no after that, I'm gonna take a shower and I'm locking the door so don't even try you fucknugget." Katsuki laughed at Shouto's pouty face and closed the door, locking it and starting the shower.


"Hitoshii stop locking me out of your room, I know how to pick lock doors silly goose!" Dabi announces as he opened the door. Hitoshi groans and throws a nearby book at the lanky male.

Dabi easily dodges the book and picks it up, looking at the cover.

"What kind of gay porn do you read?" Hitoshi's face turns a bright red as he stands up and tries to take the book from the taller male, who just held it above his head as he laughed.

"Come on please, I'll do anything Dabii."

"Like wh—" Shit Dabi thought as he felt all control slip away.

"Give me the book." The purple haired male ordered and Dabi followed, handing him the book obediently. Hitoshi grinned.

"Now repeat after me, 'I Dabi, am a lousy fuckboy."

"I Dabi, am a lousy fuckboy," Hitoshi snorts in satisfaction and releases his hold on Dabi who in return glared at him. Hitoshi just stuck his tongue out at him. Dabi took the opportunity to bite Hitoshi's tongue, who in return yelped and pushed Dabi away. He was about to shout at him when he saw Mina at his door, massacre running down her face and her lip trembling.

"Oh my god, Mina are you okay, what happened?" Hitoshi quickly brought his friend inside his room and shut the door.

"I uh I almost got raped I think? I was able to beat him off of me with my heel though.." Hitoshi's eyes grew wide as he noticed the red marks on her skin and he bit the inside of his cheek so he didn't show how livid he was.

"Do you know who it was? So we can report it?" Hitoshi asked his shaking friend.

"Uhm some guy named M-Mineta I think? He snuck up behind me.." Mina started sobbing again and Hitoshi held her as she did.

"Dabi could you get Eijiro, Denki, Izuku, and Katsuki? We have to go take care of some business.." The purple haired male asked as he comforted his friend. Dabi nodded and left the room to get the rest of the guys.

"It's okay Mina, we'll take care of it and you won't have to worry." Hitoshi encouraged her and Mina nodded before eventually falling asleep, obviously exhausted emotionally and physically. Hitoshi was livid, he knew who Mineta was and always saw the male watching women and he was sicken by him every time he did.

"Hey Hitoshi, what happened is Mina okay?" Izuku asked softly as he entered the room with the other boys including Shouto, noticing Mina was asleep.

"Fucking Mineta tried to rape her." Their faces scrunched up at the news and they were furious.

"What level is he?" Katsuki asked with a dangerously low voice.

Today has been chaotic
My cat drank some dumb bitch juice or somethin and shat in the fucking sink xD
There weren't really any dishes in it tho, thank god
Also have a picture of Hitoshi that I made just barely lmao
It's really bad but sometimes things happen :^

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